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A review of nonlinear fluid models for ion-and electron-acoustic solitons and double layers: Application to weak double layers and electrostatic solitary waves in the solar wind and the lunar wake
Deep learning: A guide for practitioners in the physical sciences
Electron shock-surfing acceleration in the presence of magnetic field
Whistler modes in highly nonuniform magnetic fields. I. Propagation in two-dimensions
Whistler modes in highly nonuniform magnetic fields. III. Propagation near mirror and cusp fields
Demonstration of field emission driven microscale gas breakdown for pulsed voltages using in-situ optical imaging
An integral transform technique for kinetic systems with collisions
Development of new platforms for hydrodynamic instability and asymmetry measurements in deceleration phase of indirectly driven implosions on NIF
Ion beam bunching via phase rotation in cascading laser-driven ion acceleration
Generation of a long uniform low-temperature RF discharge in helium up to atmospheric pressure
A review of nonlinear fluid models for ion-and electron-acoustic solitons and double layers: Application to weak double layers and electrostatic solitary waves in the solar wind and the lunar wake
In Special Collection:
Reviews and Tutorials in Heliospheric and Astrophysical Plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080501 (2018)
Strongly localized magnetic reconnection by the super-Alfvénic shear flow
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080701 (2018)
Nonmodal modified Simon-Hoh instability of a plasma with a shearing Hall current
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080702 (2018)
A new discovery of arc shape in pulsed ultrasonic wave assisted TIG welding
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080703 (2018)
Spatial symmetry breaking in single-frequency CCP discharge with transverse magnetic field
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080704 (2018)
Increasing stagnation pressure and thermonuclear performance of inertial confinement fusion capsules by the introduction of a high-Z dopant
L. Berzak Hopkins; L. Divol; C. Weber; S. Le Pape; N. B. Meezan; J. S. Ross; R. Tommasini; S. Khan; D. D. Ho; J. Biener; E. Dewald; C. Goyon; C. Kong; A. Nikroo; A. Pak; N. Rice; M. Stadermann; C. Wild; D. Callahan; O. Hurricane
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080706 (2018)
Deep learning: A guide for practitioners in the physical sciences
Brian K. Spears; James Brase; Peer-Timo Bremer; Barry Chen; John Field; Jim Gaffney; Michael Kruse; Steve Langer; Katie Lewis; Ryan Nora; Jayson Luc Peterson; Jayaraman Jayaraman Thiagarajan; Brian Van Essen; Kelli Humbird
Phys. Plasmas 25, 080901 (2018)
Basic Plasma Phenomena, Waves, Instabilities
Spark resistance under high-speed gas flow in the oscillatory damped regime of discharge
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082102 (2018)
Electron shock-surfing acceleration in the presence of magnetic field
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082103 (2018)
Linear analyses of peeling-ballooning modes in high beta pedestal plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082106 (2018)
Whistler modes in highly nonuniform magnetic fields. I. Propagation in two-dimensions
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082108 (2018)
Whistler modes in highly nonuniform magnetic fields. II. Propagation in three dimensions
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082109 (2018)
Whistler modes in highly nonuniform magnetic fields. III. Propagation near mirror and cusp fields
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082110 (2018)
Obliquely propagating magnetosonic waves in a plasma modeled by bi-anisotropic Cairns distribution
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082111 (2018)
Using the maximum entropy distribution to describe electrons in reconnecting current sheets
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082113 (2018)
Spatial propagation and damping of ordinary electromagnetic mode
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082114 (2018)
Demonstration of field emission driven microscale gas breakdown for pulsed voltages using in-situ optical imaging
