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Pump-Probe & Resonance Ionization Lasers; General Lasers
A simple method for in situ measurement of vacuum window birefringence
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113001 (2019)
Spectroscopy; Photon Optics & Detectors
Soft X-ray spectroscopy with transition-edge sensors at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource beamline 10-1
Sang-Jun Lee; Charles J. Titus; Roberto Alonso Mori; Michael L. Baker; Douglas A. Bennett; Hsiao-Mei Cho; William B. Doriese; Joseph W. Fowler; Kelly J. Gaffney; Alessandro Gallo; Johnathon D. Gard; Gene C. Hilton; Hoyoung Jang; Young Il Joe; Christopher J. Kenney; Jason Knight; Thomas Kroll; Jun-Sik Lee; Dale Li; Donghui Lu; Ronald Marks; Michael P. Minitti; Kelsey M. Morgan; Hirohito Ogasawara; Galen C. O’Neil; Carl D. Reintsema; Daniel R. Schmidt; Dimosthenis Sokaras; Joel N. Ullom; Tsu-Chien Weng; Christopher Williams; Betty A. Young; Daniel S. Swetz; Kent D. Irwin; Dennis Nordlund
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113101 (2019)
Quantitative infrared spectroscopy of environmentally sensitive and rough materials
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113102 (2019)
Space- and time-resolved UV-to-NIR surface spectroscopy and 2D nanoscopy at 1 MHz repetition rate
Bernhard Huber; Sebastian Pres; Emanuel Wittmann; Lysanne Dietrich; Julian Lüttig; Daniel Fersch; Enno Krauss; Daniel Friedrich; Johannes Kern; Victor Lisinetskii; Matthias Hensen; Bert Hecht; Rudolf Bratschitsch; Eberhard Riedle; Tobias Brixner
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113103 (2019)
Observing sub-Poissonian statistics of twisted single photons using oscilloscope
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113104 (2019)
Ion Optics & Acceleration; Particle Sources & Detectors; Nuclear Physics
Single-pass non-destructive electronic detection of charged particles
Markus Kiffer; Stefan Ringleb; Nils Stallkamp; Béla Arndt; Ilya Blinov; Sugam Kumar; Stefan Stahl; Thomas Stöhlker; Manuel Vogel
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113301 (2019)
Laser ablation plasma with solenoid field confinement
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113302 (2019)
Low current heaterless hollow cathode neutralizer for plasma propulsion—Development overview
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113303 (2019)
Formation of large negative deuterium ion beams at ELISE
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113304 (2019)
Preliminary results of BETSI test bench upgrade at CEA-Saclay
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113305 (2019)
Non-radioactive electron source with nanosecond pulse modulation for atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113306 (2019)
Development of highly efficient NEG pumping system for EBIS
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113307 (2019)
Hybrid electrostatic ion beam trap (HEIBT): Design and simulation of ion-ion, ion-neutral, and ion-laser interactions
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113308 (2019)
Boron vacuum-arc ion source with LaB6 cathode
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113309 (2019)
Ion source based on a circular anode layer plasma thruster
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113310 (2019)
Thermally modified C-band acceleration unit for a high-repetition normal-conducting linac for free-electron lasers
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113311 (2019)
Effects of gas pressure and discharge current on beam composition in a magnetron discharge ion source
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113312 (2019)
Physics and engineering design of 400 keV H− accelerator for negative ion based neutral beam injection system in China
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113313 (2019)
Cluster ion source for external injection and high capacity filling of light elements into the relativistic heavy ion collider electron beam ion source
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113314 (2019)
Structure design and analysis of RF ion source for negative ion source test facility
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Yuming Gu; Yahong Xie; Jianglong Wei; Yongjian Xu; Jun Li; Caichao Jiang; Lizhen Liang; Yuanlai Xie; Chundong Hu
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113315 (2019)
Experimental characterization of the AISHa ion source
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
L. Celona; G. Calabrese; G. Castro; F. Chines; N. Gambino; O. Leonardi; G. Manno; D. Mascali; A. Massara; A. Miraglia; D. Siliato; G. Torrisi; S. Gammino
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113316 (2019)
Production of O− and O2− beams with the negative ion source at Institute of Modern Physics
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113317 (2019)
Production of intense uranium beams with inductive heating oven at Institute of Modern Physics
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113318 (2019)
Research and development progress of radio frequency ion source for neutral beam injector at ASIPP
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Yahong Xie; Chundong Hu; Jianglong Wei; Yongjian Xu; Caichao Jiang; Yuming Gu; Yuanzhe Zhao; Qinglong Cui; Lizhen Liang; Shiyong Chen; Qi Wang
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113319 (2019)
Operation of RF-driven negative hydrogen ion source in China Spallation Neutron Source
