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The investigation of a portable solar telescope with a high gain metamaterial antenna for F10.7 radio flux measurement
Equipment and Techniques for Lasers, Lasers, Pump-Probe and Resonance Ionization Lasers
Ultrastable, high-repetition-rate attosecond beamline for time-resolved XUV–IR coincidence spectroscopy
D. Ertel; M. Schmoll; S. Kellerer; A. Jäger; R. Weissenbilder; M. Moioli; H. Ahmadi; D. Busto; I. Makos; F. Frassetto; L. Poletto; C. D. Schröter; T. Pfeifer; R. Moshammer; G. Sansone
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073001 (2023)
A confocal laser-induced fluorescence diagnostic with an annular laser beam
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073002 (2023)
High precision control of laser energy for laser–matter interaction studies
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073003 (2023)
X-FAST: A versatile, high-throughput, and user-friendly XUV femtosecond absorption spectroscopy tabletop instrument
Ryan Ash; Zain Abhari; Roberta Candela; Noah Welke; Jake Murawski; S. Minhal Gardezi; Nikhilesh Venkatasubramanian; Muneeza Munawar; Frank Siewert; Andrey Sokolov; Zachary LaDuca; Jason Kawasaki; Uwe Bergmann
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073004 (2023)
Two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy as a tool for revealing nonlinear interactions in media
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073005 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for photon manipulation and detection, All Photon Energies
Thickness dependence of piezo-bimorph adaptive mirror bending
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073101 (2023)
Atom/Molecule Traps, Equipment and Techniques for traps; Zeeman slowers, magnets for traps, Manipulation and Detection
Active stabilization of kilogauss magnetic fields to the ppm level for magnetoassociation on ultranarrow Feshbach resonances
Mateusz Borkowski; Lukas Reichsöllner; Premjith Thekkeppatt; Vincent Barbé; Tijs van Roon; Klaasjan van Druten; Florian Schreck
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073202 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for Ion Optics and Acceleration; Particle Sources and Detectors; Magnets for ion beam control; Atomic and Nuclear Physics Instrumentation
Experimental characterization of gaseous ion beams produced with the advanced ion source for hadrontherapy (AISHa) at 18 GHz
G. Castro; O. Leonardi; F. Chines; G. Costanzo; G. D’Agostino; A. Massara; C. Maugeri; S. Passarello; F. Russo; D. Siliato; G. Calabrese; S. Gammino; L. Celona
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073302 (2023)
High power DC and ns-pulsed 2 MV accelerator for light ions
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073303 (2023)
Measurements of beam characteristics on a 70 MeV H− cyclotron system for ISOL beam production
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073304 (2023)
Proton Bragg curve and energy reconstruction using an online scintillator stack detector
Valeriia Istokskaia; Benoit Lefebvre; Giada Petringa; Pablo Cirrone; Mariacristina Guarrera; Lorenzo Giuffrida; Roberto Versaci; Veronika Olšovcová; Daniele Margarone
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073305 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for Fusion and Inertial and Magnetic Plasmas, Low temperature and Space Plasmas, Plasma Diagnostics
Initial progress of the magnetic diagnostics of the MAST-U tokamak
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073501 (2023)
Estimating the neutron yield in a deuterium plasma with the JET neutron camera
Linus Hägg; Federico Binda; Sean Conroy; Göran Ericsson; Zamir Ghani; Luca Giacomelli; Daniele Marocco; Alberto Milocco; Marco Riva; Erik Andersson Sundén; JET Contributors
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073502 (2023)
Ion dynamic characterization using phase-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in a Hall effect thruster
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073503 (2023)
A novel Doppler backscattering (DBS) system to simultaneously measure radio frequency plasma fluctuations and low frequency turbulence
S. Chowdhury; N. A. Crocker; W. A. Peebles; T. L. Rhodes; L. Zeng; R. Lantsov; B. Van Compernolle; M. Brookman; R. I. Pinsker; C. Lau
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073504 (2023)
Forevacuum plasma-cathode electron source for generation of a ribbon beam over a wide pressure range
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073505 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for Microscopy; Imaging Methods; Positioning Systems, Nanoparticles
Design of 3D printed stage for in situ magnetic field application in magnetic force microscopy
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073702 (2023)
Improvement of image-type very-low-energy-electron-diffraction spin polarimeter
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073704 (2023)
Scanning ion conductance microscope with a capacitance-compensated current source amplifier
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073705 (2023)
Single-shot decoherence polarization gated imaging through turbid media
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073706 (2023)
Simultaneous detection of force and tunneling current in electrolyte solution by using qPlus sensor
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073707 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for Condensed Matter and Materials; Diamond Anvil Cells, and other High-Pressure Equipment, Thin films
A device for studying fluid-induced cracks under mixed-mode loading conditions using x-ray tomography
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 073902 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for Chemistry; Biology; Medicine
Non-contact cardiopulmonary signal monitoring based on magnetic eddy current induction
