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Mass selection in laser-plasma ion accelerator on nanostructured surfaces
January 2017
ISSN 1070-664X
EISSN 1089-7674
In this Issue
Mass selection in laser-plasma ion accelerator on nanostructured surfaces
Phys. Plasmas 24, 010703 (2017)
Ion acceleration in electrostatic field of charged cavity created by ultra-short laser pulses of 1020–1021 W/cm2
V. Yu. Bychenkov; P. K. Singh; H. Ahmed; K. F. Kakolee; C. Scullion; T. W. Jeong; P. Hadjisolomou; A. Alejo; S. Kar; M. Borghesi; S. Ter-Avetisyan
Phys. Plasmas 24, 010704 (2017)
Basic Plasma Phenomena, Waves, Instabilities
Scattering cross sections of the particles in the partially ionized dense nonideal plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012101 (2017)
Efficient pre-ionization by direct X-B mode conversion in VEST
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012103 (2017)
Dual upper drift waves in RF produced magnetized helium plasma
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012104 (2017)
Slow electrostatic fluctuations generated by beam-plasma interaction
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012105 (2017)
Structure and computation of two-dimensional incompressible extended MHD
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012110 (2017)
Two-stream instability assessment of fast ignition driven by quasi-monoenergetic ions
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012111 (2017)
Elliptically polarized modes in relativistic magnetized spin quantum plasma
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012112 (2017)
Nonlinear Phenomena, Turbulence, Transport
Macroscopic motion of sheath-connected blobs in magnetic fields with arbitrary topology
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012301 (2017)
Nonlinear effects associated with kinetic Alfvén wave in magnetic islands
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012302 (2017)
Electromagnetic theory of turbulent acceleration of parallel flow and momentum conservation
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012304 (2017)
On the emergence of macroscopic transport barriers from staircase structures
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012305 (2017)
What happens to full-f gyrokinetic transport and turbulence in a toroidal wedge simulation?
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012306 (2017)
Magnetically Confined Plasmas, Heating, Confinement
Equilibrium properties of hybrid field reversed configurations
M. Tuszewski; D. Gupta; S. Gupta; M. Onofri; D. Osin; B. H. Deng; S. A. Dettrick; K. Hubbard; H. Gota; TAE Team
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012502 (2017)
Modeling of radiative divertor experiments with argon seeding for H-mode plasma in EAST
Zhongshi Yang; Jingbo Chen; D. P. Coster; Yanmin Duan; Liang Wang; Fang Ding; Jichan Xu; Qing Zang; Tengfei Wang; Ning Yan; Tao Zhang; Ling Zhang; Jinhua Wu; Yueng-Kay Martin Peng; Guang-Nan Luo
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012503 (2017)
Effect of scrape-off-layer current on reconstructed tokamak equilibrium
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012504 (2017)
Calculation of the radial electric field from a modified Ohm's law
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012505 (2017)
Turbulent fluctuations during pellet injection into a dipole confined plasma torus
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012506 (2017)
Numerical investigation of plasma-wall interaction during burst of ELMs in a tokamak device
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012510 (2017)
A simple model for electron dissipation in trapped ion turbulence
M. Lesur; T. Cartier-Michaud; T. Drouot; P. H. Diamond; Y. Kosuga; T. Réveillé; E. Gravier; X. Garbet; S.-I. Itoh; K. Itoh
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012511 (2017)
Investigation of instabilities and rotation alteration in high beta KSTAR plasmas
Y. S. Park; S. A. Sabbagh; W. H. Ko; J. G. Bak; J. W. Berkery; J. M. Bialek; M. J. Choi; S. H. Hahn; Y. K. In; S. C. Jardin; Y. M. Jeon; J. Kim; J. G. Kwak; S. G. Lee; Y. K. Oh; H. K. Park; S. W. Yoon; G. S. Yun
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012512 (2017)
Inertially Confined Plasmas, High Energy Density Plasma Science, Warm Dense Matter
A model of anomalous absorption of laser light on ion acoustic turbulence
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012701 (2017)
Development of the dense plasma focus for short-pulse applications
N. Bennett; M. Blasco; K. Breeding; D. Constantino; A. DeYoung; V. DiPuccio; J. Friedman; B. Gall; S. Gardner; J. Gatling; E. C. Hagen; A. Luttman; B. T. Meehan; M. Misch; S. Molnar; G. Morgan; R. O'Brien; L. Robbins; R. Rundberg; N. Sipe; D. R. Welch; V. Yuan
