The previous work related to finding improved performance for Tesla transformers is shortly reviewed. The possibilities to reach the optimal working point by modifying the main components are discussed from a practical standpoint. A methodology for maximizing the secondary voltage by regulating the tuning ratio T and the coupling coefficient is examined in particular. It is shown that its results are valid only if primary and secondary inductor values remain unchanged, and the secondary capacitor value is decreased. All in all, the best improvement from the typical condition of increases the secondary voltage of only 18% and requires tide coupling. This, in turn, imposes severe engineering problems to avoid dielectric breakdown between the primary and secondary coils, and makes the practical utility of this result someway questionable. In a real Tesla transformer, the most practical mean to perform tuning is to move the tap feeding the primary coil, rather than rewinding the secondary coil or redesigning the secondary top terminal. The resonant circuits are not undamped and it is crucial to reach the maximum voltage at the secondary in the shortest time, to minimize losses. It is shown that, in order to achieve optimal performance, a better strategy is to tune the primary coil to achieve and then to increase the coupling coefficient as much as possible, aiming at one of the values selected from a given table.
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September 2002
Research Article|
September 01 2002
Optimal performance for Tesla transformers
Marco Denicolai
Marco Denicolai
High Voltage Institute, Helsinki University of Technology, P.O. Box 3000, FIN 02015 HUT, Finland
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Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3332–3336 (2002)
Article history
March 21 2002
May 28 2002
Marco Denicolai; Optimal performance for Tesla transformers. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 September 2002; 73 (9): 3332–3336.
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