In this paper, a one-dimensional 10-moment multi-fluid plasma model is developed and applied to low-temperature magnetized plasmas. The 10-moment model solves for six anisotropic pressure terms, in addition to density and three components of fluid momentum, which allows the model to capture finite kinetic effects. The results are benchmarked against a 5-moment model, which assumes that the gas constituents follow a Maxwellian velocity distribution function (VDF), and a particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision model that allows for arbitrary non-Maxwellian VDFs. The models are compared in a one-dimensional, low-temperature, partially magnetized plasma test case. The 10-moment results accurately reproduce the anisotropic temperature profile in low-temperature magnetized plasmas, where shear gradients exist due to the drift. We discuss the mechanisms by which the anisotropic pressure can be generated in low-temperature magnetized plasmas. In addition, the importance of a self-consistent heat flux closure to the 10-moment model is studied, showing consistency with other models only when the assumptions of the underlying model are met. The 10-moment model allows for study of electron inertia effects and non-Maxwellian VDFs without the need for kinetic methods that are more computationally expensive.
Low-temperature plasmas (LTPs) play an important role in natural phenomena, such as space weather,1–3 and engineering applications including space propulsion4–6 and semiconductor manufacturing.7 LTPs are a rich area of study because the particle dynamics include a wide range of spatial and temporal scales arising from the mass difference between different species, e.g., ions, electrons, and neutral gases. The addition of a magnetic field can greatly affect the dynamics within LTPs due to particle gyromotion and by introducing a direction of anisotropy. The atomic-scale interactions between particles, including short-range collisions and long-range field interactions, directly cascade up to device-scale behavior and performance. Therefore, the basis for any macroscopic modeling of LTPs must be faithful to the underlying microscopic dynamics.
A Hall-effect thruster (HET) is an electric propulsion (EP) device that employs a plasma in an annular channel with applied crossed electric and magnetic fields. The crossed fields trap the electrons and generate an drift in the azimuthal direction, and the high-energy trapped electrons can then collide with and ionize a neutral gas. High electron resistivity increases the electric field which then accelerates the ions, generating thrust. The electron trapping is key to electron heating, the ionization of neutral atoms which sustain the plasma, and the instantiation of the strong accelerating field. An HET discharge chamber is a prudent test problem for the 10-moment model because it contains crossed electric and magnetic fields, multiple relevant species, a number of reactions and contains physics that occur over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. In particular, anisotropy can be important in such a plasma as the magnetic field modifies the electron transport in various directions.8 Electron transport is one of the most important phenomena in this type of crossed-field discharges and other plasma phenomena. Through shear-induced transport, and a generalized diamagnetic drift, anisotropic pressure components can greatly affect the electron transport.
Fluid moment models are an attractive option for modeling plasmas because macroscopic system-scale behavior can be described without needing to track individual particle trajectories and may thus have a significant computational cost advantage over kinetic models. However, the key challenge of fluid models is the closure problem. That is, the evolution of the calculated moments (e.g., density, bulk velocity, and temperature) depends on higher-order moments; consequently, some ansatz must be made to determine the higher-order moments from the lower-order moments. One common assumption for fluid models of plasma and gas dynamics is that the gaseous particles follow a near-Maxwellian velocity distribution function (VDF). All gaseous systems relax to a Maxwellian distribution in the limit of collisional equilibrium. Thus, the Maxwellian assumption is valid when the timescale of intermolecular collisions is fast compared to any other process. Such a system would be fully described by the spatial profiles of density, n, bulk velocity, , and isotropic pressure, p, i.e., a 5-moment model. Another common approach in LTPs is to use the two-term spherical harmonic expansion of the Boltzmann equation, leading to the local field and local mean energy approximations.9 However, particularly in the presence of a magnetic field, non-local effects and collisional processes may lead to anisotropic transport and deviation from local equilibrium; thus, the 5-moment assumption may be invalid.
Experimental measurements have found evidence of anisotropic electron VDFs, particularly near phase boundaries (e.g., walls, channel exit) where shear terms are large.10,11 Anisotropic pressures (and temperatures) can affect the dynamics of a system in two main ways, which are not captured in equilibrium models. First, anisotropy modifies particle transport properties; in general, in addition to changing pressure gradients, anisotropic temperatures can lead to anisotropic resistivities and mobilities.8,12 Furthermore, a non-Maxwellian VDF can modify reaction rates. For instance, consider a VDF which has a higher temperature in the x direction than the other two directions. If the thermal energy is near the activation energy of a reaction, an equilibrium model may underpredict the reaction rate caused by the particles with higher x velocity.
