By the 90s, the CEA has undertaken to develop the production of intense light ion beams from unconfined ECR plasma. Today, three sources for IPHI, SPIRAL2, and IFMIF projects (respectively, 100 mA of H+, 8 mA of D+, and 140 mA of D+) are installed at CEA/Saclay. In order to improve performances and decrease dimensions of these sources, it is necessary to better understand the mechanisms involved in the production and extraction of particles. As a consequence, theoretical and experimental studies are being carried out. We present a theoretical study based on SOLMAXP, a home-made particle-in-cell code. The aim is to investigate the possibility of reducing the plasma chamber size without loss of beam characteristics. This code has been validated by beam intensity measurements on a permanent magnet based source, producing a proton beam of 30 mA at 40 kV on the test bench BETSI. In order to reduce experimentally the dimensions of plasma chamber, a new source, named ALISES with variable plasma chamber volume, is under assembly.
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February 2012
14th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 2011)
12-16 September 2011
Giardini-Naxos, Sicily (Italy)
Research Article|
February 24 2012
Plasma studies on electron cyclotron resonance light ion source at CEA/Saclaya)
S. Nyckees;
S. Nyckees
, DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA, F-91191-Gif/Yvette, France
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O. Delferrière;
O. Delferrière
, DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA, F-91191-Gif/Yvette, France
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R. Duperrier;
R. Duperrier
, DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA, F-91191-Gif/Yvette, France
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F. Harrault;
F. Harrault
, DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA, F-91191-Gif/Yvette, France
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O. Tuske
O. Tuske
, DSM/IRFU/SACM/LEDA, F-91191-Gif/Yvette, France
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected].
Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Ion Sources, Giardini Naxos, Italy, September 2011.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 02A349 (2012)
Article history
September 09 2011
January 10 2012
S. Nyckees, O. Delferrière, R. Duperrier, F. Harrault, O. Tuske; Plasma studies on electron cyclotron resonance light ion source at CEA/Saclay. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 February 2012; 83 (2): 02A349.
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