Digital holographic microscopy is an ideal tool for investigation of microbial motility. However, most designs do not exhibit sufficient spatial resolution for imaging bacteria. In this study we present an off-axis Mach-Zehnder design of a holographic microscope with spatial resolution of better than 800 nm and the ability to resolve bacterial samples at varying densities over a 380 μm × 380 μm × 600 μm three-dimensional field of view. Larger organisms, such as protozoa, can be resolved in detail, including cilia and flagella. The instrument design and performance are presented, including images and tracks of bacterial and protozoal mixed samples and pure cultures of six selected species. Organisms as small as 1 μm (bacterial spores) and as large as 60 μm (Paramecium bursaria) may be resolved and tracked without changes in the instrument configuration. Finally, we present a dilution series investigating the maximum cell density that can be imaged, a type of analysis that has not been presented in previous holographic microscopy studies.
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December 2014
Research Article|
December 19 2014
A Mach-Zender digital holographic microscope with sub-micrometer resolution for imaging and tracking of marine micro-organisms
Jonas Kühn;
Jonas Kühn
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, California 91009, USA
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Bimochan Niraula;
Bimochan Niraula
2Department of Biomedical Engineering,
McGill University
, 3775 University St., Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B4, Canada
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Kurt Liewer;
Kurt Liewer
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, California 91009, USA
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J. Kent Wallace;
J. Kent Wallace
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, California 91009, USA
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Eugene Serabyn;
Eugene Serabyn
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, California 91009, USA
Search for other works by this author on:
Emilio Graff;
Emilio Graff
3Division of Aerospace Engineering,
California Institute of Technology
, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena, California 91125, USA
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Christian Lindensmith;
Christian Lindensmith
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology
, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, California 91009, USA
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Jay L. Nadeau
2Department of Biomedical Engineering,
McGill University
, 3775 University St., Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B4, Canada
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 123113 (2014)
Article history
October 13 2014
December 05 2014
Jonas Kühn, Bimochan Niraula, Kurt Liewer, J. Kent Wallace, Eugene Serabyn, Emilio Graff, Christian Lindensmith, Jay L. Nadeau; A Mach-Zender digital holographic microscope with sub-micrometer resolution for imaging and tracking of marine micro-organisms. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 December 2014; 85 (12): 123113.
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