Guodong Meng; Xinyu Gao; Amanda M. Loveless; Chengye Dong; Dujiao Zhang; Kejing Wang; Bowen Zhu; Yonghong Cheng; Allen L. Garner
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082116 (2018)
An integral transform technique for kinetic systems with collisions
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082118 (2018)
Electron fishbones destabilized nonresonantly by lower hybrid current drive
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082120 (2018)
On the Rayleigh–Kuo criterion for the tertiary instability of zonal flows
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082121 (2018)
Alfvén solitary waves with effect of arbitrary temperature degeneracy in spin quantum plasma
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082122 (2018)
Nonlinear Phenomena, Turbulence, Transport
Numerical simulation and analysis of passive intermodulation caused by multipaction
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082301 (2018)
Dynamics of a slow electron hole coupled to an ion-acoustic soliton
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082303 (2018)
Kinematics of electrostatic 3-wave decay of generalized Langmuir waves in magnetized plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082309 (2018)
Magnetically Confined Plasmas, Heating, Confinement
Isotopic effect in microstability of electrostatic oscillations in magnetic mirror traps
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082501 (2018)
A robust solution for the resistive MHD toroidal matrix in near real-time
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082502 (2018)
Hot spots induced by LHCD in the shadow of antenna limiters in the EAST tokamak
Y. L. Li; G. S. Xu; Z. W. Wu; B. Zhang; L. Zhang; X. D. Yang; M. W. Chen; T. Zhang; H. Q. Liu; B. N. Wan; X. Z. Gong; M. Goniche; A. Ekedahl; M. Warrier; C. Xiao; W. Gao; J. Ou; L. Cao; C. L. Liu; M. Wang; M. H. Li; Y. C. Li; Q. Xu; Y. F. Liang; L. Wang; Z. Sun; J. C. Xu; W. Feng; N. Yan; R. Chen; EAST Team
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082503 (2018)
Blob- and hole-like structures outstanding during the transition from attached to detached divertor states in GAMMA 10/PDX
H. Tanaka; M. Sakamoto; N. Ezumi; K. Nojiri; A. Terakado; T. Mikami; Y. Kinoshita; K. Kobayashi; M. Yoshikawa; J. Kohagura; N. Ohno
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082505 (2018)
Mode penetration induced by transient magnetic perturbations
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082507 (2018)
Gyrokinetic particle simulation of electrostatic microturbulence with impurity ions
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082508 (2018)
Hybrid iterative approach for simulation of radio-frequency fields in plasma
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082509 (2018)
A systematic approach to optimize excitations for perturbative transport experiments
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082510 (2018)
Coupling study of fast wave near the lower hybrid frequency range in VEST
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082511 (2018)
Screening of resonant magnetic perturbation fields by poloidally varying toroidal plasma rotation
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082512 (2018)
Nonlinear neoclassical two-fluid theory of response of tokamak plasma to resonant error-field
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082513 (2018)
Ion cyclotron resonant heating in the central cell of the Keda Mirror with AXisymmetricity (KMAX)
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082515 (2018)
Studies of various physics effects on an on-axis LHCD experiment using numerical tools
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082516 (2018)
Non-ideal effects on ballooning mode stability in the presence of resonant magnetic perturbations
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082518 (2018)
Inertially Confined Plasmas, High Energy Density Plasma Science, Warm Dense Matter
The influence of hohlraum dynamics on implosion symmetry in indirect drive inertial confinement fusion experiments
J. E. Ralph; O. Landen; L. Divol; A. Pak; T. Ma; D. A. Callahan; A. L. Kritcher; T. Döppner; D. E. Hinkel; C. Jarrott; J. D. Moody; B. B. Pollock; O. Hurricane; M. J. Edwards
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082701 (2018)