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
W. Chen; H. Li; R. L. Zhu; K. J. Xue; X. Cao; Y. J. Lü; S. J. Liu; Y. C. Xiao; S. M. Liu; H. F. Ouyang
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113320 (2019)
Plasma diagnostic tools for ECR ion sources—What can we learn from these experiments for the next generation sources
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
O. Tarvainen; T. Kalvas; H. Koivisto; R. Kronholm; M. Marttinen; M. Sakildien; V. Toivanen; I. Izotov; V. Skalyga; J. Angot
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113321 (2019)
Extension of high power deuterium operation of negative ion based neutral beam injector in the large helical device
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
K. Ikeda; K. Tsumori; K. Nagaoka; H. Nakano; M. Kisaki; Y. Fujiwara; S. Kamio; Y. Haba; S. Masaki; M. Osakabe
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113322 (2019)
Study of continuous wave 33 keV beam transport through the low energy beam transport section
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113323 (2019)
Development and installation of a radio frequency quadrupole cooler test
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
M. Cavenago; M. Romé; G. Maero; M. Maggiore; L. Bellan; F. Cavaliere; M. Comunian; A. Galatà; N. Panzeri; A. Pisent; L. Pranovi; A. M. Porcellato
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113324 (2019)
Fusion & Plasmas
Radiometry for the vertical electron cyclotron emission from the runaway electrons at the COMPASS tokamak
M. Farník; J. Urban; J. Zajac; O. Bogár; M. Varavin; A. Casolari; J. Čeřovský; O. Ficker; J. Mlynář; E. Macúšová; V. Weinzettl; M. Hron
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113501 (2019)
A setup for studies of laminar flame under microwave irradiation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113502 (2019)
Improved inertial confinement fusion gamma reaction history 12C gamma-ray signal by direct subtraction
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113503 (2019)
Design and comparison of the Cs ovens for the test facilities ELISE and SPIDER
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Sofia Cristofaro; Markus Fröschle; Alessandro Mimo; Andrea Rizzolo; Michela De Muri; Marco Barbisan; Ursel Fantz
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113504 (2019)
GaAs x-ray detectors with sub-nanosecond temporal response
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113505 (2019)
4.6 GHz lower hybrid wave power control system for EAST
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113506 (2019)
All Microscopy; Imaging; Positioning Systems
Laboratory setup for extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography driven by a high-harmonic source
Jan Nathanael; Martin Wünsche; Silvio Fuchs; Thomas Weber; Johann J. Abel; Julius Reinhard; Felix Wiesner; Uwe Hübner; Slawomir J. Skruszewicz; Gerhard G. Paulus; Christian Rödel
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113702 (2019)
Expanding a polarized synchrotron beam for full-field x-ray fluorescence imaging
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 113704 (2019)
Condensed Matter; Materials
Chemistry; Biology; Medicine
Development of a compact laser-diode based frequency domain photoacoustic sensing system: Application of human breast cancer diagnosis
Abhijeet Gorey; Srivathsan Vasudevan; M. S. Ansari; Priyanka Bhagat; Satish Phatak; Norman Sharma; George C. K. Chen
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114101 (2019)
Gravity; Geophysics; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Remote Sensing
Optical access to multi-anvil apparatus with ultrasonic method under high-pressure environment
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114502 (2019)
Laser ultrasonic measurements to estimate the elastic properties of rock samples under in situ conditions
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114503 (2019)
Electronics; Electromagnetic Technology; Microwaves; Power Supplies
A fully-adjustable picosecond resolution arbitrary timing generator based on multi-stage time interpolation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114702 (2019)
Two-electrode-pair electrocardiogram with no common ground between two pairs
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114703 (2019)
Effect of peak power enhancement of ferrite phase shifter from full-height to increased-height rectangular waveguide
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114705 (2019)
Analytical design of axial magnetic coils with systematically improved uniformity for miniature quantum devices
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114706 (2019)
Ground-to-satellite time and frequency synchronization link with active carrier phase compensation
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114708 (2019)
A low level radio frequency system drift compensation technique by time-multiplexing pick-up/reference signals
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114711 (2019)
A U-shaped microwave resonator for flexible mechanical sensors application
Jun Tang; Qiang Zhu; Changlong Li; Yulei Chen; Zhenrong Zhang; Hao Guo; Fushun Nian; Wenyao Liu; Anjiang Cai; Baoguo Yang; Jun Liu
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114712 (2019)
Thermometry; Thermal Diffusivity; Acoustics; Photothermal & Photoacoustic
Calibration of thermocouple-based scanning thermal microscope in active mode (2ω method)
