Matching pursuits is a nonlinear algorithm which iteratively projects a given signal onto a complete dictionary of vectors. The dictionary is constructed such that it is well matched to the signals of interest and poorly matched to the noise, thereby affording the potential for denoising, by adaptively extracting an underlying signature from a noisy waveform. In the context of wave scattering and propagation, there are basic constituents that can be used to construct most measured waveforms. A dictionary of such constituents is used here, in the context of wave-based matching-pursuit processing of acoustic waves scattered from submerged elastic targets. It is demonstrated how wave-based matching pursuits can be utilized for denoising as well as to effect a detector, the latter being parametrized via its receiver operating characteristic (ROC). Results are presented using measured aspect-dependent (orientation-dependent) scattered waveforms, for the case of a submerged elastic shell.
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August 1998
August 01 1998
Wave-based matching-pursuits detection of submerged elastic targets
Mark McClure;
Mark McClure
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Box 90291, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0291
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Lawrence Carin
Lawrence Carin
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Box 90291, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0291
Search for other works by this author on:
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 937–946 (1998)
Article history
January 09 1997
April 17 1998
Mark McClure, Lawrence Carin; Wave-based matching-pursuits detection of submerged elastic targets. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 August 1998; 104 (2): 937–946.
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