In this work, a novel laser-produced plasma source is presented which delivers pulsed broadband soft X-radiation in the range between 100 and 1200 eV. The source was designed in view of long operating hours, high stability, and cost effectiveness. It relies on a rotating and translating metal target and achieves high stability through an on-line monitoring device using a four quadrant extreme ultraviolet diode in a pinhole camera arrangement. The source can be operated with three different laser pulse durations and various target materials and is equipped with two beamlines for simultaneous experiments. Characterization measurements are presented with special emphasis on the source position and emission stability of the source. As a first application, a near edge X-ray absorption fine structure measurement on a thin polyimide foil shows the potential of the source for soft X-ray spectroscopy.
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March 2015
Research Article|
March 30 2015
High average power, highly brilliant laser-produced plasma source for soft X-ray spectroscopy
Ioanna Mantouvalou;
Ioanna Mantouvalou
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
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Katharina Witte
Katharina Witte
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Daniel Grötzsch;
Daniel Grötzsch
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
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Michael Neitzel
Michael Neitzel
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
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Sabrina Günther
Sabrina Günther
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
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Jonas Baumann;
Jonas Baumann
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
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Robert Jung;
Robert Jung
, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Holger Stiel
Holger Stiel
, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Birgit Kanngießer;
Birgit Kanngießer
Institute for Optics and Atomic Physics, Technical University of Berlin
, 10623 Berlin, Germany
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Wolfgang Sandner
Wolfgang Sandner
, 12489 Berlin, Germany
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Present address: ELI-DC AISBL, 23 Rue Montoyer, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 035116 (2015)
Article history
October 27 2014
March 12 2015
Ioanna Mantouvalou, Katharina Witte, Daniel Grötzsch, Michael Neitzel, Sabrina Günther, Jonas Baumann, Robert Jung, Holger Stiel, Birgit Kanngießer, Wolfgang Sandner; High average power, highly brilliant laser-produced plasma source for soft X-ray spectroscopy. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 March 2015; 86 (3): 035116.
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