A better understanding of the mechanisms located at the solid/electrolyte interface is becoming essential to the development of new applications in the electrochemical fields. The fast quartz crystal microbalance is an attractive and powerful gravimetric sensor which can be used in the dynamic regime to determine a mass/potential transfer function. The principle is equivalent to classical electrochemical impedance measurements; the only difference is the determination of mass changes given by the quartz crystal microbalance rather than current changes following sine wave modulations of the applied potential. This function appears very well adapted to characterize ionic exchanges at the electrochemical interface. Frequency/voltage converters are the key devices in translating the microbalance frequency response in terms of a continuous voltage change. The latter allows the transfer function to be obtained via a frequency response analyzer. Different converters were tested in this work in order to improve the performances of the experimental setup.
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July 2007
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July 06 2007
New frequency/voltage converters for ac-electrogravimetric measurements based on fast quartz crystal microbalance
C. Gabrielli;
C. Gabrielli
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6
, 4, place Jussieu (case 133), 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
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H. Perrot;
H. Perrot
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6
, 4, place Jussieu (case 133), 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
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D. Rose;
D. Rose
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6
, 4, place Jussieu (case 133), 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
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A. Rubin;
A. Rubin
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6
, 4, place Jussieu (case 133), 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France and ITODYS, Université Denis Diderot-Paris 7
, 1, rue Guy de la Brosse, 75005 Paris, France
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J. P. Toqué;
J. P. Toqué
Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6
, 4, place Jussieu (case 133), 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
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M. C. Pham;
M. C. Pham
Université Denis Diderot-Paris 7
, 1, rue Guy de la Brosse, 75005 Paris, France
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B. Piro
B. Piro
Université Denis Diderot-Paris 7
, 1, rue Guy de la Brosse, 75005 Paris, France
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 074103 (2007)
Article history
March 27 2007
May 26 2007
C. Gabrielli, H. Perrot, D. Rose, A. Rubin, J. P. Toqué, M. C. Pham, B. Piro; New frequency/voltage converters for ac-electrogravimetric measurements based on fast quartz crystal microbalance. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 July 2007; 78 (7): 074103. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2751093
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