To obtain fast time response plasma properties, electron density and electron temperature, with a Langmuir probe, the applied probe voltage has to be swept at high frequency. Due to the RC characteristics of coaxial cables, an induced noise of a square‐wave form will appear when a sawtooth voltage is applied to the probe. Such a noise is very annoying and difficult to remove, particularly when the probe signal is weak. This paper discusses a noise reduction method using a dual‐cable circuit. One of the cables is active and the other is a dummy. Both of them are of equal length and are laid parallel to each other. The active cable carries the applied probe voltage and the probe current signal. The dummy one is not connected to the probe. After being carefully tuned, the induced noises from both cables are nearly identical and therefore can be effectively eliminated with the use of a differential amplifier. A clean IV characteristic curve can thus be obtained. This greatly improves the accuracy and the time resolution of the values of ne and Te.

O. B.
Phys. Rev.
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