Hydrodynamic instabilities seeded by the X-ray shadow of ICF capsule fill-tubes
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
A. G. MacPhee; V. A. Smalyuk; O. L. Landen; C. R. Weber; H. F. Robey; E. L. Alfonso; K. L. Baker; L. F. Berzak Hopkins; J. Biener; T. Bunn; D. T. Casey; D. S. Clark; J. W. Crippen; L. Divol; M. Farrell; S. Felker; J. E. Field; W. W. Hsing; C. Kong; S. Le Pape; D. A. Martinez; P. Michel; J. Milovich; A. Moore; A. Nikroo; L. Pickworth; N. Rice; M. Stadermann; C. Yeamans; C. Wild
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082702 (2018)
Explosion of the thick metallic surface during ultrafast rise of a multimegagauss magnetic field
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082704 (2018)
Development of new platforms for hydrodynamic instability and asymmetry measurements in deceleration phase of indirectly driven implosions on NIF
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
L. A. Pickworth; B. A. Hammel; V. A. Smalyuk; H. F. Robey; R. Tommasini; L. R. Benedetti; L. Berzak Hopkins; D. K. Bradley; M. Dayton; S. Felker; J. E. Field; S. W. Haan; B. Haid; R. Hatarik; E. Hartouni; D. Holunga; M. Hoppe, Jr.; N. Izumi; S. Johnson; S. Khan; T. Kohut; B. Lahmann; O. L. Landen; S. LePape; A. G. MacPhee; E. Marley; N. B. Meezan; J. Milovich; S. R. Nagel; A. Nikroo; A. E. Pak; R. Petrasso; B. A. Remington; N. G. Rice; H. A. Scott; P. T. Springer; M. Stadermann; C. Walters; K. Widmann; W. W. Hsing
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082705 (2018)
Dynamical conductivity of the dense semiclassical plasmas on the basis of the effective potential
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082706 (2018)
Stable and confined burn in a Revolver ignition capsule
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082708 (2018)
X-ray diffraction of ramp-compressed aluminum to 475 GPa
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
D. N. Polsin; D. E. Fratanduono; J. R. Rygg; A. Lazicki; R. F. Smith; J. H. Eggert; M. C. Gregor; B. J. Henderson; X. Gong; J. A. Delettrez; R. G. Kraus; P. M. Celliers; F. Coppari; D. C. Swift; C. A. McCoy; C. T. Seagle; J.-P. Davis; S. J. Burns; G. W. Collins; T. R. Boehly
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082709 (2018)
Mitigating laser-imprint effects in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion implosions with an above-critical-density foam layer
S. X. Hu; W. Theobald; P. B. Radha; J. L. Peebles; S. P. Regan; A. Nikroo; M. J. Bonino; D. R. Harding; V. N. Goncharov; N. Petta; T. C. Sangster; E. M. Campbell
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082710 (2018)
Analytic insights into nonlocal energy transport. I. Krook models
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082711 (2018)
A “polar contact” tent for reduced perturbation and improved performance of NIF ignition capsules
B. A. Hammel; C. R. Weber; M. Stadermann; C. L. Alday; C. Aracne-Ruddle; J. R. Bigelow; D. S. Clark; J. P. Cortez; S. Diaz; T. Döppner; S. Felker; J. E. Field; S. W. Haan; M. O. Havre; C. Heinbockel; D. E. Hinkel; W. W. Hsing; S. A. Johnson; A. Nikroo; L. A. Pickworth; J. E. Ralph; H. F. Robey; V. A. Smalyuk
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082714 (2018)
Influence of gas conditions on parameters of plasma jets generated in the PF-1000U plasma-focus facility
E. Skladnik-Sadowska; S. A. Dan'ko; A. M. Kharrasov; V. I. Krauz; R. Kwiatkowski; M. Paduch; M. J. Sadowski; D. R. Zaloga; E. Zielinska
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082715 (2018)
Ionospheric, Solar-System, and Astrophysical Plasmas
Three dimensional analytical model of dipolarizing flux bundles
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082901 (2018)
Bounce resonance scattering of ring current electrons by H+ band EMIC waves
Phys. Plasmas 25, 082903 (2018)
Lasers, Particle Beams, Accelerators, Radiation Generation
Far-field constant-gradient laser accelerator of electrons in an ion channel
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083101 (2018)
High-charge energetic electron bunch generated by multiple intersecting lasers
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083102 (2018)
Generation of keV hot near-solid density plasma states at high contrast laser-matter interaction
