The CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) has delivered a variety of beams to a vigorous fixed target physics program since 1978. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to the description of a few illustrative examples in the ongoing physics program at the SPS. We will outline the physics aims of the COmmon Muon Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy (COMPASS), north area 64 (NA64), north area 62 (NA62), north area 61 (NA61), and advanced proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment (AWAKE). COMPASS studies the structure of the proton and more specifically of its spin. NA64 searches for the dark photon A’, which is the messenger for interactions between normal and dark matter. The NA62 experiment aims at a 10% precision measurement of the very rare decay K+ → π+νν. As this decay mode can be calculated very precisely in the Standard Model, it offers a very good opportunity to look for new physics beyond the Standard Model. The NA61/SHINE experiment studies the phase transition to Quark Gluon Plasma, a state in which the quarks and gluons that form the proton and the neutron are de-confined. Finally, AWAKE investigates proton-driven wake field acceleration: a promising technique to accelerate electrons with very high accelerating gradients. The Physics Beyond Colliders study at CERN is paving the way for a significant and diversified continuation of this already rich and compelling physics program that is complementary to the one at the big colliders like the Large Hadron Collider.
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May 2018
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May 08 2018
Physics at the SPS
Special Collection:
17th International Conference on Ion Sources
L. Gatignon
L. Gatignon
CERN, EN Department
, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
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Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 052501 (2018)
Article history
November 16 2017
January 13 2018
L. Gatignon; Physics at the SPS. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 May 2018; 89 (5): 052501.
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