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Resistive hose modes in tokamak runaway electron beams
Solving the Orszag–Tang vortex magnetohydrodynamics problem with physics-constrained convolutional neural networks
Resistive drift wave turbulence and anomalous transport of multi-species plasma
Modeling of the non-Maxwellian response of DT plasmas to alpha particle transport in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) hotspot
A self-consistent Hamiltonian model of the ponderomotive force and its structure preserving discretization
Preface to Special Topic: Relativistic plasma in supercritical fields
In Special Collection:
Relativistic Plasma in Supercritical Electromagnetic Fields
Phys. Plasmas 31, 010402 (2024)
Resistive hose modes in tokamak runaway electron beams
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 2023 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Phys. Plasmas 31, 010701 (2024)
Observation of rapid flux coalescence in merging field-reversed configurations
Phys. Plasmas 31, 010703 (2024)
Basic Plasma Phenomena, Waves, Instabilities
Solving the Orszag–Tang vortex magnetohydrodynamics problem with physics-constrained convolutional neural networks
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012101 (2024)
A study of one-dimensional colliding laser-produced plasmas through modeling and experimentation
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012102 (2024)
Polarizabilities of the negative ions of hydrogen and positronium in nonideal classical plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012105 (2024)
Resistive instabilities in general toroidal plasmas with neoclassical bootstrap currents
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012106 (2024)
On the improvement of smoothing by spectral dispersion efficiency for laser–plasma interaction
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012110 (2024)
Nonlinear Phenomena, Turbulence, Transport
Full-F turbulent simulation in a linear plasma device using a gyro-moment approach
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012301 (2024)
Kinetic vs magnetic chaos in toroidal plasmas: A systematic quantitative comparison
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012302 (2024)
Gaussian process regression models for the properties of micro-tearing modes in spherical tokamaks
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science
W. A Hornsby; A. Gray; J. Buchanan; B. S. Patel; D. Kennedy; F. J. Casson; C. M. Roach; M. B. Lykkegaard; H. Nguyen; N. Papadimas; B. Fourcin; J. Hart
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012303 (2024)
Magnetically Confined Plasmas, Heating, Confinement
Numerical minimization of neoclassical poloidal viscosity for supersonic equilibria in tokamak geometry
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 2023 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012501 (2024)
Resistive drift wave turbulence and anomalous transport of multi-species plasma
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012502 (2024)
Lowering the reactor breakeven requirements for proton–boron 11 fusion
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012503 (2024)
Inertially Confined Plasmas, Dense Plasmas, Equations of State
The physics of gain relevant to inertial fusion energy target designs
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012702 (2024)
Numerical model for linear stimulated Raman scattering in inhomogeneous plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012704 (2024)
Modeling of the non-Maxwellian response of DT plasmas to alpha particle transport in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) hotspot
Bao Du; Dongguo Kang; Shiyang Zou; Chang Liu; Luan Deng; Fengjun Ge; Zhensheng Dai; Hongbo Cai; Shaoping Zhu
Phys. Plasmas 31, 012706 (2024)
Heliospheric and Astrophysical Plasmas
Plasma-Based Accelerators, Beams, Radiation Generation
Multi-scale analytical description of an expanding plasma slab
Itamar Cohen; Talia Meir; Michal Elkind; Tomer Catabi; Zohar Henis; Lior Perelmutter; Ishay Pomerantz
Phys. Plasmas 31, 013103 (2024)
Deep learning approaches for modeling laser-driven proton beams via phase-stable acceleration
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 4th International Conference on Data-Driven Plasma Science
Yao-Li Liu; Yen-Chen Chen; Chun-Sung Jao; Mao-Syun Wong; Chun-Han Huang; Han-Wei Chen; Shogo Isayama; Yasuhiro Kuramitsu
Phys. Plasmas 31, 013106 (2024)
Radiation: Emission, Absorption, Transport
Ultra-broad band plasma–graphene absorber at millimeter-wave frequency bands
Phys. Plasmas 31, 013301 (2024)
Low-Temperature Plasmas, Plasma Applications, Plasma Sources, Sheaths
Numerical Methods, Verification and Validation in Plasma Physics
On the transport of tracer particles in two-dimensional plasma edge turbulence
Phys. Plasmas 31, 013901 (2024)
Validation of MARS-F modeling of plasma response to RMPs using internal measurements on DIII-D
Phys. Plasmas 31, 013902 (2024)
A self-consistent Hamiltonian model of the ponderomotive force and its structure preserving discretization
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 2023 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Phys. Plasmas 31, 013905 (2024)
Publisher's Note: “Direct implicit and explicit energy-conserving particle-in-cell methods for modeling of capacitively coupled plasma devices” [Phys. Plasmas 30, 103509 (2023)]
Haomin Sun; Soham Banerjee; Sarveshwar Sharma; Andrew Tasman Powis; Alexander V. Khrabrov; Dmytro Sydorenko; Jian Chen; Igor D. Kaganovich
Phys. Plasmas 31, 019901 (2024)
Progress toward fusion energy breakeven and gain as measured against the Lawson criterion
Samuel E. Wurzel, Scott C. Hsu
FreeGSNKE: A Python-based dynamic free-boundary toroidal plasma equilibrium solver
N. C. Amorisco, A. Agnello, et al.