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114901 (2019)
Measurement of intrinsic thermal conductivity of carbon fiber using direct electrical heating method
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114902 (2019)
Nanosecond transient thermoreflectance method for characterizing anisotropic thermal conductivity
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114903 (2019)
Temperature field model and control strategy in gravity casting process
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 114904 (2019)
Sensors; Actuators; Positioning Devices; MEMS/NEMS
Instrument for fine control of drop-on-demand electrohydrodynamic jet printing by current measurement
Kai Li; Dazhi Wang; Shanshan Yi; Haoran Jia; Jianghong Qian; Zhiyuan Du; Tongqun Ren; Junsheng Liang; Sergio O. Martinez-Chapa; Marc Madou
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115001 (2019)
Measurements error propagation and its sensitivity analysis in the aero-engine multistage rotor assembling process
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115003 (2019)
A compact linear-rotary impact motor based on a single piezoelectric tube stator with two independent electrodes
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115004 (2019)
Research on one-dimensional motion control system and method of a magnetic levitation ball
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115005 (2019)
Independent driving method for significant hysteresis reduction of piezoelectric stack actuators
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115006 (2019)
General Instruments, Experimental Techniques or Analyses
The upgraded Polaris powder diffractometer at the ISIS neutron source
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115101 (2019)
Design and verification of TCP/IP offload engine in quantum key distribution system
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115102 (2019)
Suppression of the negative effect of abnormal data based on the Hough transform and application to the magnetic compensation of airborne optically-pumped magnetometer data
Jian Ge; Wenjie Wang; Haobin Dong; Huan Liu; Han Li; Wang Luo; Hongpeng Wang; Zhiwen Yuan; Haiyang Zhang; Jun Zhu
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115103 (2019)
Efficient two-color two-step laser ionization schemes of 1 250 nm and 2 = 307.9 nm for heavy refractory elements—Measurements of ionization cross-sections and hyperfine spectra of tantalum and tungsten
Y. Hirayama; M. Mukai; Y. X. Watanabe; M. Oyaizu; S. C. Jeong; Y. Kakiguchi; P. Schury; M. Wada; H. Miyatake
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115104 (2019)
Fully experiment-based evaluation of few digital volume correlation techniques
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115105 (2019)
Development of a novel line structured light measurement instrument for complex manufactured parts
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115106 (2019)
An ultrafast quartz crystal microbalance based on a frequency comb approach delivers sub-millisecond time resolution
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115108 (2019)
High-temperature continuous molecular beam source for aggressive elements: An example of zinc
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115109 (2019)
Measuring vorticity vector from the spinning of micro-sized mirror-encapsulated spherical particles in the flow
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115111 (2019)
A large thermal turbulent Taylor-Couette (THETACO) facility for investigation of turbulence induced by simultaneous action of rotation and radial temperature gradient
Harminder Singh; Antoine Bonnesoeur; Hugues Besnard; Claude Houssin; Arnaud Prigent; Olivier Crumeyrolle; Innocent Mutabazi
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115112 (2019)
Design and characterization of a compact magnetic shield for ultracold atomic gas experiments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115114 (2019)
The POLARBEAR Fourier transform spectrometer calibrator and spectroscopic characterization of the POLARBEAR instrument
F. Matsuda; L. Lowry; A. Suzuki; M. Aguilar Fáundez; K. Arnold; D. Barron; F. Bianchini; K. Cheung; Y. Chinone; T. Elleflot; G. Fabbian; N. Goeckner-Wald; M. Hasegawa; D. Kaneko; N. Katayama; B. Keating; A. T. Lee; M. Navaroli; H. Nishino; H. Paar; G. Puglisi; P. L. Richards; J. Seibert; P. Siritanasak; O. Tajima; S. Takatori; C. Tsai; B. Westbrook
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115115 (2019)
A fast and versatile method for spectral emissivity measurement at high temperatures
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115116 (2019)
Optimization design of magnetic filter for the prototype RF negative ion source at ASIPP
In Special Collection:
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Ion Sources
Chundong Hu; Qi Wang; Jianglong Wei; Yahong Xie; Lizhen Liang; Yongjian Xu; Yuming Gu; Caichao Jiang
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 115117 (2019)
A setup for Seebeck coefficient measurement through controlled heat pulses
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 116101 (2019)
Overview of the early campaign diagnostics for the SPARC tokamak (invited)
M. L. Reinke, I. Abramovic, et al.
An instrumentation guide to measuring thermal conductivity using frequency domain thermoreflectance (FDTR)
Dylan J. Kirsch, Joshua Martin, et al.
Evaluating deuterated-xylene for use as a fusion neutron spectrometer
J. L. Ball, E. Panontin, et al.