The Lawson criterion is a key concept in the pursuit of fusion energy, relating the fuel density n, pulse duration τ or energy confinement time τE, and fuel temperature T to the energy gain Q of a fusion plasma. The purpose of this paper is to explain and review the Lawson criterion and to provide a compilation of achieved parameters for a broad range of historical and contemporary fusion experiments. Although this paper focuses on the Lawson criterion, it is only one of many equally important factors in assessing the progress and ultimate likelihood of any fusion concept becoming a commercially viable fusion-energy system. Only experimentally measured or inferred values of n, τ or τE, and T that have been published in the peer-reviewed literature are included in this paper, unless noted otherwise. For extracting these parameters, we discuss methodologies that are necessarily specific to different fusion approaches (including magnetic, inertial, and magneto-inertial fusion). This paper is intended to serve as a reference for fusion researchers and a tutorial for all others interested in fusion energy.

In 1955, J. D. Lawson identified a set of necessary physical conditions for a “useful” fusion system.1 By evaluating the energy gain Q, the ratio of energy released by fusion reactions to the delivered energy for heating and sustaining the fusion fuel, Lawson concluded that for a pulsed system, energy gain is a function of temperature T and the product of fuel density n and pulse duration τ. When thermal-conduction losses are included in a steady-state system (extending Lawson's analysis), the power gain is a function of T and the product of n and energy confinement time τE. We call both these products, nτ and nτE, the Lawson parameter. The required temperature and Lawson parameter for self-heating from charged fusion products to exceed all losses is known as the Lawson criterion. A fusion plasma that has reached these conditions is said to have achieved ignition. Although ignition is not required for a commercial fusion-energy system, higher values of energy gain will generally yield more attractive economics, all other things being equal. If the energy applied to heat and sustain the plasma can be recovered in a useful form, the requirements on energy gain for a useful system are relaxed.

Lawson's analysis was declassified and published in 19572 and has formed the scientific basis for evaluating the physics progress of fusion research toward the key milestones of plasma energy breakeven and gain. Over time, the Lawson criterion has been cast into other formulations, e.g., the fusion triple product3,4 (nTτE) and “p-tau” (pressure p times τE), which have the same dimensions (with units of m−3 keV s or atm s) and combine all the relevant parameters conveniently into a single value. However, these single-value parameters do not map to a unique value of Q, whereas unique combinations of T and nτ (or nτE) do. Various plots of the Lawson parameter, triple product, and “p-tau” vs year achieved or vs T have been published for subsets of experimental results,5–8 but to our knowledge, there did not exist a comprehensive compilation of such data in the peer-reviewed literature that spans the major thermonuclear-fusion approaches of magnetic confinement fusion (MCF), inertial confinement fusion (ICF), and magneto-inertial fusion (MIF). This paper fills that gap.

The motivation to catalog, define our methodologies for inferring, and establish credibility for a compilation of these parameters stems from the prior development of the Fusion Energy Base (FEB) website ( by the first author. FEB is a free resource with a primary mission of providing objective information to those, especially private investors, interested in fusion energy. This paper provides access to the many included plots, tables, and codes, while also providing context for understanding the history of fusion research9–11 and the tremendous scientific progress that has been made in the 65+ years since Lawson's report.

The combination of T and nτ (or nτE) is a scientific indicator of how far or near a fusion experiment is from energy breakeven and gain. Achieving high values of these parameters is tied predominantly to plasma physics and related engineering challenges of producing stable plasmas, heating them to fusion temperatures, and exerting sufficient control. Since the 1950s, these challenges have driven the development of the entire scientific discipline of plasma physics, which has dominated fusion-energy research to this day. However, we emphasize that there are many additional considerations, entirely independent of but equally important as the Lawson criterion, in evaluating the remaining technical, economic, and societal risks of any fusion approach and the likelihood of any approach ultimately becoming a commercially viable fusion-energy system. These include the feasibility, absolute power levels or yield per pulse, safety, and complexity of the engineering and materials subsystems and fuel cycle that impact a commercial fusion system's economics12 and social acceptance,13,14 as illustrated conceptually in Fig. 1. The issues of RAMI (reliability, accessibility, maintainability, and inspectability)15 and government regulation16,17 impact both the economics and social acceptance. This paper discusses only the progress of fusion energy along the axis of energy gain, and we caution the reader not to over-emphasize nor under-emphasize any one axis.

FIG. 1.

Progress toward commercially viable fusion energy requires progress along three equally important axes. This paper focuses only on the axis of energy gain.

FIG. 1.

Progress toward commercially viable fusion energy requires progress along three equally important axes. This paper focuses only on the axis of energy gain.

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Although we do not further emphasize it in this paper, a different scientific metric called the Sheffield parameter8,18 aims to embody both the required physics performance (like the Lawson parameter) and the “efficiency” of achieving that performance for MCF concepts. The Sheffield parameter can be thought of as a normalized triple product by explicitly including the parameter β, which is a measure of how much plasma pressure (related to the triple product) can be confined for a given magnetic field (which affects the cost and engineering difficulty).

Because of these additional considerations, fusion approaches that have achieved the highest values of T and nτ (or nτE), i.e., laser-driven ICF19,20 and tokamak-based MCF,6 may not necessarily become the first widely deployed commercial fusion-energy systems. In fact, most private fusion companies focusing on developing commercial fusion systems have opted for fusion approaches with lower demonstrated values to date of temperature and Lawson parameter because of the expectation that the required economics and social acceptance may be more readily achievable. Further discussion of these other considerations is beyond the scope of this paper but is discussed elsewhere in the fusion literature.8,15,21,22

This paper is organized as follows. Section II provides plots of the compiled parameters. Section III provides a review and mathematical derivations of the Lawson criterion and the multiple definitions of fusion energy gain used by fusion researchers. Section IV provides a physics-based justification for the approximations required to compare fusion energy gain across a wide range of fusion experiments and approaches. Readers primarily interested in seeing and using the data without getting entangled in the details can largely ignore Secs. III and IV. Section V provides a summary and conclusions. The  Appendices provide supplementary material, including data tables of the compiled parameters, additional plots, and consideration of advanced fusion fuels (D-D, D-3He, p-11B).

This section provides plots of compiled Lawson parameters, fuel temperatures, and triple products. These plots are generated with a code that is available for download.23 In many places (especially Secs. I, III, and V), we use the generic variables n, T, τ, and Q for economy. However, in most of the paper and as indicated in the Nomenclature, these variables are more precisely differentiated with various subscripts. The energy unit keV is used for temperature variables throughout this paper, and therefore, the Boltzmann constant k is not explicitly shown.

Figure 2 plots achieved (and projected to be achieved) Lawson parameters vs Ti for MCF, MIF, and ICF experiments. Colored contours indicate the requirements of MCF experiments to achieve indicated values of scientific energy gainQsci (labeled QsciMCF on the plot), which is the fusion power divided by the power delivered to the plasma. The black curve labeled (nτ)ig,hsICF indicates the requirements of ICF experiments needed to achieve hot-spot ignition. See the remainder of this paper for details on how the relevant data are extracted from the primary literature, the mathematical definitions of Qsci and (nτ)ig,hsICF, and how the effects of non-uniform spatial profiles, impurities, heating efficiency, and other experimental details are treated. Figure 3 shows record triple products achieved by different fusion concepts vs year achieved (or projected to be achieved) relative to horizontal lines representing various values of QsciMCF and (nTτ)ig,hsICF.

FIG. 2.

