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Autonomous data collection allows focus on analysis rather than acquisition
Scilight 2023, 131101 (2023)
Artificial intelligence-enabled data acquisition can improve hyperspectral imaging and lead to a generalizable approach for studying complex systems.
Determining metallic nanoparticle size from exploding wires
Scilight 2023, 131102 (2023)
Computational model describes metallic nanoparticle synthetization from cold-start conditions.
Polymeric gene vectors enable safe and customizable gene delivery
Scilight 2023, 131103 (2023)
Alternative to viral and lipid-based gene therapy vectors can be tailored to improve efficiency and targeting
Photonic-crystal surface-emitting laser chip performs variety of configurations with modulation
Scilight 2023, 131104 (2023)
Device demonstrates path forward for improved LIDAR systems that don’t require external optics by producing multidot, beam scanning and flash patterns.
The evolution of model cardiac ion electrophysiology
Scilight 2023, 131105 (2023)
Computational models advance the understanding of cardiac health and disease.
Exploring the future of magnetic inertial fusion through similarity scaling
Scilight 2023, 131106 (2023)
An analytical framework provides a fast method to extrapolate existing experimental results to high-yield next-generation fusion facilities.
Water “diode” blocks waves but not boats
Chris Patrick
Exploring the potential of neuromorphic computing
Avery Thompson