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2022 Future Luminary Collection

We proudly present the 2022 APL Photonics Future Luminary Collection, featuring notable APLP papers by emerging investigators. These papers were identified by the Future Luminary Award selection committee as particularly outstanding among the many excellent candidates for the award. For details and how to submit for next year’s award, please see here.

Winning Article:

Attosecond light field synthesis
Husain Alqattan, Dandan Hui, Vladimir Pervak, Mohammed Th. Hassan, APL Photonics 7, 041301 (2022)

Special Collection Image
Hao Hu; Ningning Yang; Zichun Liao; Liao Chen; Chi Zhang; Weiqiang Wang; Wenfu Zhang; Xinliang Zhang
A. Iwasaki; D. Nishikawa; M. Okano; S. Tateno; K. Yamanoi; Y. Nozaki; S. Watanabe
Giulio Tirabassi; Kaiwen Ji; Cristina Masoller; Alejandro M. Yacomotti
Qian Cao; Pengkun Zheng; Qiwen Zhan
Michal Mrnka; Euan Hendry; Jaroslav Láčík; Rachel A. Lennon; Lauren E. Barr; Ian Hooper; David B. Phillips
Haizhong Weng; Adnan Ali Afridi; Jing Li; Michael McDermott; Huilan Tu; Liam P. Barry; Qiaoyin Lu; Weihua Guo; John F. Donegan
Husain Alqattan; Dandan Hui; Vladimir Pervak; Mohammed Th. Hassan
Dimitrios Papas; Jun-Yu Ou; Eric Plum; Nikolay I. Zheludev
S. Signorini; M. Sanna; S. Piccione; M. Ghulinyan; P. Tidemand-Lichtenberg; C. Pedersen; L. Pavesi
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