Experimentally inferred Lawson parameters (ni0τE* for MCF and nτ for ICF) of fusion experiments vs Ti0 for MCF and Tin for ICF (see Sec. III for definitions of these quantities), extracted from the published literature (see Tables V–VII). The colored contours correspond to the Lawson parameters and ion temperatures required to achieve the indicated values of scientific gain QsciMCF for MCF. The black curve labeled (nτ)ig,hsICF corresponds to the Lawson parameters and ion temperatures required to achieve hot-spot ignition for ICF. We assume representative density and temperature profiles, external-heating absorption efficiencies, and D-T fuel. For experiments that do not use D-T, the contours represent a D-T-equivalent value. The finite widths of the QsciMCF contours represent a range of assumed impurity levels. See the rest of this paper for details on how individual data points are extracted and how the QsciMCF and (nτ)ig,hsICF contours are calculated.

FIG. 2.

Experimentally inferred Lawson parameters (ni0τE* for MCF and nτ for ICF) of fusion experiments vs Ti0 for MCF and Tin for ICF (see Sec. III for definitions of these quantities), extracted from the published literature (see Tables V–VII). The colored contours correspond to the Lawson parameters and ion temperatures required to achieve the indicated values of scientific gain QsciMCF for MCF. The black curve labeled (nτ)ig,hsICF corresponds to the Lawson parameters and ion temperatures required to achieve hot-spot ignition for ICF. We assume representative density and temperature profiles, external-heating absorption efficiencies, and D-T fuel. For experiments that do not use D-T, the contours represent a D-T-equivalent value. The finite widths of the QsciMCF contours represent a range of assumed impurity levels. See the rest of this paper for details on how individual data points are extracted and how the QsciMCF and (nτ)ig,hsICF contours are calculated.

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FIG. 3.

Triple products (ni0Ti0τE* for MCF and nTinτ for ICF; see Sec. III for definitions of these quantities) that set a record for a given concept vs year achieved. Record values for different concepts are shown to illustrate the progress toward energy gain of different concepts over time. The horizontal lines labeled QsciMCF represent the minimum required triple product to achieve the indicated values of QsciMCF, assuming ηabs=0.9. The thickness of these lines is equal to the thickness of the equivalent contours in Fig. 16 at their minimum values. The horizontal line labeled (nTτ)ig,hsICF represents the required triple product to achieve ignition in an ICF hot spot, assuming Ti = 4 keV. The NIF shot from August 8, 2021, does not appear in this plot because its triple product tied the previous record. It did, however, achieve hot-spot ignition and a record Qsci for ICF,24 see Sec. IV B 4. The projected triple-product ranges for SPARC and ITER are bounded above by their projected peak triple products and below by the stated mission of each experiment (i.e., QfuelMCF=2 for SPARC and QfuelMCF=10 for ITER).

FIG. 3.

Triple products (ni0Ti0τE* for MCF and nTinτ for ICF; see Sec. III for definitions of these quantities) that set a record for a given concept vs year achieved. Record values for different concepts are shown to illustrate the progress toward energy gain of different concepts over time. The horizontal lines labeled QsciMCF represent the minimum required triple product to achieve the indicated values of QsciMCF, assuming ηabs=0.9. The thickness of these lines is equal to the thickness of the equivalent contours in Fig. 16 at their minimum values. The horizontal line labeled (nTτ)ig,hsICF represents the required triple product to achieve ignition in an ICF hot spot, assuming Ti = 4 keV. The NIF shot from August 8, 2021, does not appear in this plot because its triple product tied the previous record. It did, however, achieve hot-spot ignition and a record Qsci for ICF,24 see Sec. IV B 4. The projected triple-product ranges for SPARC and ITER are bounded above by their projected peak triple products and below by the stated mission of each experiment (i.e., QfuelMCF=2 for SPARC and QfuelMCF=10 for ITER).

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Typically, MCF uses τE and ICF uses τ in their respective Lawson-parameter and triple-product definitions. Although τE and τ have different physical meanings (see Secs. III E and III F, respectively), they lead to analogous measures of energy breakeven and gain, allowing for MCF and ICF to be plotted together in Figs. 2, 3, and 16. We caution the reader that sometimes Lawson parameters and triple products may be overestimated by concept advocates, especially in unpublished materials, because τ is used incorrectly in place of τE.

In this section, we provide a detailed review of the derivation of the Lawson criterion, following Lawson's original papers.1,2 We then introduce the mathematical definitions of the Lawson parameter in the context of idealized MCF and ICF scenarios, derive the fusion triple product, and define three forms of fusion energy gain used by fusion researchers.

Lawson considered the deuterium-tritium (D-T) and deuterium-deuterium (D-D) fusion reactions,


where α denotes a charged helium ion (4He2+), p denotes a proton, n denotes a neutron and 1 MeV =1.6×1013 J. The fusion reactivities σv for thermal ion distributions for these reactions as well as the additional reactions,


are shown in Fig. 4.

FIG. 4.

Thermal fusion reactivities σv vs Ti for fusion reactions shown in the legend. All reactivities are calculated by numerical integration of velocity-averaged cross sections from Ref. 25 except p-11B, which is calculated from the parametrization of Ref. 26. Note that the two D-D branches are nearly on top of each other.

FIG. 4.

Thermal fusion reactivities σv vs Ti for fusion reactions shown in the legend. All reactivities are calculated by numerical integration of velocity-averaged cross sections from Ref. 25 except p-11B, which is calculated from the parametrization of Ref. 26. Note that the two D-D branches are nearly on top of each other.

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As did Lawson, this paper assumes thermal populations of ions and electrons, i.e., Maxwellian velocity distributions characterized by temperatures Ti and Te, respectively. Throughout this paper, we assume that ions and electrons are in thermal equilibrium with each other such that T=Ti=Te. Non-equilibrium fusion approaches, where Ti > Te, must account for the energy loss channel and timescale of energy transfer from ions to electrons.27 Analysis of such systems is not included in this paper. Furthermore, this paper does not consider non-thermal ion or electron populations such as those with beam-like distributions. The latter typically must contend with reactant slowing at a much faster rate than the fusion rate. The inherent difficulty (though not necessarily impossibility) for non-thermal fusion approaches to achieve Qsci>1 is discussed in Ref. 28. Unless stated otherwise, this paper assumes that all charged fusion products thermalize in the plasma and contribute to self-heating and that all uncharged fusion products (neutrons) exit the plasma without contributing to self-heating. Finally, in this paper, the small Mach-number limit is taken, i.e., the kinetic pressure is small compared to the thermal pressure.

Lawson's original papers considered two distinct fusion operating conditions. The first is a steady-state scenario in which the charged fusion products are confined and contribute to self-heating. The second is a pulsed scenario in which the charged fusion products escape and energy is supplied over the duration of the pulse. Lawson's analysis did not address how the fusion plasma is confined and assumed an ideal scenario without thermal-conduction losses in both cases.

Lawson's first insight was that a self-sustaining, steady-state fusion system without external heating must, at a minimum, balance radiative power losses with self-heating from the charged fusion products, as illustrated conceptually in Fig. 5. The power released by charged fusion products in a plasma of volume V is


where n1 and n2 are the number densities of the reactants, δ1,2=1 in the case of identical reactants (e.g., D-D), and δ1,2=0 otherwise (e.g., D-T).

FIG. 5.

The steady-state scenario corresponding to Lawson's first insight. Self-heating from charged fusion products Pc appears as bremsstrahlung power PB in a steady-state plasma of volume V. Fusion power emitted as neutrons Pn escapes the plasma and does not contribute to self-heating. An unspecified, idealized confinement mechanism is assumed, and thermal-conduction is ignored.

FIG. 5.