The fluid equations are derived by taking velocity moments of the kinetic transport equation (KTE), such as the Boltzmann equation, and fluid models are categorized by which moments they determine and the type of closure. The typical 5-moment fluid model uses the zeroth, first, and contracted second moments of the KTE. Higher-order moment models (HOMMs) are an attractive approach for modeling fluids in the transition between equilibrium fluid and kinetic regimes by accounting for non-Maxwellian VDFs, while still remaining a manageable set of first-order partial differential equations (PDEs). Previous works have used 10-moment models,3,13,14 13-moment models,15,16 and 14-moment models,17,18 which consider a maximum-entropy ansatz and Pearson-IV distribution for closure. Intuitively, having more moments, i.e., more information, should only increase the fidelity of the simulation; however, as described in previous work, there are practical advantages to maintaining a hyperbolic set of PDEs. In Ref. 14, a closure based on the H-theorem was developed for the 10-moment model, which retains a hyperbolic wave structure and performed favorably against 5-moment models and previously developed 10-moment closures when compared to kinetic simulations for gas dynamics problems.
In this study, the 10-moment model is extended to charged species and applied to the partially ionized, partially magnetized plasmas that are observed in an HET discharge channel, and benchmarked against a 5-moment fluid model and a kinetic model. In Sec. II, we discuss the governing equations for our fluid and particle simulations. In Sec. III, we introduce the numerical methods, the boundary conditions, and the solver for the electric field. Section IV describes the details of the simplified HET model. The results of our simulations are presented and analyzed in Sec. V.
A. The fluid approximation
Fluid models are derived by solving for certain moments of Eq. (1). In the limit of retaining infinite moments, the function f is resolved exactly (i.e., moment problem); however, in practice, usually only a limited set of moments are considered to resolve f to sufficient accuracy.
1. The 10-moment equations
2. The 5-moment equations
B. The particle-in-cell method
C. Collisions
For particle methods, collisions on particle p can be performed stochastically using a Monte Carlo collision (MCC) model, by updating the particle velocity at a rate for each collision type. The magnitude of the post-collision velocity is determined by conservation of energy, and its direction is assumed to be isotropic; a more accurate description of the post-collision particle VDF is reserved for future work. Equation (22) is consistent with the fluid model in terms of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. However, there may be significant discrepancies if the particles are significantly non-Maxwellian, which is not captured in the estimate of .
D. Heat flux closure model
E. Field equations
The continuum differential equations for the evolution of the plasma must now be put into a form that is solvable numerically. We employ a finite volume method, where the domain is discretized into a finite number of cells and we solve for the spatially averaged plasma quantities within each cell.
A. Timestepping
To numerically solve the time evolution equations, e.g., Eqs. (2)–(4), (19), and (20), they must be spatially and temporally discretized and numerically integrated forward in time. The fluid equations, i.e., Eqs. (2)–(4) and (9)–(11) for 10-moment and Eqs. (15)–(17) for 5-moment, are numerically explicitly integrated forward in time. By determining the conservative fluxes at the interfaces between volume elements, we can ensure that mass, momentum, and energy are conserved. Thus, the left-hand side of the fluid equations is treated conservatively.
Although working with the conservative form of the equations is numerically convenient for the fluxes, there is no preferred set of variables for all of the source terms. Consider the electromagnetic source terms in the energy equations: the conservative form in Eqs. (2)–(4) couples the electric field to the energy through bulk acceleration of the fluid momentum; however, when written in a primitive form as Eqs. (9)–(11), it is clear that the magnetic field only acts to rotate the pressure tensor in velocity space and the electric field does not directly affect the pressure tensor. In this way, a primitive formulation may mitigate numerical errors arising from the coupling between internal and bulk kinetic energy.4 However, certain inelastic collisions may cause a net drag as well as energy loss. In such a case, the conservative equations provide a convenient way to handle momentum and energy losses independently, without needing to predetermine its decomposition into internal and bulk kinetic energy losses.
For increased temporal accuracy and to reduce spurious oscillations with larger timesteps, each time step is taken using the third-order strong stability-preserving Runge-Kutta (SSP-RK3) method.4 All of the species are updated at each substep of RK3.
