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Achromatic, planar Fresnel-reflector for a single-beam magneto-optical trap
Experimental study of the fast scintillating behavior of ZnO:Ga crystal under MeV electron beam
Glovebox-assisted magnetic force microscope for studying air-sensitive samples in a cryogen-free magnet
Introduction to the special topic on inertial confinement fusion diagnostics
In Special Collection:
Diagnostics for inertial confinement fusion
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 010401 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for Lasers, Lasers, Pump-Probe and Resonance Ionization Lasers
Time-resolved ARPES with probe energy of 6.0/7.2 eV and switchable resolution configuration
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013001 (2024)
A modular table-top setup for ultrafast x-ray diffraction
W. Lu; M. Nicoul; U. Shymanovich; A. Tarasevitch; M. Horn-von Hoegen; D. von der Linde; K. Sokolowski-Tinten
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013002 (2024)
An economical single-shot pulse picker without nonlinear effect and dispersion
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013003 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for photon manipulation and detection, All Photon Energies
Research on vibration stability of a mirror bender system for synchrotron radiation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013101 (2024)
Size characterization of x-ray tube source with sphere encoded imaging method
Jian Yu; Dikai Li; Yanmeng Dai; Chunhui Zhang; Wei Chen; Jian Zhong; Xue Wang; Runxiang Xia; Leifeng Cao; Cangtao Zhou; Shuangchen Ruan
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013102 (2024)
Atom/Molecule Traps, Equipment and Techniques for traps; Zeeman slowers, magnets for traps, Manipulation and Detection
A 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap setup for laboratory astrophysical studies
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013201 (2024)
Achromatic, planar Fresnel-reflector for a single-beam magneto-optical trap
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013202 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for Ion Optics and Acceleration; Particle Sources and Detectors; Magnets for ion beam control; Atomic and Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
Preliminary searches for spin-dependent interactions using sidebands of nuclear spin-precession signals
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013301 (2024)
Experimental study of the fast scintillating behavior of ZnO:Ga crystal under MeV electron beam
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013302 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for Fusion and Inertial and Magnetic Plasmas, Low temperature and Space Plasmas, Plasma Diagnostics
Development of the 174 GHz collective Thomson scattering diagnostics at Wendelstein 7-X
S. Ponomarenko; D. Moseev; T. Stange; L. Krier; P. Stordiau; H. Braune; G. Gantenbein; J. Jelonnek; A. Kuleshov; H. P. Laqua; C. Lechte; S. Marsen; S. K. Nielsen; J. W. Oosterbeek; B. Plaum; R. Ragona; J. Rasmussen; T. Ruess; M. Salewski; M. Thumm; J. Zimmermann; W7-X Team
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013501 (2024)
Mitigation of electromagnetic pulses interfering with Thomson parabola ion spectrometers at XG-III laser facility
Zihao Li; Ning Kang; Jian Teng; Zhimeng Zhang; Jiajie Xie; Aihui Niu; Huiya Liu; Mingying Sun; Weimin Zhou; Tingshuai Li
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013502 (2024)
First measurements of an imaging heavy ion beam probe at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak
J. Galdon-Quiroga; G. Birkenmeier; P. Oyola; H. Lindl; A. Rodriguez-Gonzalez; G. Anda; M. Garcia-Munoz; A. Herrmann; J. Kalis; K. Kaunert; T. Lunt; D. Refy; V. Rohde; J. Rueda-Rueda; M. Sochor; B. Tal; M. Teschke; M. Videla; E. Viezzer; S. Zoletnik; ASDEX Upgrade Team
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013504 (2024)
Design of transient front-end signal digitizer for x-ray detector in laser inertial confinement fusion facility
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013506 (2024)
Studying fast-ion populations using oscillations in solid-state neutral-particle analyzer signal and neutral-beam injection power
E. Parr; K. G. McClements; W. W. Heidbrink; C. A. Michael; G. Prechel; J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez; MAST-U Team
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013508 (2024)
Neutron penumbral image reconstruction with a convolution neural network using fast Fourier transform
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013509 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for Microscopy; Imaging Methods; Positioning Systems, Nanoparticles
Glovebox-assisted magnetic force microscope for studying air-sensitive samples in a cryogen-free magnet
Yuchen Zhang; Kesen Zhao; Shaofeng Zheng; Jihao Wang; Jing Zhang; Qiyuan Feng; Ze Wang; Jianhua Gao; Yubin Hou; Wenjie Meng; Yalin Lu; Qingyou Lu
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013701 (2024)
Application of calibrated and reusable probes on a home-made scanning probe microscope platform
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013702 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for Condensed Matter and Materials; Diamond Anvil Cells, and other High-Pressure Equipment, Thin films
A versatile pressure-cell design for studying ultrafast molecular-dynamics in supercritical fluids using coherent multi-pulse x-ray scattering
Priyanka Muhunthan; Haoyuan Li; Guillaume Vignat; Edna R. Toro; Khaled Younes; Yanwen Sun; Dimosthenis Sokaras; Thomas Weiss; Ivan Rajkovic; Taito Osaka; Ichiro Inoue; Sanghoon Song; Takahiro Sato; Diling Zhu; John L. Fulton; Matthias Ihme
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013901 (2024)
The development of internal pressure standards for in-house elastic wave velocity measurements in multi-anvil presses
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013902 (2024)
Time-resolved X-ray diffraction diagnostic development for the National Ignition Facility