The steady-state scenario corresponding to Lawson's first insight. Self-heating from charged fusion products Pc appears as bremsstrahlung power PB in a steady-state plasma of volume V. Fusion power emitted as neutrons Pn escapes the plasma and does not contribute to self-heating. An unspecified, idealized confinement mechanism is assumed, and thermal-conduction is ignored.

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The power emitted by bremsstrahlung radiation is


where CB is a constant and Z =1 in a hydrogenic plasma. Entering values of density in m−3, temperature in keV, volume in m3, and setting CB=5.34×1037 W m3 keV−1/2 gives PB in watts.

If the fusion plasma is to be completely self-heated by charged fusion products (i.e., α, T, p, or He3 in the above reactions), then PcPB is required in order for the plasma to reach ignition (ignoring conduction losses for the moment). In the case of equimolar D-T fusion plasma, i.e., n/2=n1=n2, where n is the total ion number density and Z =1, and given the assumption T=Ti=Te, the condition PcPB becomes


Dividing both sides by V and plotting the resulting fusion power density Sc=Pc/V (left-hand side) and bremsstrahlung power density SB=PB/V (right-hand side) vs T in Fig. 6 shows that T4.3 keV is required for ScSB. This temperature is known as the ideal ignition temperature because, under the idealized scenario of perfect confinement, ignition occurs at this temperature. Note that because n2 cancels on both sides of Eq. (8), the ideal ignition temperature is independent of density. In  Appendix B, we discuss and show how the ignition temperature could be modified if bremsstrahlung radiation losses are mitigated.

FIG. 6.

Power produced per unit volume Sc in charged D-T fusion products (α particles) and power lost to bremsstrahlung per unit volume SB vs T in a D-T plasma. When T <4.3 keV, SB > Sc and ignition is not possible (assuming T=Te=Ti).

FIG. 6.

Power produced per unit volume Sc in charged D-T fusion products (α particles) and power lost to bremsstrahlung per unit volume SB vs T in a D-T plasma. When T <4.3 keV, SB > Sc and ignition is not possible (assuming T=Te=Ti).

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Lawson's second insight involves a pulsed scenario where a plasma is heated instantaneously to a temperature T and maintained at that temperature for time τ (Lawson used t), as illustrated conceptually in Fig. 7. In this scenario, bremsstrahlung radiation and all fusion reaction products escape, and therefore, heating must come from an external source during duration τ. Idealized energy confinement is assumed, i.e., thermal-conduction losses are ignored. Immediately following the instantaneous temperature increase and throughout the remainder of the pulse, the absorbed heating power is balanced by bremsstrahlung radiation. The steady-state power balance of the plasma is

FIG. 7.

Pulsed scenario corresponding to Lawson's second insight. At time t =0, the plasma temperature is instantaneously raised to T and maintained for a duration τ by externally applied and absorbed power Pabs. All fusion products escape (no self-heating), and thermal conduction is neglected (ideal confinement). Absorbed power Pabs appears as bremsstrahlung power PB during the pulse duration.

FIG. 7.

Pulsed scenario corresponding to Lawson's second insight. At time t =0, the plasma temperature is instantaneously raised to T and maintained for a duration τ by externally applied and absorbed power Pabs. All fusion products escape (no self-heating), and thermal conduction is neglected (ideal confinement). Absorbed power Pabs appears as bremsstrahlung power PB during the pulse duration.

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We define the fuel gain Qfuel (Lawson used R) as the ratio of energy released in fusion products EF to the applied external energy Eabs that is absorbed by the entire fuel over the duration τ of the pulse. This absorbed energy is the sum of the instantaneously deposited energy 32(ne+ni)TV=3nTV (assuming T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne) and the energy applied and absorbed over the pulse duration, τPabs. To maintain constant T over duration τ, Pabs=PB is required, and the fuel gain is, therefore,


Because both PF and PB are proportional to n2V and functions of T [see Eqs. (6) and (7)], the n2V dependence cancels out, and Qfuel is solely a function of T and nτ,


Figure 8 plots Qfuel as a function of T for the indicated values of nτ, illustrating that even without self-heating, Qfuel1 is theoretically possible. Lawson noted that a “useful” system would require Qfuel>2, assuming that fusion energy and bremsstrahlung could be converted to useful energy with an efficiency of 1/3, and remarked on the severity of the required T and nτ.

FIG. 8.

Plot of Qfuel vs T for indicated values of nτ, assuming no self-heating and no thermal-conduction losses.

FIG. 8.

Plot of Qfuel vs T for indicated values of nτ, assuming no self-heating and no thermal-conduction losses.

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In this section, we have assumed that at time t=τ, the external heating is turned off and none of the applied energy is recaptured. Lawson noticed, however, that if a fraction η (Lawson used f) of the thermal energy is recovered at the conclusion of the pulse and converted into a useful form of energy (e.g., electrical or mechanical) that could offset the externally applied energy, the quantity nτ in Eq. (11) is replaced by nτ/(1η). The utilization of energy recovery to relax the requirements on nτ for the achievement of energy gain is discussed further in Sec. III H.

In an effort to capture experimental realities, we extend Lawson's second scenario to include thermal-conduction losses and self-heating from charged fusion products, as illustrated in Fig. 9. The rate of energy leaving the plasma via thermal conduction is characterized by an energy confinement time τE, which is the time for energy equal to the thermal energy 3nTV to exit the plasma via thermal conduction. The power balance over the duration of the constant-temperature pulse is

FIG. 9.

Extension of Lawson's second scenario. At time t =0, the plasma temperature is instantaneously raised to T and maintained for a duration τ by absorbed external power Pabs and self-heating power Pc. The sum of absorbed external heating and self-heating appear as bremsstrahlung PB and thermal conduction 3nTV/τE.

FIG. 9.

Extension of Lawson's second scenario. At time t =0, the plasma temperature is instantaneously raised to T and maintained for a duration τ by absorbed external power Pabs and self-heating power Pc. The sum of absorbed external heating and self-heating appear as bremsstrahlung PB and thermal conduction 3nTV/τE.

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Applying a similar analysis to that of Sec. III B, we obtain




The relationship between the two characteristic times τ and τE is that of two resistors in parallel, i.e., it is the smaller of the two that drives the value of τeff. If ττE, the confinement duration τ limits Qfuel because there is limited time to overcome the initial energy investment of raising the plasma temperature. If τEτ, the energy confinement time τE limits Qfuel because the rate of energy leakage from thermal conduction places higher demand on external and self-heating. If the two characteristic times are of similar magnitude, then both play a role in limiting Qfuel.

Figure 10 plots Qfuel vs T for the indicated values of nτeff, illustrating that self-heating enables ignition (Qfuel) above a threshold of T and nτeff, made possible by the reduction of the denominator of Eq. (13) by amount fcσvεF/12T. We explore these thresholds in Secs. III E and III F.

FIG. 10.

Plot of Qfuel vs T for indicated values of effective Lawson parameter nτeff, for a pulsed scenario that includes self-heating from charged fusion products and thermal conduction. Self-heating reduces the demands on externally applied and absorbed heating. Above a threshold of T and nτeff,Qfuel increases without bound, corresponding to ignition.

FIG. 10.

Plot of Qfuel vs T for indicated values of effective Lawson parameter nτeff, for a pulsed scenario that includes self-heating from charged fusion products and thermal conduction. Self-heating reduces the demands on externally applied and absorbed heating. Above a threshold of T and nτeff,Qfuel increases without bound, corresponding to ignition.