B. Kinetic flux boundary condition for the 10-moment model
Boundary conditions play an important role in plasma simulations. While it is somewhat straightforward to determine how individual particles behave at the wall, the proper handling of the boundary condition for a fluid model is not trivial.
For each of the fluid models, we employ the so-called kinetic flux boundary conditions. The 5-moment description is detailed in Ref. 4. For benchmarking the 10-moment model with 5-moment and kinetic models, here we consider the kinetic boundary conditions for the 10-moment model.
C. Poisson's equation
The computational domain in this study consists of a one-dimensional (1D) representation of a Hall-effect thruster as shown in Fig. 1, following Refs. 4 and 29. The left boundary is at cm, and stands in for an annular anode of inner radius 3.45 cm and outer radius 5 cm, set to a potential of V relative to the cathode. The channel length is 2.5 cm.
A. Boundary conditions
At the anode, it is assumed that a constant flux of neutral xenon gas (5 mg/s mass flow rate) at 270 m/s flows into the system.30,31 Xenon is assumed to be the only atomic species present and dominated by the ground-state neutral and singly charged ion. In addition, the ions that collide with the anode are assumed to recombine.
B. Magnetic field
C. Collisions
1. Collision types
We assume the following collisional processes for the electron dynamics for our benchmarking test: electron-neutral (en), electron-ion (ei), electron–electron (ee), electron-wall (ew). In addition, the momentum transfer that results from the so-called anomalous cross field transport is also included. It is further assumed that the effect of collisions on the heavy species (ie, ne, in, ni) is small and does not affect the dynamics.
2. Collision model
3. Heat flux model
The 10-moment results are compared with the 5-moment results in Ref. 4 and the PIC-MCC results in Ref. 29. The PIC-MCC model evolves the particle evolution equations [Eqs. (19) and (20)] for the ion and electron species, and uses the same simplified neutral species update [Eq. (41)] as the fluid models. The PIC-MCC simulations take about 4–5 days using 30 processors on the Sherlock cluster at Stanford University to reach a steady state at about 1 ms, and the simulations are run for an additional 1 ms to average macroscopic quantities, which takes an additional 10 days.29 The 5-moment results take about 5 h using 4 processors, while the 10-moment results take about 46 h on a single processor. The increased computational runtime for the 10-moment model as compared to the 5-moment model is due to both an increased number of fluid equations to solve and also requiring approximately smaller time step owing to the faster wave speed present in the 10-moment model. As discussed in Eq. (35), the ratio of the speed of sound between the 10-moment and 5-moment equations is near equilibrium.
A. Plasma profiles
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the steady-state results between the 10-moment, 5-moment, and PIC-MCC models. The kinetic model is solved using the algorithms described in Ref. 29. As described in Ref. 4, the values of in Eq. (51) are chosen so that the system attains a steady-state profile and that there are no large-scale oscillations (cf. breathing mode40) to provide a quantitative comparison. In general, there is good agreement between the 10-moment and 5-moment simulations, demonstrating that the first-order approximation of the electrons having a Maxwellian VDF can capture much of the dynamics in this regime. However, there are a number of key differences between the 10-moment and 5-moment results.
Figure 2(a) shows that the 10-moment and 5-moment estimates of electron and ion densities are higher than those of the PIC-MCC simulation. Furthermore, the 10-moment estimate within the channel is greater than that of the 5-moment. The anode sheath is resolved for all results, exhibiting an ion-attracting, electron-repelling sheath. Figure 2(b) shows that the neutral atom density obtained from the 5- and 10-moment models is lower than the PIC-MCC results in the downstream ( cm), which is attributable to the greater degree of ionization in the fluid models. Figure 2(c) shows a discrepancy of the ion bulk velocity between the PIC-MCC model and the two fluid models. As described in Ref. 29, this is most likely due to the PIC-MCC model being able to capture non-Maxwellian ion VDFs: both the fast ions accelerated from upstream and the slow ions generated from ionization events. Figure 2(d) shows the axial electric field. The PIC-MCC and 10-moment results agree better than the 5-moment results, especially near the channel exit where the drift is largest, e.g., cm, 2.5 cm]. This demonstrates that the 10-moment model captures the electron kinetics near the acceleration region. We further investigate the anisotropic electron temperature and cross field electron transport in Sec. V B. Figure 2(e) shows the electron axial bulk velocity. Here again, good agreement between 5-moment and 10-moment is obtained. The anode discharge current, , is in good agreement between each of the three models, within 1%. The steady-state is 8.484, 8.457, and 8.415 A for the 10-moment, 5-moment, and PIC-MCC models, respectively. Because the anode current is similar between the two models, the bulk velocity follows a reciprocal trend to the density inside the channel, e.g., cm. Figure 2(f) shows the electron azimuthal bulk velocity. It is clear that the azimuthal velocity consists predominantly of the drift, as the profile of closely resembles the electric field profile. The maximum magnitude of agrees well between 10-moment and PIC-MCC due to the agreement in as shown in Fig. 2(d). A notable difference between 5- and 10-moment models is the azimuthal electron transport near the anode. The difference in ionization and transport near the anode can be understood by studying the electron temperature profiles.
