A synchrotron radiation beamline in the photon energy range of 18-240 eV and an electron spectroscopy end station have been constructed at the 3 GeV Diamond Light Source storage ring. The instrument features a variable polarisation undulator, a high resolution monochromator, a re-focussing system to form a beam spot of 50 × 50 μm2, and an end station for angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) including a 6-degrees-of-freedom cryogenic sample manipulator. The beamline design and its performance allow for a highly productive and precise use of the ARPES technique at an energy resolution of 10-15 meV for fast k-space mapping studies with a photon flux up to 2 ⋅ 1013 ph/s and well below 3 meV for high resolution spectra.
The slope errors of gratings were measured on an equally highly polished grating blank without grooves and the procedure was optimised until the clamping of the cooling brackets was reproducible. Final slope deviations of a grating were measured in-operando with beam by partial illumination of the grating surface.