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Because external-heating efficiency varies widely across fusion concepts, and because the absorption efficiency is intrinsic to the physics of each concept, we define Pext as the heating power applied at the boundary of the plasma (in the case of MCF) or the target assembly (in the case of ICF). This definition of Pext encapsulates all physics elements of the experiment. The boundary can typically be regarded as the vacuum vessel for all concepts, where Pext could be neutral beams for MCF, laser beams for ICF, or electrical current and voltage for MIF. The previously introduced Pabs is the fraction ηabs of Pext that is actually absorbed by the fuel, i.e., Pabs=ηabsPext. The previously defined fuel gain is


and the newly defined scientific gain is


Whereas Qfuel ignores the plasma-physics losses of the absorption of heating energy into the fuel (e.g., neutral-beam shine-through in MCF or reflection of laser light via laser-plasma instabilities in ICF), Qsci accounts for all plasma-physics-related losses between the vacuum vessel and the fusion fuel. Therefore, Qsci is the better metric for assessing the remaining physics risk of a fusion concept.

Scientific breakeven is historically defined as Qsci=1, which is an important milestone in the development of fusion energy because it signifies that very significant (but not all) plasma-physics challenges have been retired. Scientific breakeven has not yet been achieved, although D-T tokamak experiments such as TFTR and JET from the 1990s and the NIF experiment of August 8, 2021 have come close (Qsci=0.27 for TFTR,29Qsci=0.64 for JET,30 and Qsci=0.72 for NIF).24 Because ηabs is much closer to unity in MCF experiments, the MCF community often uses Q to refer to Qfuel or Qsci interchangeably. For example, the SPARC ion-cyclotron heating system may achieve ηabs=0.9 (single-pass absorption),31 and the neutral-beam heating system for ITER may achieve ηabs0.95.32 

MCF relies on strong magnetic fields to confine fusion fuel, minimize thermal-conduction losses, and trap the charged fusion products for self-heating. By the time that Lawson's report was declassified in 1957, the UK, US, and USSR were all actively developing MCF experiments that included externally applied heating.

Adapting the extension of Lawson's second insight to this scenario, we consider the power balance of an externally heated and self-heated, steady-state plasma. Figure 11 illustrates this scenario for two different values of energy gain. The power balance and fuel gain of the plasma are described by Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively, in the limit of steady-state operation, i.e., τ.

FIG. 11.

Conceptual illustrations of the steady-state power balance for two hypothetical steady-state MCF scenarios. The magnitude of external heating in scenarios (a) and (b) is the same. However, the fusion power and, therefore, Qfuel and Qsci in scenario (b) are all 20 times larger than that of scenario (a). The dotted line represents the boundary, e.g., vacuum chamber, between the physics and engineering aspects of the experiment.

FIG. 11.

Conceptual illustrations of the steady-state power balance for two hypothetical steady-state MCF scenarios. The magnitude of external heating in scenarios (a) and (b) is the same. However, the fusion power and, therefore, Qfuel and Qsci in scenario (b) are all 20 times larger than that of scenario (a). The dotted line represents the boundary, e.g., vacuum chamber, between the physics and engineering aspects of the experiment.

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To more clearly observe the requirements on nτE and T to achieve certain values of Qfuel, we solve Eq. (13) for nτE in the steady-state limit (ττE),


Plotting this expression in Fig. 12 (dashed lines) for D-T fusion shows that a threshold value of nτE, which varies with T, is required to achieve a given value of Qfuel. Table I lists the minimum values of the Lawson parameter and corresponding temperature required to achieve Qfuel=1 and Qfuel= for the indicated reactions. Thus far, spatially uniform profiles of all quantities are assumed, and geometrical effects and impurities are ignored. Later in the paper, we consider the effects of nonuniform spatial profiles, different geometries (e.g., cylinder, torus, etc.), and impurities.

FIG. 12.

Lawson parameter nτE vs T required to achieve indicated values of Qfuel (dashed lines) and Qsci (solid lines), assuming ηabs=0.9 (representative of MCF). Because ηabs is close to unity for MCF, Qfuel and Qsci are nearly coincident (the ignition contours are exactly coincident) and are often used interchangeably and referred to as Q.

FIG. 12.

Lawson parameter nτE vs T required to achieve indicated values of Qfuel (dashed lines) and Qsci (solid lines), assuming ηabs=0.9 (representative of MCF). Because ηabs is close to unity for MCF, Qfuel and Qsci are nearly coincident (the ignition contours are exactly coincident) and are often used interchangeably and referred to as Q.

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Values of minimum niτE and corresponding T for Qfuel=1 and Qfuel= for different fusion fuels assuming T=Ti=Te based on Eq. (17) for D-T (see  Appendix C for advanced fuels).

ReactionQfuelT (keV)niτE (m−3 s)
D+T 26 2.5 × 1019 
D+T  26 1.6 × 1020 
Catalyzed D-D 107 4.8 × 1020 
Catalyzed D-D  106 1.5 × 1021 
D+3He 106 2.8 × 1020 
D+3He  106 6.2 × 1020 
p+11B ⋯ ⋯ 
p+11B  ⋯ ⋯ 
ReactionQfuelT (keV)niτE (m−3 s)
D+T 26 2.5 × 1019 
D+T  26 1.6 × 1020 
Catalyzed D-D 107 4.8 × 1020 
Catalyzed D-D  106 1.5 × 1021 
D+3He 106 2.8 × 1020 
D+3He  106 6.2 × 1020 
p+11B ⋯ ⋯ 
p+11B  ⋯ ⋯ 

To more clearly observe the requirements on nτE and T to achieve certain values of Qsci, we replace Qfuel with Qsci/ηabs in Eq. (17),


The ignition contours are identical for Qfuel= and Qsci=. For MCF experiments, where ηabs is close to unity (ηabs0.9), non-ignition Qsci< contours are shifted relative to their respective Qfuel contours only very slightly toward the ignition contour (Qfuel,Qsci=), as seen in Fig. 12 (solid lines).

The Lawson criterion, where Pabs0 and Qfuel in Eqs. (12) and (15), respectively, is satisfied for values of nτE and T on or above the Qfuel,Qsci= curves in Fig. 12. In this ignition regime, the plasma is entirely self-heated by charged fusion products, and external heating is zero. While the minimum Lawson parameter required for ignition occurs at T25 keV, MCF approaches aim for T10–20 keV because the pressure required to achieve high gain is minimized in this lower-temperature range (as discussed in Sec. III G).

ICF relies on the inertia of highly compressed fusion fuel to provide a duration to fuse a sufficient amount of fuel to overcome the energy invested in compressing the fuel assembly. In 1971, the concept of using lasers to compress and heat a fuel pellet was declassified, first by the USSR and later that year by the US.33 In 1972, Nuckolls et al.19 described the direct-drive laser ICF concept, where lasers ablate the surface of a hollow fuel pellet outward, driving the inner surface toward the center. In this scenario, the kinetic energy of the inward-moving material is converted to the thermal energy of a central, lower-density “hot spot” that ignites. The fusion burn propagates outward through the surrounding denser fuel shell, which finally disassembles. The four-step, “central hot-spot ignition” process is illustrated in Fig. 13. Laser indirect-drive ICF bathes the fuel pellet in x rays generated by the interactions between lasers and the inside of a “hohlraum” (a metal enclosure surrounding the fuel pellet) to similar effect.

FIG. 13.

Conceptual schematic of idealized ICF (a) compression, (b) hot-spot ignition, (c) propagating burn of the cold, dense shell, and (d) disassembly.

FIG. 13.

Conceptual schematic of idealized ICF (a) compression, (b) hot-spot ignition, (c) propagating burn of the cold, dense shell, and (d) disassembly.