Figure 3 presents a comparison of the anisotropic temperature profiles between 10-moment and PIC-MCC simulations. While the 5-moment model only captures the isotropic temperature, the 10-moment and PIC-MCC models capture all of the elements of the temperature tensor. Figure 3(a) shows the on-diagonal (normal-stress) components of the 10-moment temperature tensor compared to the isotropic 5-moment temperature. The isotropic temperatures obtained from the 10-moment and 5-moment models are in good agreement. It is also shown that the deviation from isotropy occurs most strongly near the anode and the channel exit, where there is a sharp change in the anomalous collision frequency.
Figure 3(b) shows a similar comparison between the PIC-MCC on-diagonal temperatures and the 5-moment isotropic temperature. It can be seen from Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) that the 10-moment and PIC-MCC results agree qualitatively, though PIC-MCC predicts a greater difference between and the other on-diagonal temperatures near the channel exit. The temperature within the PIC-MCC simulation is about 2 eV lower than that of the fluid models. One factor in this discrepancy is that the magnitude of the axial electron velocity in the plume [ cm in Fig. 2(e)] is greater in the fluid models; this leads to more Joule heating, whence the hotter electrons are advected toward the anode.
Except near the anode, the radial temperature is the smallest. This is to be expected because the majority of heating arises from collisional drag (resistivity). Without any radial velocity, , the corresponding temperature will be lower compared to the other two. Furthermore, the radial magnetic field does not affect , so there is no mechanism for it to equilibrate to the other temperatures except purely through self-collisions in the present 1D simulation. Just within the channel at cm, the collision frequency drops due to the change in , and the plasma sustains significantly more anisotropy than in the plume. As shown in Fig. 2(e), the radial speed also decreases at cm, leading to compression and axial heating. However, just afterwards (from the perspective of the electrons), at cm, the azimuthal speed, , increases rapidly as the electrons experience the strong drift shown in Fig. 2(f). This increased velocity leads to azimuthal heating through collisions. As the azimuthal velocity is much larger than the axial velocity, the azimuthal temperature remains the highest at cm.
Another difference is the magnitude and profile of the electric field near the channel exit (i.e., ) seen in Fig. 2(d). This discrepancy can be explained by recalling that in the 10-moment model , and since axial transport is mediated by , the electrons have increased thermal transport across the magnetic field; this allows them to more readily neutralize ion density perturbations, thus decreasing the magnitude of the electric field. This can also be thought of as a decrease in the effective resistivity and consequently, the electric field. As a result, the 10-moment electric field profile is in better agreement with PIC-MCC than the 5-moment model. This reduction in the electric field also manifests itself as a smaller peak azimuthal velocity [cf. Fig. 2(f)], also in better agreement with PIC-MCC.
At the anode, a sheath potential forms, which truncates the electron VDF in the axial direction, i.e., electrons with sufficiently negative velocity will be absorbed by the anode, therefore depleting the electrons in the direction. This manifests itself as a decrease in the axial temperature, , near the anode as seen in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b). This anode sheath region is larger in the PIC simulation than in the fluid, as can be seen in Fig. 3, most likely due to the kinetic simulation being able to sustain non-thermal populations while the fluid simulation necessarily relaxes back to equilibrium more quickly. The suppressed axial temperature leads to a smaller particle flux to the wall, cf. Eq. (B4).
Figures 3(c) and 3(d) show the only non-zero off diagonal (shear) electron temperature component, , for the 10-moment model and the PIC-MCC simulations, respectively. Note that in the 5-moment model. We see quantitative agreement between the 10-moment and kinetic models in capturing . There are shear temperatures near the wall and the channel exit, and notably, it is non-zero even in regions of high collision frequency. The origin of will be elaborated in detail in Sec. V B.
