Time-frequency representations, like the spectrogram or the scalogram, are widely used to characterize dispersive waves. The resulting energy distributions, however, suffer from the uncertainty principle, which complicates the allocation of energy to individual propagation modes (especially when the dispersion curves of these modes are close to each other in the time-frequency domain). This research applies the chirplet as a tool to analyze dispersive wave signals based on a dispersion model. The chirplet transform, a generalization of both the wavelet and the short-time Fourier transform, enables the extraction of components of a signal with a particular instantaneous frequency and group delay. An adaptive algorithm identifies frequency regions for which quantitative statements can be made about an individual mode’s energy, and employs chirplets (locally adapted to a dispersion curve model) to extract the (proportional) energy distribution of that single mode from a multimode dispersive wave signal. The effectiveness of this algorithm is demonstrated on a multimode synthetic Lamb wave signal for which the ground-truth energy distribution is known for each mode. Finally, the robustness of this algorithm is demonstrated on real, experimentally measured Lamb wave signals by an adaption of a correlation technique developed in previous research.
The Wigner-Ville distribution does not result in any smoothing of the time-frequency representation, but is not guaranteed to be positive and suffers from signal interferences.