A multi-beam ultra-high vacuum apparatus is presented. In this article, we describe the design and construction of a new laboratory astrophysics experiment—VErs de NoUvelles Synthèses (VENUS)—that recreates the solid-state non-energetic formation conditions of complex organic molecules in dark clouds and circumstellar environments. The novel implementation of four operational differentially pumped beam lines will be used to determine the feasibility and the rates for the various reactions that contribute to formation of molecules containing more than six atoms. Data are collected by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and quadrupole mass spectrometry. The gold-coated sample holder reaches temperatures between 7 K and 400 K. The apparatus was carefully calibrated and the acquisition system was developed to ensure that experimental parameters are recorded as accurately as possible. A great effort has been made to have the beam lines converge toward the sample. Experiments have been developed to check the beam alignment using reacting systems of neutral species (NH3 and H2CO). Preliminary original results were obtained for the {NO + H} system, which shows that chemistry occurs only in the very first outer layer of the deposited species, that is, the chemical layer and the physical layer coincide. This article illustrates the characteristics, performance, and future potential of the new apparatus in view of the forthcoming launch of the James Webb Space Telescope. We show that VENUS will have a major impact through its contributions to surface science and astrochemistry.
Standard cubic centimetre per minute: 1 SCCM = 592 m3 Pa s−1 in SI units.