A method has been developed for measuring the transfer of energy from a molecular beam to a surface. The method makes use of temperature sensitive Y‐cut quartz crystals. A crystal was placed in the beam and the energy transferred to its plating was determined by changes in its oscillating frequency. Crystals having a fundamental frequency of 10 Mc were used and an energy transfer rate of 50 μW could be detected. Results are given for the transfer of energy by Ar+ to an Au surface between 100 and 500 eV.
R. V. Stuart and G. K. Wehner, Transactions of the 9th National Vacuum Symposium (The Macmillan Company, New York, 1962), pp. 160–163.
[English transl. of
M. B.
and V. I.
, Zh. Tekhn. Fiz.
, No. 2
, 361
W. G. Cady, Piezoelectricity (McGraw‐Hill Book Company Inc., New York, 1946), pp. 444–459.
RCA Transistor Manual (RCA Semiconductor and Materials Division, Somerville, New Jersey, 1962), pp. 38–39.
J. P. Buchanan, Handbook of Piezoelectric Crystals for Radio Equipment Designers (Carpenter Lithographers and Printing Company, Springfield, Ohio, 1955), pp. 34–37.
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