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Progress in narrowband high-power microwave sources
Percolating transition to acoustic wave turbulence in dusty plasmas
Excitation of VLF perturbations in the F-region of the ionosphere by beating HF O-mode waves
Simulation study of ionization-induced injection in sub-terawatt laser wakefield acceleration
Compression of laser pulses by near-forward Raman amplification in plasma
Broadband terahertz radiation from metal targets irradiated by a short pulse laser
Progress in narrowband high-power microwave sources
In Special Collection:
Reviews and Tutorials in Plasma-Based Accelerators, Beams, and Radiation Generation
Phys. Plasmas 27, 010501 (2020)
Filament-assisted mode conversion in magnetized plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 27, 010702 (2020)
Percolating transition to acoustic wave turbulence in dusty plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 27, 010703 (2020)
Basic Plasma Phenomena, Waves, Instabilities
Excitation of VLF perturbations in the F-region of the ionosphere by beating HF O-mode waves
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012101 (2020)
One-dimensional theory and simulations of the dynamic Z-pinch
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012108 (2020)
Plasma boundary induced electron-to-ion sheath transition in planar DC discharge
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012110 (2020)
Nonlinear Phenomena, Turbulence, Transport
Modeling hydrodynamics, magnetic fields, and synthetic radiographs for high-energy-density plasma flows in shock-shear targets
Yingchao Lu; Shengtai Li; Hui Li; Kirk A. Flippo; Dan Barnak; Andrew Birkel; Brandon Lahmann; Chikang Li; Alexander M. Rasmus; Kwyntero Kelso; Alex Zylstra; Edison Liang; Petros Tzeferacos; Don Lamb
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012303 (2020)
Observation of inward transport flux accompanied with the long-lived mode during the L-H transition in the HL-2A tokamak
J. Wu; T. Lan; G. Zhuang; M. Xu; C. X. Yu; J. R. Wu; L. Nie; W. Chen; L. M. Yu; J. Cheng; L. W. Yan; X. R. Duan; T. J. Deng; H. Q. Xu; S. Zhang; J. F. Zhu; Y. Yu; X. Sun; W. Z. Mao; A. D. Liu; J. L. Xie; H. Li; W. X. Ding; W. D. Liu
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012304 (2020)
3D turbulent reconnection: Theory, tests, and astrophysical implications
In Special Collection:
Advances in Magnetic Reconnection Research in Space and Laboratory Plasmas. Part IV
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012305 (2020)
Magnetically Confined Plasmas, Heating, Confinement
Simulation of supersonic molecular beam injection fueling into H-mode plasmas on EAST using BOUT++
Y. Z. Qian; T. Y. Xia; Y. Q. Huang; Z. Sun; G. Z. Zuo; W. Xu; X. C. Meng; M. Huang; C. L. Li; B. Cao; Y. M. Wang; T. Zhang; K. X. Ye; Y. F. Wang; Q. Zang; Y. Y. Li; J. S. Hu
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012501 (2020)
Short wavelength ion temperature gradient mode in tokamak plasmas with hollow density profiles
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012502 (2020)
Asymptotic solutions and convergence studies of the resistive inner region equations
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012506 (2020)
Inertially Confined Plasmas, Dense Plasmas, Equations of State
Analysis of NIF scaling using physics informed machine learning
Phys. Plasmas 27, 012703 (2020)
Ionospheric, Solar-System, and Astrophysical Plasmas
Lasers, Particle Beams, Accelerators, Radiation Generation
Acceleration of electron bunches in plasma wakefields generated by frequency-chirped laser pulse
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013101 (2020)
Simulation study of ionization-induced injection in sub-terawatt laser wakefield acceleration
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013102 (2020)
Generation of ultra-energetic ions by interaction of petawatt lasers with micrometer-scale foils
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013103 (2020)
Compression of laser pulses by near-forward Raman amplification in plasma
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013104 (2020)
Preplasma effects on laser ion generation from thin foil targets
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013107 (2020)
Simulation studies of interface dynamics of secondary electron yield in perforated media
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013108 (2020)
Broadband terahertz radiation from metal targets irradiated by a short pulse laser
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013109 (2020)
Low-Temperature Plasmas, Plasma Applications, Plasma Sources, Sheaths
Boundary conditions for drift-diffusion equations in gas-discharge plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013505 (2020)
Dusty Plasmas
Quantum kinetic dust acoustic waves in arbitrary degenerate quantum dusty plasma
Phys. Plasmas 27, 013701 (2020)
Progress toward fusion energy breakeven and gain as measured against the Lawson criterion
Samuel E. Wurzel, Scott C. Hsu
FreeGSNKE: A Python-based dynamic free-boundary toroidal plasma equilibrium solver
N. C. Amorisco, A. Agnello, et al.