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074101 (2023)
Gravity and gravitational waves detection and instrumentation; Geophysics and balloon/space instrumentation; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Satellite Equipment and Propulsion Systems, Remote Sensing
A construction method of the quasi-monolithic compact interferometer based on UV-adhesive bonding
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074501 (2023)
Development of advanced photon calibrator for Kamioka gravitational wave detector (KAGRA)
Y. Inoue; B. H. Hsieh; K. H. Chen; Y. K. Chu; K. Ito; C. Kozakai; T. Shishido; Y. Tomigami; T. Akutsu; S. Haino; K. Izumi; T. Kajita; N. Kanda; C. S. Lin; F. K. Lin; Y. Moriwaki; W. Ogaki; H. F. Pang; T. Sawada; T. Tomaru; T. Suzuki; S. Tsuchida; T. Ushiba; T. Washimi; T. Yamamoto; T. Yokozawa
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074502 (2023)
Electronics; Electromagnetic Technology; Microwaves; Power Supplies, Electrical Measurements, and Data Acquisition Devices
Liquid helium-cooled high-purity copper coil for generation of long pulsed magnetic fields
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074701 (2023)
Simulation study for efficiency optimization of multi-beam klystron output cavity
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074703 (2023)
Low-noise and high-speed trans-impedance amplifier for nanopore sensor
Shaoxi Fang; Bohua Yin; Wanyi Xie; Shixuan He; Liyuan Liang; Peng Tang; Rong Tian; Ting Weng; Jiahu Yuan; Deqiang Wang
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074704 (2023)
Dynamical low-noise microwave source for cold-atom experiments
Bernd Meyer-Hoppe; Maximilian Baron; Christophe Cassens; Fabian Anders; Alexander Idel; Jan Peise; Carsten Klempt
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074705 (2023)
Prediction model of transformer top oil temperature based on data quality enhancement
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074707 (2023)
The investigation of a portable solar telescope with a high gain metamaterial antenna for F10.7 radio flux measurement
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074708 (2023)
Equipment and Techniques for Thermometry; Thermal Diffusivity; Acoustics; Photothermal and Photoacoustic
Effective thermal diffusivity and conductivity of a fluid-saturated solid foam
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074901 (2023)
Thermal conductivity vs depth profiling using the hot disk technique—Analysis of anisotropic, inhomogeneous structures
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074902 (2023)
Development of an automatic sample changer with variable temperature for small-angle neutron scattering at China Spallation Neutron Source
Hu Haitao (胡海韬); Dou Mengjia (窦蒙家); Zhang Chunchun (张纯纯); Cheng Hui (程辉); He Chunyong (何春勇); Ke Yubin (柯于斌); Yuan Bao (袁宝); Bai Bo (白波); Sun Yuan (孙远); Huang Zhiqiang (黄志强); Duan Yufeng (段钰锋); Tong Xin (童欣)
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 074903 (2023)
Sensors; Actuators; Positioning Devices; MEMS/NEMS; Energy Harvesting
Integral back-stepping active disturbance rejection control for piezoelectric stick-slip drive nanopositioning stage
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075001 (2023)
A capacitance sensing method with trans-impedance based readout circuit and adaptive filtering for micro-gyro
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075002 (2023)
A differentially amplified Hall effect displacement sensor for positioning control of a long-range flexure stage
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075003 (2023)
Design and test a pneumatically actuated microgripper based on structural stiffness
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075004 (2023)
Highly sensitive strain sensor based on tapered few-mode fiber
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075006 (2023)
General Instruments, General Experimental Techniques or Analyses
Testing image-velocimetry methods for turbulence diagnostics
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075101 (2023)
Tracking interface position of a high-speed imploding composite liner based on magnetic diffusion difference
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075102 (2023)
An integrated ultra-high vacuum cluster for atomic-scale deposition, interface regulation, and characterization of spintronic multilayers
Houyi Cheng; Boyu Zhang; Sylvain Eimer; Yongshan Liu; Yong Xu; Pierre Vallobra; Zilu Wang; Cheng Li; Jiyao Ge; Renyou Xu; Yuxuan Yao; Xinran Wang; Yinchang Du; Xueying Zhang; Yue Zhang; Chao Zhao; Weisheng Zhao
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075103 (2023)
Indigenous facility of the unipolar pulsed power generation for gas flow sputtering of titania films
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075104 (2023)
A cryogenic ion trap for single molecule vibrational spectroscopy
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075105 (2023)
Electromagnetic pulse protective shielding for digital x-ray detectors
Stephan Schreiner; Constantin Rauch; Bernhard Akstaller; Paulina Bleuel; Eric Fröjdh; Artem S. Martynenko; Aldo Mozzanica; Paul Neumayer; Leonard Wegert; Bernhard Zielbauer; Adrian Zink; Gisela Anton; Thilo Michel; Stefan Funk
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075106 (2023)
Control survey and analysis for the KEK e−/e+ injector linac
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075107 (2023)
Numerical analysis of aerospace plate damage via 3D electrical impedance tomography
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 075108 (2023)
Learning from each other: Cross-cutting diagnostic development activities between magnetic and inertial confinement fusion (invited)
M. Gatu Johnson, D. Schlossberg, et al.
The QICK (Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit): Readout and control for qubits and detectors
Leandro Stefanazzi, Kenneth Treptow, et al.