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To adapt the extension of Lawson's second insight, we consider the energy balance of the hot spot over duration τ, during which it is inertially confined [Fig. 13(b)]. The sequence of events that leads to energy delivered to the hot spot are as follows:

  1. The laser energy strikes the fuel pellet (or hohlraum);

  2. a fraction ηabs of the laser energy is absorbed by the fuel in the form of kinetic energy Eabs of the imploding fuel shell;

  3. the imploding shell with energy Eabs does pdV work on the hot spot of volume V, resulting in hot-spot thermal energy Ehs=ηhsEabs;

  4. if sufficiently high temperature and Lawson parameter are achieved, additional energy τPc is delivered to the hot spot by charged fusion products.

We describe the fuel gain of the hot spot by applying the following assumptions and modifications to Eq. (13). In this simplified model, we neglect bremsstrahlung and thermal-conduction losses, i.e., CB0 and τE. While both processes are present in the hot spot, the cold, dense shell is largely opaque to bremsstrahlung and partially insulates the hot spot. In practice (which we also ignore here), both loss mechanisms have the effect of ablating material from the inner shell wall into the hot spot, increasing density, and decreasing temperature while maintaining a constant pressure.34 To account for the fraction ηhs of the shell kinetic energy that is deposited in the hot spot, the definition of Qfuel becomes


We assume that the charged fusion products generated in the hot spot deposit all their energy within the hot spot.

To determine the requirements on nτ and T to achieve certain values of Qfuel, we solve Eq. (13) for nτ setting CB = 0 (i.e., no hot-spot bremsstrahlung losses) and τE= (i.e., no hot-spot thermal-conduction losses),


Plotting this expression in Fig. 14 (dashed lines) for D-T fusion shows that a threshold value of nτ, which varies with T, is required to achieve a given value of Qfuel of an ICF hot spot. We have assumed ηhs=0.65 based on NIF shot N191007.35 Because this simple model only describes the hot spot and does not include an increase in temperature due to self-heating nor the dynamics of propagating burn into the cold fuel, we only consider it valid for values of Qfuel1, where self-heating energy is small compared to the hot-spot energy.

FIG. 14.

Lawson parameter nτ vs T required to achieve indicated values of hot-spot Qfuel (dashed lines), assuming ηhs=0.65 (representative of indirect-drive ICF). The curve labeled (nτ)ig,hsICF is the requirement for hot-spot ignition.

FIG. 14.

Lawson parameter nτ vs T required to achieve indicated values of hot-spot Qfuel (dashed lines), assuming ηhs=0.65 (representative of indirect-drive ICF). The curve labeled (nτ)ig,hsICF is the requirement for hot-spot ignition.

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Note that our definition of Qfuel for an ICF hot spot differs slightly from the standard definition of ICF fuel gain, Gf, which is the ratio of fusion energy to the total energy content of the fuel immediately before ignition.20 ICF target gain G is, however, identical to our definition of Qsci.

Unlike the idealized MCF example, we cannot extend this model to an expression for the required values of nτ and T required to achieve a certain value of Qsci because of the inherently dynamic nature of an ICF implosion. The total fusion energy released depends on the extent to which the fusion burn propagates into the cold fuel. This, in turn, depends on ρhsRhs of the expanding hot spot, where ρhs and Rhs are the hot-spot mass density and radius, respectively. It also depends on the achieved implosion symmetry. We instead consider the requirements on nτ and T such that the energy of charged fusion products released in the hot spot equals the energy delivered to the hot spot by pdv work,


Because we consider other loss mechanisms to be small, this is effectively the ignition condition for an ICF hot spot, i.e., the condition where self-heating exceeds all losses and the energy initially deposited into the hot spot, which itself is lost upon expansion. Solving the above equation for nτ gives the required Lawson parameter for hot-spot ignition,


where εα is the energy of the charged alpha-particle fusion product in the D-T fusion reaction. The solid line in Fig. 14 illustrates the required (nτ)ig,hsICF as a function of hot-spot temperature to achieve hot-spot ignition. Thus far, reductions in τ due to instabilities, impurities, losses due to bremsstrahlung and thermal conduction, and the requirements to initiate a propagating burn in the cold, dense shell have been ignored. Later in this paper, we consider some of these effects.

More generally, “ignition” has many different meanings in the ICF context.36 The 1997 National Academies review of ICF37 addressed the lack of consensus around the definition of ICF ignition by defining ignition as fusion energy produced exceeding the laser energy (i.e., Qsci>1). More recently, the hot-spot conditions needed to initiate propagating burn in the colder, dense fuel shell (another definition of ignition) have been quantified.38 

The achievement of hot-spot Lawson parameters and temperatures that meet the (nτ)ig,hsICF requirement for a given temperature signifies hot-spot ignition. While the minimum Lawson parameter required for ignition occurs at T25 keV, laser-driven ICF approaches aim for hot-spot T4 keV (prior to the onset of significant fusion leading to further increases in Ti) due to the limits of achievable implosion speed, which sets the maximum achievable temperature due to pdV heating alone. These details are discussed further in Sec. IV B.

The triple product (nTτE) and p-tau (pτE) are commonly used by the MCF community to quantify fusion performance in a single value. While less common in the ICF community, pτ is sometimes used, and the triple product (nTτ) is typically used only in the context of comparing ICF to MCF.34 In a uniform plasma with n=ni=ne and T=Ti=Te, the relationship between triple product and p-tau in both embodiments is nTτ=12pτ and nTτE=12pτE.

An expression for the MCF triple product is obtained by multiplying both sides of Eq. (17) by T,


Figure 15 shows the nTτE required to achieve a specified value of Qfuel as a function of T (see also Table II). Note that the minimum triple product needed to achieve ignition (Fig. 15) occurs at a lower T than that of the minimum Lawson parameter (Fig. 12). This lower T is a better approximation of the intended T of MCF experiments because it corresponds to the minimum pressure required to achieve a certain value of Qfuel, and pressure (rather than the Lawson parameter) is a more-direct experimental limitation of MCF.

FIG. 15.

Triple product vs T required to achieve indicated values of Qfuel for MCF [Eq. (23)].

FIG. 15.

Triple product vs T required to achieve indicated values of Qfuel for MCF [Eq. (23)].

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Values of minimum niTτE and corresponding T for Qfuel=1 and Qfuel= for different fusion fuels assuming T=Ti=Te based on Eq. (23) for D-T (see  Appendix C for advanced fuels).

ReactionQfuelT (keV)niTτE (m−3 keV s)
D+T 14 4.6 × 1020 
D+T  14 2.9 × 1021 
Catalyzed D-D 41 2.9 × 1022 
Catalyzed D-D  52 1.1 × 1023 
D+3He 63 2.2 × 1022 
D+3He  68 5.2 × 1022 
p+11B ⋯ ⋯ 
p+11B  ⋯ ⋯ 
ReactionQfuelT (keV)niTτE (m−3 keV s)
D+T 14 4.6 × 1020 
D+T  14 2.9 × 1021 
Catalyzed D-D 41 2.9 × 1022 
Catalyzed D-D  52 1.1 × 1023 
D+3He 63 2.2 × 1022 
D+3He  68 5.2 × 1022 
p+11B ⋯ ⋯ 
p+11B  ⋯ ⋯ 

We emphasize the limitation of the triple product (or “p-tau”) as a metric: it does not correspond to a unique value Qfuel or Qsci unless T is specified. While n and τ in the Lawson parameter may be traded off in equal proportions, T must be within a fixed range for an appreciable number of fusion reactions to occur.

Figure 16 provides a plot of achieved triple products and temperatures analogous to Fig. 2.  Appendix C provides plots of nTτE vs T for D-D, D-3He, and p-11B fusion.