K. Werellapatha; N. E. Palmer; M. G. Gorman; J. V. Bernier; N. S. Bhandarkar; D. K. Bradley; D. G. Braun; M. Bruhn; A. Carpenter; P. M. Celliers; F. Coppari; M. Dayton; C. Durand; J. H. Eggert; B. Ferguson; B. Heidl; C. Heinbockel; R. Heredia; J. Huckins; E. Hurd; W. Hsing; C. M. Krauland; A. E. Lazicki; D. Kalantar; J. Kehl; K. Killebrew; N. Masters; M. Millot; S. R. Nagel; R. B. Petre; Y. Ping; D. N. Polsin; S. Singh; C. V. Stan; D. Swift; J. Tabimina; A. Thomas; T. Zobrist; L. R. Benedetti
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013903 (2024)
In situ high-pressure pair distribution function measurement of liquid and glass by using 100 keV pink beam
Yoshio Kono; Koji Ohara; Nozomi M. Kondo; Yuji Higo; Sho Kakizawa; Hirokatsu Yumoto; Takahisa Koyama; Hiroshi Yamazaki; Yasunori Senba; Haruhiko Ohashi; Ichiro Inoue; Yujiro Hayashi; Makina Yabashi
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013904 (2024)
Equipment and Techniques for Chemistry; Biology; Medicine
Investigation of geometry-dependent sensing characteristics of microfluidic for single-cell 3D localization
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 014102 (2024)
A new methodology for measuring the enthalpies of mixing and heat capacities of molten chloride salts using high temperature drop calorimetry
Andrew C. Strzelecki; Cody B. Cockreham; S. Scott Parker; Shane C. Mann; Charles Lhermitte; Di Wu; Xiaofeng Guo; Marisa Monreal; J. Matt Jackson; Jeremy Mitchell; Hakim Boukhalfa; Hongwu Xu
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 014103 (2024)
Electronics; Electromagnetic Technology; Microwaves; Power Supplies, Electrical Measurements, and Data Acquisition Devices
Diagnosis of DC series arc fault based on multiple wavelet transform and optimal fractional wavelet energy entropy
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 014701 (2024)
Low-noise multi-channel underwater electric field measurement and analysis system for a ship model
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 014703 (2024)
High-precision time measurement electronics using the bandpass sampling method
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 014705 (2024)
Sensors; Actuators; Positioning Devices; MEMS/NEMS; Energy Harvesting
Feedthrough effect in MEMS gyroscopes and fully differential feedthrough cancellation method
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015001 (2024)
A hybrid energy harvester inspired by bionic flapping wing structure based on magnetic levitation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015002 (2024)
Design and analysis of impedance matching for a radial standing wave piezoelectric ultrasonic motor
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015003 (2024)
Development of a large flow electro-hydrostatic actuator equipped with four magnetostrictive-actuated pumps
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015005 (2024)
A two-terminal fault location method for gas switch prefire in linear transformer driver
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015006 (2024)
Calibration of the oscillation amplitude of quartz tuning fork-based force sensors with astigmatic displacement microscopy
Bi-Qin Zhang; Fei-Cen Ma; Jia-Nan Xu; Dou-Dou Ren; Dan Zhou; Ting Pan; Lei Zhou; Qiaosheng Pu; Zhi-Cong Zeng
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015007 (2024)
Effect of outer spherical shell opening structure on the sensitivity of double spherical shell electric field sensor
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015008 (2024)
General Instruments, General Experimental Techniques or Analyses
Estimation of planar angles from non-orthogonal imaging
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015102 (2024)
Research on a novel water-cooling multi-cylinder magnetorheological transmission device
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015103 (2024)
Self-detection method for measurement error of capacitor voltage transformer considering conversion error
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015104 (2024)
A machine vision-based wear detection method for guide pair of the mine hoisting system
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015105 (2024)
A novel experimental setup for axial–torsional coupled vibration impact-assisted PDC drill bit drilling
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015106 (2024)
An experimental apparatus for the study of high-temperature degradation and solid-deposit formation of lubricants
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015109 (2024)
Machine learning based longitudinal virtual diagnostics at SwissFEL
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015110 (2024)
Modular supersonic nozzle for the stable laser-driven electron acceleration
Zhenzhe Lei; Zhan Jin; Yan-Jun Gu; Shingo Sato; Alexei Zhidkov; Alexandre Rondepierre; Kai Huang; Nobuhiko Nakanii; Izuru Daito; Masaki Kando; Tomonao Hosokai
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015111 (2024)
Prediction of physical realizations of the coordinated universal time with gated recurrent unit
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015113 (2024)
A new instrumentation for simultaneous terahertz and mid-infrared spectroscopy in corrosive gaseous mixtures
W. Tchana Betnga; F. Hindle; L. Manceron; J. Vander Auwera; A. Cuisset; G. Mouret; R. Bocquet; A. Perrin; P. Roy; F. Kwabia Tchana
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015114 (2024)
Development and validation of a cryogenic far-infrared diffraction grating spectrometer used to post-disperse the output from a Fourier transform spectrometer
Alicia M. Anderson; David A. Naylor; Brad G. Gom; Matthew A. Buchan; Adam J. Christiansen; Ian T. Veenendaal
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015116 (2024)
An adaptive algorithm for generating 3D point clouds of the human body based on 4D millimeter-wave radar
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 015117 (2024)
Overview of the early campaign diagnostics for the SPARC tokamak (invited)
M. L. Reinke, I. Abramovic, et al.
An instrumentation guide to measuring thermal conductivity using frequency domain thermoreflectance (FDTR)
Dylan J. Kirsch, Joshua Martin, et al.
A glovebox-integrated confocal microscope for quantum sensing in inert atmosphere
Kseniia Volkova, Abhijeet M. Kumar, et al.