B. Cross-field electron transport
It is observed from both the 10-moment and PIC-MCC results that the electron distribution functions within a Hall-effect thruster plasma are anisotropic, as shown in Fig. 3. In this section, we discuss the mechanisms of the electron anisotropy and their effects on cross field electron transport.
1. Mechanism of anisotropy
Figure 4 shows that is dominated by elastic energy exchange in the plume ( cm); i.e., the high anomalous transport frequency causes drag, which stretches the distribution function unequally in the x and y directions due to and , as shown in Figs. 2(e) and 2(f), respectively. In addition, in this region, the transport term is small because due to the high collisionality.
Within the channel ( cm), momentum transfer collision frequency, , is significantly smaller than in the plume, and the inviscid transport has a greater effect on the anisotropy. In one spatial dimension, the transport-based anisotropy is primarily due to the compression of the fluid, . It can be seen from Eq. (60) that a non-zero can be generated by even when . Consider the profile of in Fig. 2(e). From cm, , i.e., the electrons are being compressed; this leads to an increase in , while leaving unchanged and is a source of . Conversely, toward the anode, cm, where , i.e., the electrons are accelerating and expanding, decreases and there is a sink of .
Inviscid transport dominates until the sheath boundary layer beside the anode, i.e., cm. In this region, the heat flux is large ( ) and leads to a reversal in the sign of at the anode, cf. Fig. 3. The large gradients of shear pressure and heat flux at the anode boundary indicate that proper models for capturing the strongly non-Maxwellian VDFs at phase boundaries are important for understanding plasma-wall interactions like electron absorption and erosion.
2. Drift velocity decomposition
Figure 5(a) shows that within the domain, the electron axial velocity is mostly dominated by the Hall effect, given the large azimuthal velocity. It can be seen that the other the shear and diamagnetic drift effects become significant in the near-anode region ( cm), near the channel exit ( cm), and at the cathode ( cm). Near the anode, the azimuthal velocity decreases and instead the electron inertial effects dominate, particularly the generalized diamagnetic drift, namely, the term proportional to . This finding is consistent with that in Ref. 29, reaffirming the capability of the 10-moment model in analyzing plasma-wall interactions where shear effects are non-negligible. Note that when comparing with the 5-moment model, the estimate of the axial velocity near the anode is similar, even though the 5-moment model does not account for the anisotropic pressure. This is achieved by the 5-moment model overpredicting the azimuthal velocity near the anode, as shown in Fig. 2(f). That is to say, to achieve the same axial transport properties and steady state flux of electrons to the anode, the 5-moment model substitutes for leading to a different profile of near the anode.
Near the channel exit, e.g., cm, 2.6 cm], where both the azimuthal velocity and the anomalous collision frequency have strong gradients, inertial (shear and generalized diamagnetic) effects also play a significant role. Finally, inertial effects are also large near the cathode, where electrons are injected, e.g., cm. This is most likely due to the fact the electrons are assumed to be non-drifting and thermally isotropic as they enter the domain, which is slightly inconsistent with the natural plasma response at cm. Thus, this effect is most likely an artifact of the electron injection method. Previous works (Refs. 4 and 29) have found that the details of the injection method do not significantly affect the plasma profiles within the domain or global parameters like the discharge current. A more compatible injection scheme is reserved for future work.
Figure 5(b) shows the decomposition of the azimuthal velocity, . The profile is mainly dominated by the drift as one might expect but inertial effects, in particular, the diamagnetic drift, , again become significant near the channel exit at cm and near the anode, i.e., cm, due to the steep gradients of and . While they are not zero, the contributions from the Hall effect and shear terms to the azimuthal velocity in Eq. (61) are negligible.
C. Importance of self-consistent heat flux closure
The derivation of the heat conductivity, i.e., Eq. (58), from Ref. 39 makes the assumptions that (a) electrons are nearly Maxwellian and (b) the contributions of electron–electron collisions to the thermal conductivity are negligible. Clearly, this is valid in the limit of in Eq. (49). In this limit, the electron VDF immediately relaxes to an equilibrium Maxwellian and any associated heat flux, , vanishes. For this reason, the use of this equation in the 5-moment model is valid. Conversely, for the previous 10-moment results shown, and no additional heat flux due to ee collisions is considered. Although the first assumption of near-Maxwellian is not strictly true, the electron collisions are dominated by interspecies collisions and thus the second assumption is still satisfied. In the intermediate regime of , however, neither assumption is valid. We can estimate the minimum for which anisotropy becomes significant; i.e., when the dynamic length scale is on the order of the collisional mean free path. We can estimate the dynamic scale by the gradient-length scale, . Taking to be the quantity of interest, we find that cm. So then, we would expect our formulation to be inconsistent with Eq. (58) around s−1.
