The behavior of a unison pair of piano strings coupled by the soundboard bridge, when one string has localized anisotropy in the reactive part of the bridge admittance for a given partial frequency, can be investigated using a theoretical matrix description. The anisotropy can cause what in piano tuning terminology is referred to as “false beating” in a partial of the single string. A mathematical model can be used to illustrate how “mistunings” between the strings of the unison (measured when the strings are sounding in isolation from each other) may theoretically arise as a consequence of the normal practice in piano tuning, of eliminating or reducing audible beating in the unison when both strings are sounding. “False beats” in a single string partial can be “inherited” by a partial of the coupled unison’s spectrum, and mistunings between the strings can eliminate or reduce the appearance of this inheritance.
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February 2004
January 30 2004
False beats in coupled piano string unisons
Brian Capleton
Brian Capleton
Royal National College, College Road, Hereford, HR1 1EB, United Kingdom
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 115, 885–892 (2004)
Article history
August 08 2003
November 04 2003
Brian Capleton; False beats in coupled piano string unisons. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 February 2004; 115 (2): 885–892.
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