A concept for time-sensitive optical detectors is described that shows how to confirm whether the detection device is operating in the linear response regime. By evaluating the recorded time decay of a thermographic phosphor, even weak saturation effects far from obvious situations can be identified and further related to either optical or electrical saturation. The concept has been validated by running a PMT detector close to saturation and exposing it to the optical signal decay of two different thermographic phosphors, La2O2S:Eu and CdWO4. It was confirmed that short but intense light exposures at the beginning of an individual time decay influence the detector response for the rest of the decaying signal including temporal areas, where the anode current has dropped well below the manufacturer specified current limit. Such situations are common when applying, e.g., phosphor thermometry where it is necessary to retrieve the full decay curve from a single-shot event, i.e., standard techniques based on single-photon counting are omitted. Finally, means of compensation are introduced in order to facilitate the retrieval of useful information from the measurement data when operation in the non-linear response regime is inevitable.
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March 2012
Research Article|
March 15 2012
Investigation and compensation of the nonlinear response in photomultiplier tubes for quantitative single-shot measurements
C. Knappe;
C. Knappe
Division of Combustion Physics,
Lund University
, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
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J. Lindén;
J. Lindén
Division of Combustion Physics,
Lund University
, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
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F. Abou Nada;
F. Abou Nada
Division of Combustion Physics,
Lund University
, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
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M. Richter;
M. Richter
Division of Combustion Physics,
Lund University
, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
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M. Aldén
M. Aldén
Division of Combustion Physics,
Lund University
, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
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Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 034901 (2012)
Article history
December 06 2011
February 23 2012
C. Knappe, J. Lindén, F. Abou Nada, M. Richter, M. Aldén; Investigation and compensation of the nonlinear response in photomultiplier tubes for quantitative single-shot measurements. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 March 2012; 83 (3): 034901. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3693618
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