O. N. Rosmej; Z. Samsonova; S. Höfer; D. Kartashov; C. Arda; D. Khaghani; A. Schoenlein; S. Zähter; A. Hoffmann; R. Loetzsch; A. Saevert; I. Uschmann; M. E. Povarnitsyn; N. E. Andreev; L. P. Pugachev; M. C. Kaluza; C. Spielmann
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083103 (2018)
Towards realistic simulations of QED cascades: Non-ideal laser and electron seeding effects
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083104 (2018)
Collective “overacceleration” of electrons in a pinched picosecond electron beam
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083106 (2018)
Influence of the laser plasma-expansion specific on a cathode jet formation and the current stability in a laser-ignited vacuum discharge
I. V. Romanov; I. P. Tsygvintsev; V. L. Paperny; A. A. Kologrivov; Yu. V. Korobkin; A. Yu. Krukovskiy; A. A. Rupasov
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083107 (2018)
Processes of virtual cathodes interaction in multibeam system
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083110 (2018)
Efficient production of strong magnetic fields from ultraintense ultrashort laser pulse with capacitor-coil target
Weiwu Wang; Hongbo Cai; Jian Teng; Jia Chen; Shukai He; Lianqiang Shan; Feng Lu; Yuchi Wu; Bo Zhang; Wei Hong; Bi Bi; Feng Zhang; Dongxiao Liu; Feibiao Xue; Boyuan Li; Hongjie Liu; Wu He; Jinlong Jiao; Kegong Dong; Faqiang Zhang; Yingling He; Bo Cui; Na Xie; Zongqiang Yuan; Chao Tian; Xiaodong Wang; Kainan Zhou; Zhigang Deng; Zhimeng Zhang; Weimin Zhou; Leifeng Cao; Baohan Zhang; Shaoping Zhu; Xiantu He; Yuqiu Gu
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083111 (2018)
Effect of temporally modified ultra-short laser pulses on ion acceleration from thin foil targets
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083113 (2018)
Ion beam bunching via phase rotation in cascading laser-driven ion acceleration
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083116 (2018)
Radiation: Emission, Absorption, Transport
Influence of target temperature on H alpha line of laser-induced silicon plasma in air
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083305 (2018)
Low-Temperature Plasmas, Plasma Applications, Plasma Sources, Sheaths
Study on formation mechanism of atmospheric pressure glow discharge air plasma jet
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083505 (2018)
Modeling and experimental characterization of the plasma produced by a velvet cathode in a linear induction accelerator
J. M. Plewa; O. Eichwald; M. Yousfi; G. Wattieaux; S. Cartier; F. Cartier; F. Poulet; V. Bernigaud; M. Ribière; R. Delaunay; T. d'Almeida; R. Maisonny
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083506 (2018)
Analytical model of electro-hydrodynamic flow in corona discharge
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083507 (2018)
Flexible cold plasma jet with controllable length and temperature for hydrophilic modification
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083508 (2018)
On performance capacity of plasma optical mass separator
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083509 (2018)
Electrical and spectral characterization of an atmospheric pressure He/CF4 plasma jet
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083510 (2018)
Effects of collision on the time-independent states of a non-neutral plasma diode
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083512 (2018)
Apokamps produced by repetitive discharges in air
E. A. Sosnin; G. V. Naidis; V. F. Tarasenko; V. S. Skakun; V. A. Panarin; N. Yu. Babaeva; E. Kh. Baksht; V. S. Kuznetsov
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083513 (2018)
Generation of a long uniform low-temperature RF discharge in helium up to atmospheric pressure

Phys. Plasmas 25, 083514 (2018)
Characteristics of high frequency interruption for vacuum DC breakers
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083515 (2018)
Modeling of interaction between arc and macroparticle in vacuum trigatron
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083516 (2018)
Effects of a porous dielectric in atmospheric-pressure plasma jets submerged in water
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083519 (2018)
Dusty Plasmas
Solutions of nonplanar KP-equations for dusty plasma system with GE-method
Phys. Plasmas 25, 083701 (2018)