In 2003, Bergoz Instrumentation, Saint Genis Pouilly, France sponsored the first “Brightness Award,” a prize designed to recognize and encourage innovative and significant recent achievements in the fields of ion source physics and technology. In that year the award was presented to Edward Beebe and Alexander Pikin for development of the high-current, high-charge state Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) for injection of ions including gold and uranium into the Brookhaven National Laboratory RHIC complex. The award has been given every two years since then, the presentation correlated with the International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS) conference cycle.
In 2005, the recipients were Evgeny Donets and his team at the Joint Institutes for Nuclear Research, Dubna, for development of the String EBIS source, representing a break-through in efficiency and performance in EBIS sources. The 2007 Brightness Award was given to Jens Peters from DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-SYnchrotron) Laboratory in Hamburg, for developments...