A noninterrupting method for measuring a charged particle beam current consisting of a series of periodic pulses is presented. The pulsed beam is allowed to pass through a high permeability toroid on which is wound a multiturn coil. If the distance traveled by a beam particle during one pulsing period is large compared with the toroid dimensions, then the voltage induced in the coil consists of a series of impulses, the time integral of each impulse being proportional to the beam current. Since this voltage is equal to that induced in the coil by a one‐turn loop wound on the toroid and carrying a current identical to the beam current, it is possible to vary this current, and employ the multiturn coil as a null indicator to indicate equality of the beam and loop currents. If now a capacitor adjusted to resonate with the multiturn coil is placed across the coil, the sensitivity of the null circuit is increased by a factor equal to the Q of the resonant circuit. Using this resonant magnetometer and a 1000‐cps chopping rate, currents of 3×10−7 A peak have been measured with an accuracy of ±10−8 A.
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October 1963
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October 01 1963
Noninterrupting Method for Measuring Pulsed Charged Particle Beam Currents
W. C. Lineberger;
W. C. Lineberger
School of Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
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J. W. Hooper
J. W. Hooper
School of Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
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Rev. Sci. Instrum. 34, 1123–1125 (1963)
Article history
May 27 1963
W. C. Lineberger, J. W. Hooper; Noninterrupting Method for Measuring Pulsed Charged Particle Beam Currents. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 October 1963; 34 (10): 1123–1125. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1718148
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