For the last few years, the development of the VARIS (vacuum arc ion source) was concentrated on several aspects. One of them was the production of high current ion beams of heavy metals such as Au, Pb, and Bi. The requested ion charge state for these ion species is 4+. This is quite challenging to produce in vacuum arc driven sources for reasonable beam pulse length (>120 µs) due to the physical properties of these elements. However, the situation can be dramatically improved by using the composite materials or alloys with enhanced physical properties of the cathodes. Another aspect is an increase of the beam brilliance for intense U4+ beams by the optimization of the geometry of the extraction system. A new 7-hole triode extraction system allows an increase of the extraction voltage from 30 kV to 40 kV and also reduces the outer aperture of the extracted ion beam. Thus, a record beam brilliance for the U4+ beam in front of the RFQ (Radio-Frequency Quadrupole) has been achieved, exceeding the RFQ space charge limit for an ion current of 15 mA. Several new projectiles in the middle-heavy region have been successfully developed from VARIS to fulfill the requirements of the future FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) programs. An influence of an auxiliary gas on the production performance of certain ion charge states as well as on operation stability has been investigated. The optimization of the ion source parameters for a maximum production efficiency and highest particle current in front of the RFQ has been performed. The next important aspect of the development will be the increase of the operation repetition rate of VARIS for all elements especially for uranium to 2.7 Hz in order to provide the maximum availability of high current ion beams for future FAIR experiments.
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May 2018
Research Article|
May 07 2018
Progress on MEVVA source VARIS at GSI
Special Collection:
17th International Conference on Ion Sources
A. Adonin;
A. Adonin
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
, Darmstadt, Germany
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R. Hollinger
R. Hollinger
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
, Darmstadt, Germany
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 052304 (2018)
Article history
November 24 2017
March 15 2018
A. Adonin, R. Hollinger; Progress on MEVVA source VARIS at GSI. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 May 2018; 89 (5): 052304.
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