3D printing is a new technology whose applications are only beginning to be explored. In this report, we describe the application of 3D printing to the design and construction of supersonic nozzles. Nozzles can be created for $0.50 or less, and the ease and low cost can facilitate the optimization of nozzle performance for the needs of any particular experiment. The efficacy of a variety of designs is assessed by examining rotational spectra of OCS (carbonyl sulfide) and Ar–OCS using a Fourier transform microwave spectrometer with tandem cavity and chirped-pulse capabilities. A slit geometry which, to the best of our knowledge has not been used in conjunction with Fourier transform microwave spectrometers, was found to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for the J = 1←0 transition of OCS, by a factor of three to four compared with that obtained using our standard circular nozzle. Corresponding gains for the Ar–OCS complex were marginal, at best, but further optimization of nozzle geometry should be possible. The spectrometer itself is designed to allow rapid switching between cavity and chirped-pulse modes of operation without the need to break vacuum. This feature, as well as the newly incorporated chirped-pulse capability, is described in detail.
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June 2015
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June 26 2015
3D-printed slit nozzles for Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy
Christopher T. Dewberry
Christopher T. Dewberry
1Department of Chemistry,
University of Minnesota
, 207 Pleasant St., SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA
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Rebecca B. Mackenzie;
Rebecca B. Mackenzie
1Department of Chemistry,
University of Minnesota
, 207 Pleasant St., SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA
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Susan Green;
Susan Green
2Department of Chemistry,
Macalester College
, 1600 Grand Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55105, USA
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Kenneth R. Leopold
Kenneth R. Leopold
1Department of Chemistry,
University of Minnesota
, 207 Pleasant St., SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 065107 (2015)
Article history
March 15 2015
June 07 2015
Christopher T. Dewberry, Rebecca B. Mackenzie, Susan Green, Kenneth R. Leopold; 3D-printed slit nozzles for Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 June 2015; 86 (6): 065107. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4922852
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