We report on the development, implementation, and characterization of digital controllers for laser frequency stabilization as well as intensity stabilization and control. Our design is based on the STEMlab (originally Red Pitaya) platform. The presented analog hardware interfaces provide all necessary functionalities for the designated applications and can be integrated in standard 19-in. rack mount units. Printed circuit board layouts are made available as an open-source project (T. Preuschoff et al., https://github.com/TU-Darmstadt-APQ/RedPitaya-Lockbox, 2020 and T. Preuschoff et al., https://github.com/TU-Darmstadt-APQ/RedPitaya-IntStab, 2020). A detailed characterization shows that the bandwidth (1.25 MHz) and the noise performance of the controllers are limited by the STEMlab system and not affected by the supplementary hardware. Frequency stabilization of a diode laser system resulting in a linewidth of 52(1) kHz (FWHM) is demonstrated. Intensity control to the 1 × 10−3 level with sub-microsecond rise and fall times based on an acousto-optic modulator as actuator is achieved.
Piezo capacitance for the laser systems used in this work: ∼2.6 μF.
The switching frequency can be varied between 0.2 MHz and 2.2 MHz.