Figure 6 shows the simulated anode current as a function of the artificial electron–electron collision frequency, in Eq. (49). As decreases from infinity, the distribution function begins to be more anisotropic, but because in this regime , the heat flux and therefore the transport is grossly overestimated, leading to a rise in the discharge current estimate. Indeed, we see significant deviation from the equilibrium estimate near the transition value of s−1 calculated above. Conversely, electron–electron collisions are negligible when s−1, on average. Indeed, we see that by this point, the second assumption is satisfied. Therefore, these results demonstrate the importance of having a self-consistent heat flux closure in the 10-moment model and making sure that the assumptions of prior derivations are still satisfied when testing a new model. In addition, it shows that the derivation of a new closure model, consistent with anisotropic non-Maxwellian VDFs may be necessary when studying plasmas which span wide ranges of collisionality.
In this paper, we developed a 10-moment model applicable to low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas and applied the model to the discharge chamber of a simplified Hall-effect thruster geometry. The results show good agreement with 5-moment fluid and fully kinetic (PIC-MCC) results, both in spatial plasma profiles and global discharge current. The model was developed to study the ability of higher-order fluid moment models to accurately capture non-Maxwellian electron VDFs.
The anisotropic pressure in low-temperature magnetized plasmas is captured qualitatively well, and the nature of the fluid model provides insight into how electron anisotropy is generated within the cross field discharge plasma and the relative importance of each of the components on the overall profile. It was found that capturing a full pressure tensor was vital to understanding the dynamics present at plasma-wall interactions, as well as phase transition regions like that between the thruster chamber and plume. For this reason, the 10-moment model is in better agreement with PIC-MCC than the 5-moment model, not only in the estimates of the pressure tensor, but also in the behavior of transverse velocities near the wall and the maximum electric field. The importance of heat flux closure to the 10-moment model was also demonstrated, as well as the necessity of self-consistency when applying the closure.
Future work may study more general means of heat flux closure compatible with far-from-Maxwellian electron VDFs, and varying levels of inter- and intra-species collisionality. It may also look into generalized methods for calculating rate coefficients that incorporate the information of the full temperature tensor. While in general, the rate coefficient k may be a function of all six components of and the drift speed u, finding low-rank models to accurately calculate k may be useful in future studies including the 10-moment model.
Regions of non-zero indicate non-equilibrium shear that may be indicative of plasma turbulence. Future studies may look into relaxing the assumptions of , which were made to achieve a steady-state profile, and determining if the anomalous electron cross field transport may be explained in part by the non-equilibrium effects captured in the 10-moment model. Studies of three-dimensional plasma turbulence would be greatly accelerated by the use of a fluid model which can capture the relevant non-equilibrium physics.
The authors thank A. R. Mansour for many helpful discussions on modeling the dynamics within Hall effect thrusters. This work was supported by a NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity, Grant No. 80NSSC21K1302, the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship under Cooperative Agreement No. DE-NA0003960, NASA through the Joint Advanced Propulsion Institute, a NASA Space Technology Research Institute, under Grant No. 80NSSC21K1118, and the Office of Naval Research under Award No. N00014-21-1-2698. The authors would like to thank Stanford University and the Stanford Research Computing Center for providing computational resources and support that contributed to these research results.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Derek Kuldinow: Conceptualization (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Software (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Yusuke Yamashita: Software (supporting); Writing – review & editing (equal). Kentaro Hara: Conceptualization (equal); Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition (lead); Methodology (supporting); Project administration (lead); Visualization (supporting); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
The definition of the kinetic fluxes is presented in Eq. (37), wherein the flux is calculated based on an integral of a reconstructed VDF at the boundary. For our 10-moment model, the fluid variables at the boundary are reconstructed using MUSCL and the associated VDF is as in Eq. (38).
From these equations, we need to determine the fluxes of each of the conservative quantities, . Performing these integrals yields the following equations for the rightward (+) and leftward (−) moving fluxes which are then used in Eqs. (33) and (42) to update the conservative variables.
Below we show the kinetic fluxes for each moment.