A classical constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer enables the measurement of fast-changing flow velocity fluctuations, although its transmission bandwidth is a function of measured velocity. This may be a source of significant dynamic errors. Incorporation of an adaptive controller into the constant-temperature system results in hot-wire anemometer operating with a constant transmission bandwidth. The construction together with the results of experimental testing of a constant-bandwidth hot-wire anemometer prototype are presented in this article. During the testing, an approximately constant transmission bandwidth of the anemometer was achieved. The constant-bandwidth hot-wire anemometer can be used in measurements of high-frequency variable flows characterized by a wide range of velocity changes.
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September 2008
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September 19 2008
Construction and experimental testing of the constant-bandwidth constant-temperature anemometer
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Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 096105 (2008)
Article history
February 06 2008
August 03 2008
P. Ligęza; Construction and experimental testing of the constant-bandwidth constant-temperature anemometer. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 September 2008; 79 (9): 096105. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2976039
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