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012702 (2017)
Simulation of the radiation from the hot spot of an X-pinch
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012703 (2017)
Auto-magnetizing liners for magnetized inertial fusion
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012704 (2017)
Factors affecting the exploding characteristics of tungsten wires with negative-polarity current
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012706 (2017)
Ionospheric, Solar-System, and Astrophysical Plasmas
Kinetic modeling of Langmuir probe characteristics in a laboratory plasma near a conducting body
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012901 (2017)
Spectra of keV protons related to ion-cyclotron wave packets
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012902 (2017)
Self modulation of slow magnetosonic waves and turbulence generation in solar coronal loops
Phys. Plasmas 24, 012905 (2017)
Lasers, Particle Beams, Accelerators, Radiation Generation
Beam load structures in a basic relativistic interaction model
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013101 (2017)
Time resolved anisotropic emission from an aluminium laser produced plasma
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013105 (2017)
Trapping and acceleration of hollow electron and positron bunch in a quasi-linear donut wakefield
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013107 (2017)
Self-focusing of Gaussian laser beam in weakly relativistic and ponderomotive cold quantum plasma
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013108 (2017)
Novel low-voltage subterahertz-range radial backward wave oscillator
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013109 (2017)
Design analysis and simulation study of an efficiency enhanced L-band MILO
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013113 (2017)
Study of plasma pressure evolution driven by strong picosecond laser pulse
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013117 (2017)
A modified relativistic magnetron with TEM output mode
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013118 (2017)
Detection of an anomalous pressure on a magneto-inertial-fusion load current diagnostic
M. H. Hess; B. T. Hutsel; C. A. Jennings; J. P. VanDevender; A. B. Sefkow; M. R. Gomez; P. F. Knapp; G. R. Laity; D. H. Dolan; D. C. Lamppa; K. J. Peterson; W. A. Stygar; D. B. Sinars
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013119 (2017)
Radiation: Emission, Absorption, Transport
A theoretical study of terahertz surface plasmons on a cylindrical metal wire
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013304 (2017)
Low-Temperature Plasmas, Plasma Applications, Plasma Sources, Sheaths
Non-equilibrium steady-state kinetics of He-air atmospheric pressure plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013501 (2017)
Experimental and theoretical study of an atmospheric air plasma-jet
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013502 (2017)
Characteristics of floating potential of a probe in electronegative plasma
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013507 (2017)
A study on plasma parameters in Ar/SF6 inductively coupled plasma
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013512 (2017)
Bullet-to-streamer transition on the liquid surface of a plasma jet in atmospheric pressure
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013513 (2017)
Analysis of thermionic bare tether operation regimes in passive mode
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013515 (2017)
Correlation of wave propagation modes in helicon plasma with source tube lengths
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013518 (2017)
Dusty Plasmas
On the work function and the charging of small ( 5 nm) nanoparticles in plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013702 (2017)
Implication of the polarization force on the self-similar expansion of a dusty plasma into vacuum
Phys. Plasmas 24, 013703 (2017)
Erratum: “Envelope equation for the linear and nonlinear propagation of an electron plasma wave, including the effects of Landau damping, trapping, plasma inhomogeneity, and the change in the state of wave” [Phys. Plasmas 23, 102105 (2016)]
Phys. Plasmas 24, 019901 (2017)
Progress toward fusion energy breakeven and gain as measured against the Lawson criterion
Samuel E. Wurzel, Scott C. Hsu
FreeGSNKE: A Python-based dynamic free-boundary toroidal plasma equilibrium solver
N. C. Amorisco, A. Agnello, et al.
Weakly nonlinear incompressible Rayleigh–Taylor–Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in plane geometry
Zhen-Qi Zou, Jun-Feng Wu, et al.