In a recently published study,1 a confusion has been made on the definition of the size of the random phase plate (RPP) in the Fourier space: . As shown in Fig. 1 of this reference, the RPP size is , which implies , where , , F are the focal number, the diameter of the focusing length, and the focal length, respectively. Figures 3–8 of Ref. 1 and the associated discussions were produced with the definition, , wrong by factor of . Once corrected, the wavevector and frequency axis of these plots, normalized to and , are rescaled by a factor of two, thus reading instead of and instead of . Regarding the discussions, the scattering of a wave outside the pump aperture propagates with angle (and not as mentioned in the publication) and has a frequency shift of (and not ). In addition, the simulation of Sec. V C corresponds to , unlike what is described.
The laser and wave-mixing equations, the agreement with the different paraxial simulations, the important impact of the statistical correlation on the forward stimulated Brillouin scattering, and the conclusions remain unchanged.