FIG. 16.

Experimentally inferred, peak triple products of fusion experiments vs ion temperature, extracted from published literature. See the caption of Fig. 2 for more details.

FIG. 16.

Experimentally inferred, peak triple products of fusion experiments vs ion temperature, extracted from published literature. See the caption of Fig. 2 for more details.

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The previously defined Qsci [Eq. (16)] is the ratio of power released in fusion reactions PF to applied external heating power Pext (see Fig. 11), encapsulating the physics of plasma heating, thermal and radiative losses, and fusion energy production. Based on the conservation of energy in Fig. 11, we can rewrite


which is equivalent to Eq. (16).

Similarly, the engineering gain,


is the ratio of electrical power PgridE (delivered to the grid) to the input (recirculating) electrical power PinE used to heat, sustain, control, and/or assemble the fusion plasma39 (see Fig. 17). Some fusion designs do not recirculate electrical power but rather recirculate mechanical power (see  Appendix D). For the case of electrical recirculating power, it is straightforward to show that


where ηE, ηabs, and ηelec are the efficiencies of going from PinEPext,PextPabs, and PoutPoutE, respectively. Note that we have included the portion of Pext that is not absorbed by the plasma, i.e., (1ηabs)Pext, in Pout; this is shown in Fig. 11 but not explicitly shown in Fig. 17.

FIG. 17.

Conceptual schematic of a fusion power plant that recirculates electrical power. In this system, Qeng=PgridE/PinE.

FIG. 17.

Conceptual schematic of a fusion power plant that recirculates electrical power. In this system, Qeng=PgridE/PinE.

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Finally, the “wall-plug” gain,


relates the total fusion power to the power drawn from the grid (i.e., the wall plug) to assemble, heat, confine, and control the plasma. This is a useful energy gain metric for all contemporary fusion experiments because they are not yet generating electricity. We regard the eventual demonstration of Qwp=1 (not Qfuel or Qsci=1) as the so-called “Kitty Hawk moment” for fusion energy.

Direct conversion from charged fusion products to electricity could be realized with advanced fusion fuels (e.g., D-3He and p-11B), which produce nearly all of their fusion energy in charged products. This could raise ηelec from approximately 40% to > 80% and enable significantly higher Qeng for a given Qfuel or Qsci.

For D-T fusion with a tritium-breeding blanket, the 6Li(n,α)T reaction to breed tritium is exothermic (releasing 4.8 MeV per reaction), thus amplifying Pout by a factor of approximately 1.15 depending on the blanket design. For the purposes of this paper, this factor can be considered to be absorbed into ηelec.

Using Qsci=ηabsQfuel, we can rewrite Eq. (26) as


Because Qsci encapsulates all the plasma-physics aspects of both the absorption efficiency ηabs and fuel gain Qfuel, it is instructive to plot the required combinations of Qsci and ηE, assuming ηelec=0.4 (representative of a standard steam cycle and blanket gain), to achieve certain values of Qeng (see Fig. 18). A convenient rule-of-thumb is that the gain-efficiency product must exceed 10 for practical fusion energy, i.e., QsciηE10 (corresponding to Qeng3 in Fig. 18), but of course, the actual requirement depends on the required economics of the fusion-energy system.

FIG. 18.

Required combinations of Qsci and ηE in the system shown in Fig. 17 to permit values of Qeng ranging from zero (i.e., PgridE=0) to ten (i.e., PgridE=10PinE), where ηelec=0.4 is assumed.

FIG. 18.

Required combinations of Qsci and ηE in the system shown in Fig. 17 to permit values of Qeng ranging from zero (i.e., PgridE=0) to ten (i.e., PgridE=10PinE), where ηelec=0.4 is assumed.

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While the value of ηelec would be around 0.4 for a standard steam cycle for D-T fusion (and higher if an advanced power cycle is used), the values of ηE and ηabs vary considerably depending on the class of fusion concept (see Table III). For MCF/MIF, ηE>0.5 is expected (conservatively), meaning that Qsci20 is required. For laser-driven ICF, ηE0.1 is expected, meaning that Qsci100 is required. For an eventual fusion power plant, the required Qsci and Qeng will depend on several factors including but not limited to market constraints (e.g., levelized cost of electricity and desired value of PgridE) and the maximum achievable values of ηE, ηelec.


Typical efficiency values ηE, ηabs,ηhs, and ηelec for different classes of fusion concepts. Note that ηhs is only defined for ICF concepts pursuing hot-spot ignition. Approximate values of ηabs and ηhs for direct and indirect drive ICF are from Refs. 40 and 35, respectively. The approximate value of ηE for MIF is from Ref. 41.

MCF 0.7 0.9 ⋯ 0.4 
MIF 0.5 0.1 ⋯ 0.4 
Laser ICF (direct drive) 0.1 0.06 0.4 0.4 
Laser ICF (indirect drive) 0.1 0.009 0.7 0.4 
MCF 0.7 0.9 ⋯ 0.4 
MIF 0.5 0.1 ⋯ 0.4 
Laser ICF (direct drive) 0.1 0.06 0.4 0.4 
Laser ICF (indirect drive) 0.1 0.009 0.7 0.4 

In Sec. III B, we noted Lawson's observation (in the context of his second scenario) that if a fraction η of the plasma energy after the pulse is recovered as electrical or mechanical energy, the requirement on nτ to achieve a given value of Qfuel is reduced by a factor 1/(1η). In principle, this can be extended to recover Pout with efficiency ηelec and reinject the recirculating fraction with efficiency ηE, thus relaxing the requirements on Qsci to achieve a given Qeng. This is shown in Fig. 19, which assumes a high recovery fraction ηelec=0.95. If we also assume high electricity to heating efficiency ηE=0.9,Qeng=0.3 (corresponding to net electricity) can be achieved with Qsci=0.5. While it may appear counter-intuitive that net electricity can be generated in a system with Qsci<1, a high ηelec and ηE mean that most of the recovered heating energy recirculates while most of the fusion energy is used for electricity generation. The lower-right quadrant of Fig. 19 (corresponding to high re-injection efficiency) illustrates that net electricity generation (i.e., Qeng>0) is possible at values of scientific gain below break-even (i.e., Qsci<1).

FIG. 19.

Required combinations of Qsci and ηE in the system shown in Fig. 17 to permit values of Qeng ranging from zero (i.e., PgridE=0) to ten (i.e., PgridE=10PinE), where ηelec=0.95 is assumed. Note that at high ηE and ηelec, net electricity generation (Qeng>0) is possible with Qsci<1.

FIG. 19.

Required combinations of Qsci and ηE in the system shown in Fig. 17 to permit values of Qeng ranging from zero (i.e., PgridE=0) to ten (i.e., PgridE=10PinE), where ηelec=0.95 is assumed. Note that at high ηE and ηelec, net electricity generation (Qeng>0) is possible with Qsci<1.

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It is not trivial to infer the component values of the Lawson parameter and temperature achieved in real experiments. Simplifying approximations must be made with certain caveats, both across (e.g., MCF vs ICF) and within classes (e.g., tokamaks vs mirrors within MCF) of fusion experiments. In this section, we describe the methodologies that we use to infer the component values of achieved Lawson parameters and temperatures for different fusion classes and concepts, and how the values can be meaningfully compared against each other. For all values reported here, we require that experimentally inferred values occur within a single shot or across multiple well-reproduced shots. An example that we would disqualify would be to combine the highest Ti achieved in one shot with the highest ni and τE from a qualitatively different shot. The year listed for each shot is the year in which the shot occurred if the year is reported, or it is an approximation of the year the shot occurred based on publication submission dates.

The analysis presented in Sec. III E assumes that Ti = Te and ni = ne, and that they are spatially uniform and time independent. In real experiments, these assumptions are generally not valid. Because diagnostic capabilities are finite, only a subset of the complete data (i.e., spatial profiles and time evolutions) are ever measured and published. Although many experiments were not aiming to maximize ni, Ti, and τE as the goal, we include these experiments because they provide historical context. Furthermore, the data reported from one experiment may not be easily compared to data reported from another due to differences in definitions. In the remainder of this section, these issues are discussed, and uniform definitions are developed.

1. Effect of temporal profiles

Within a particular experiment, the maximum values of ni, Ti, and τE may occur at different times. Where possible we choose the values of these quantities at a single point in time during a “flat-top” time period, the duration of which must exceed τE. Even though the total pulse duration of some MCF experiments may be of a similar magnitude to τE, we only consider τE in the Lawson parameter for MCF experiments [as opposed to the expression for τeff in Eq. (14)] because we consider the progress toward energy gain in MCF to be limited by thermal-conduction losses and not pulse duration.

In the literature, tables of parameters have commonly been published that report the values of many parameters during such a flat-top time period. Following this convention, Tables V and VI list parameters relevant to our analysis. The reported parameters are Ti0,Te0,ni0,ne0, and τE*. Not all experiments have published the temporal evolution of these quantities. In the absence of such data, we use the values reported with the understanding that it is unknown if they occurred simultaneously during the shot (although, as discussed in the previous paragraph, they must occur in the same shot or in shots intended to be the same). This deficiency primarily occurs in experiments prior to 1970 or in small experiments with limited diagnostic capabilities and niTiτE<1016 m−3 keV s.

2. Effect of spatial profiles

To quantify the effect of nonuniform temperature and density spatial profiles on the requirements to achieve a certain value of Qfuel, which we denote as Qfuel (brackets refer to volume-averaging over nonuniform profiles), the power balance of Eq. (12) becomes


where power densities are denoted with variables S, and we assume n=ne=ni (i.e., hydrogenic plasma without impurities) and T=Te=Ti everywhere. Reported/inferred values of Pabs and τE are already global, volume-averaged quantities.

To quantify the profile effect on SF, we introduce


where SF0 is the fusion power density with spatially uniform Ti0 and ni0, and SF is the volume-averaged fusion power density of the nonuniform-profile case with peak values Ti0 and ni0. Similarly,




which quantify the nonuniform-profile modifications to the bremsstrahlung power density and thermal energy density, respectively.

The result is a modified version of Eq. (12), where profile effects are captured in the terms λF, λB, and λκ,


From this power balance of the nonuniform-profile case, the peak value of the Lawson parameter n0τE required to achieve a particular value of Qfuel as a function of T0 is




We adopt the approach of using the same peak (rather than average) values of density and temperature when evaluating Qfuel (uniform spatial profiles) vs Qfuel (nonuniform spatial profiles), for the practical reasons that peak values are more commonly reported in the literature and that profiles are often not reported. When using the same peak rather than profile-averaged values, spatially nonuniform profiles increase rather than decrease the requirements on peak density and temperature for achieving a given Qfuel.

Next, we consider representative profiles in order to quantify the differences between Qfuel and Qfuel for cylindrical and toroidal geometries. A wide variety of temperature and density profiles have been observed in fusion experiments. These profiles are typically modeled as functions of normalized radius x=r/a, where a is the device radius for cylindrical systems and the minor radius for toroidal systems with circular cross section. Commonly used and flexible models of density and temperature profiles are


where n0 and T0 are the central/peak ion or electron densities and temperatures, respectively. The values of νn and νT adjust the sharpness of the peaks of the profiles. In the limit νn0 and νT0, the peak is infinitely broad and we recover the uniform-profile case. This approach accommodates a wide range of profiles.42,43

From Eqs. (6) and (30),


where the Ti dependence of σv is shown explicitly, resulting in λF being a function of the Ti profile. From Eqs. (7) and (31),


For a cylinder or large-aspect-ratio torus (i.e., R/a1, where R and a are the major and minor radii, respectively) with circular cross section and the profiles of Eq. (36), we use the expressions in  Appendix E to obtain


which may be evaluated numerically for any tabulated or parameterized values of σv(Ti),




For a torus with circular cross section and arbitrary values of R/a, λF, λB, and λκ must be evaluated numerically (see  Appendix E). For profiles with a large Shafranov shift, i.e., magnetic axis shifted toward larger R, the reduction of fusion power due to profile effects (and hence λF) is mitigated because the high-temperature region occupies a larger fraction of the total volume. Therefore, the profiles considered here represent a likely worst-case scenario and provide a lower bound on λF.

To demonstrate the effect of nonuniform profiles on the contours of Qfuel compared to Qfuel, we consider two sets of profiles. The first is a parabolic profile with νT=1 and νn=1, which is a simple approximation of the profiles in tokamaks.6 The second is a more strongly peaked temperature profile with νT=3 and a broader density profile with νn=0.2, which are representative of profiles in the advanced tokamak or reversed-field pinch.44 For both sets of profiles, we assume T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne (impurity-free hydrogenic plasma). Figures 20 and 21 show these two sets of profiles, respectively, along with their corresponding values of λF vs Ti0 and resulting adjustments to the Qfuel contours. For both sets of profiles (Figs. 20 and 21), nonuniform profiles [dashed lines in panel (c)] increase the peak Lawson parameter needed to achieve a particular value of Qfuel for temperatures below approximately 50 keV. Additionally, the ideal ignition temperature, defined by Eq. (8), is increased. At high temperatures approaching 100 keV, where fusion power exceeds bremsstrahlung by a large factor (see Fig. 6), the adjustment is equal to the ratio λκ/λF, which is close to unity in the case of the parabolic profiles, and drops below unity in the case of the peaked and broad profiles. At intermediate temperatures, λF, λB, and λκ all contribute to the modification of Qfuel compared to Qfuel.

FIG. 20.

(a) Normalized parabolic profiles (with νT=1 and νn=1) of T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne. (b) Parameter λF vs Ti0 (λB=0.286 and λκ=0.333 for these profiles). (c) Peak Lawson parameter vs T0 for the parabolic profiles (dashed lines) shown in (a) and uniform plasma (solid lines) for Qfuel=1 (blue) and Qfuel= (red).

FIG. 20.

(a) Normalized parabolic profiles (with νT=1 and νn=1) of T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne. (b) Parameter λF vs Ti0 (λB=0.286 and λκ=0.333 for these profiles). (c) Peak Lawson parameter vs T0 for the parabolic profiles (dashed lines) shown in (a) and uniform plasma (solid lines) for Qfuel=1 (blue) and Qfuel= (red).

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FIG. 21.

(a) Normalized peaked and broad profiles (with νT=3 and νn=0.2) of T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne. (b) Parameter λF vs Ti0 (λB=0.345 and λκ=0.238 for these profiles). (c) Lawson parameter vs Ti0 for the profiles (dashed lines) shown in (a) and uniform plasma (solid lines) for Qfuel=1 (blue) and Qfuel= (red).

FIG. 21.

(a) Normalized peaked and broad profiles (with νT=3 and νn=0.2) of T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne. (b) Parameter λF vs Ti0 (λB=0.345 and λκ=0.238 for these profiles). (c) Lawson parameter vs Ti0 for the profiles (dashed lines) shown in (a) and uniform plasma (solid lines) for Qfuel=1 (blue) and Qfuel= (red).

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3. Effect of impurities (and non-hydrogenic plasmas)

Real fusion experiments must contend with the effect of ions with charge state Z >1. These may be from helium ash, impurities from the first wall, or advanced fuels. These impurities increase the bremsstrahlung radiation by a factor,


where i is summed over all ion species in the plasma. Only free-free bremsstrahlung is considered in this paper; bound-free bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation are ignored. Additionally, impurities increase the electron density relative to the ion density by a factor of the mean charge state of the entire plasma,


which reduces ni and, therefore, PF at a fixed pressure.

Using these definitions along with the generalized expression for bremsstrahlung,


Equation (34) becomes




where λF, λB, and λκ are unchanged because Zeff and Z¯ are treated as volume-averaged quantities. We have also replaced the Qfuel1 term with ηabsQsci1, which allows us to include the effect of absorption efficiency.

Each experiment has different values of λF, λB, λκ,Z¯,Zeff, and ηabs, and therefore, each experiment has different Qsci contours. It is not feasible to show unique Qsci contours for each experiment in Figs. 2, 3, and 16. Figure 22 shows finite-width Qsci contours of the peaked and broad profiles whose lower and upper limits correspond to low-impurity (Zeff=1.5,Z¯=1.2) and high-impurity (Zeff=3.4,Z¯=1.2) models, respectively. These impurity levels correspond to the range of impurity levels considered for SPARC45 and ITER.46 For both the high and low-impurity models, we assume T=Ti=Te and ηabs=0.9. The finite ranges of Qsci aim to account for the main features and uncertainties of a future experimental device that will achieve Qsci>1, and therefore, we show finite-width Qsci contours in Fig. 2 (despite the Qsci labels in the legend). We emphasize that the finite width of the Qsci contours is merely illustrative of the effects of profiles and impurities and of the approximate values of Qsci that might be achieved by SPARC or ITER. To predict Qsci with higher precision would require detailed analysis and simulations.

FIG. 22.

Finite-width Qsci contours vs peak Lawson parameter and T0 bounded by low-impurity (Zeff=1.5,Z¯=1.2) and high-impurity (Zeff=3.4,Z¯=1.2) cases for peaked and broad spatial profiles (νT=3,νn=0.2). These assumptions are made in plotting the Qsci contours of Figs. 2, 3, and 16.

FIG. 22.

Finite-width Qsci contours vs peak Lawson parameter and T0 bounded by low-impurity (Zeff=1.5,Z¯=1.2) and high-impurity (Zeff=3.4,Z¯=1.2) cases for peaked and broad spatial profiles (νT=3,νn=0.2). These assumptions are made in plotting the Qsci contours of Figs. 2, 3, and 16.

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4. Inferring peak from volume-averaged values

When only volume-averaged values of density and temperature are reported, we infer the peak values from an estimated value of the peaking, T0/T and n0/n, respectively. Detailed empirical models of peaking exist for predicting the profiles of future experiments.47–50 However, for the purposes of this paper, we have chosen peaking values on a per-concept basis, the values of which are indicated in Table IV. Only concepts for which peak values must be inferred from reported volume-averaged values, along with citations for those values, are listed in Table IV. In Tables V and VI, we append a superscript asterisk (*) to peak values inferred from reported volume-averaged quantities.


Peaking values required to convert reported volume-averaged quantities to peak value quantities.

Tokamak 2.0 1.5 50  
Stellarator 3.0 1.0 51  
Spherical Tokamak 2.1 1.7 52  
FRC 1.0 1.3 53 and 54  
RFP 1.2 1.2 44  
Spheromak 2.0 1.5 55  
Tokamak 2.0 1.5 50  
Stellarator 3.0 1.0 51  
Spherical Tokamak 2.1 1.7 52  
FRC 1.0 1.3 53 and 54  
RFP 1.2 1.2 44  
Spheromak 2.0 1.5 55  

Data for tokamaks, spherical tokamaks, and stellarators. *Peak value of density or temperature has been inferred from volume-averaged value as described in Sec. IV A 4. Ion temperature has been inferred from electron temperature as described in Sec. IV A 5. Ion density has been inferred from electron density as described in Sec. IV A 5. #Energy confinement time τE* (TFTR/Lawson method) has been inferred from a measurement of the energy confinement time τE (JET/JT-60) method as described in Sec. IV A 6.

ProjectConceptYearShot identifierReferencesTi0 (keV)Te0 (keV)ni0 (m−3)ne0 (m−3)τE* (s)ni0τE* (m−3 s)ni0Ti0τE* (keV m−3 s)
T-3 Tokamak 1969 Hz = 25 kOe, Iz = 85 kA discharges 67–69  0.3 1.05 2.25 × 1019 2.25 × 1019 0.003 6.8 × 1016 2.0 × 1016 
Model C Stellarator 1969 ICRH heated 70  0.2 0.2 5 × 1018 5 × 1018 0.0001 5.0 × 1014 1.0 × 1014 
ST Tokamak 1971 10 cm limiter, 42 kA 71  0.5 1.45 4 × 1019 4 × 1019 0.0034 1.4 × 1017 6.8 × 1016 
ST Tokamak 1972 12 cm limiter 72  0.4 0.8 6 × 1019 6 × 1019 0.01 6.0 × 1017 2.4 × 1017 
TFR Tokamak 1974 Molybdenum limiter 73  0.95 1.8 7.1 × 1019 7.1 × 1019 0.019 1.3 × 1018 1.3 × 1018 
PLT Tokamak 1976 22149-231 74  1.54 1.86 5.2 × 1019 5.2 × 1019 0.04 2.1 × 1018 3.2 × 1018 
Alcator A Tokamak 1978 8.7 T discharge 75  0.8 0.9 1.5 × 1021 1.5 × 1021 0.02 3.0 × 1019 2.4 × 1019 
W7-A Stellarator 1980 Zero current 76  0.545 0.316 9.6 × 1019 9.6 × 1019 0.0165 1.6 × 1018 8.6 × 1017 
TFR Tokamak 1981 Iconel limiter 73  0.95 1.2 1.61 × 1020 1.61 × 1020 0.034 5.5 × 1018 5.2 × 1018 
TFR Tokamak 1982 Carbon limiter 73  0.95 1.5 9 × 1019 9 × 1019 0.025 2.2 × 1018 2.1 × 1018 
Alcator C Tokamak 1984 Multiple pellet injection 77  1.5 1.5 1.5 × 1021 1.5 × 1021 0.052 7.8 × 1019 1.2 × 1020 
ASDEX Tokamak 1988 23349-57 78  0.8 7.50 × 1019* ⋯ 0.12 9.0 × 1018 7.2 × 1018 
JET Tokamak 1991 26087 79  18.6 10.5 4.1 × 1019 5.1 × 1019 0.8# 3.3 × 1019 6.1 × 1020 
JET Tokamak 1991 26095 79  22.0 11.9 3.4 × 1019 4.5 × 1019 0.8# 2.7 × 1019 6.0 × 1020 
JET Tokamak 1991 26148 79  18.8 9.9 2.4 × 1019 3.6 × 1019 0.6# 1.4 × 1019 2.7 × 1020 
JT-60U Tokamak 1994 17110 80  37 12 4.2 × 1019 5.5 × 1019 0.3# 1.3 × 1019 4.7 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1994 68522 81  29.0 11.7 6.8 × 1019 9.6 × 1019 0.18# 1.2 × 1019 3.5 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1994 76778 81  44 11.5 6.3 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.19# 1.2 × 1019 5.3 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1994 80539 81  36 13 6.7 × 1019 1.02 × 1020 0.17# 1.1 × 1019 4.1 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1995 83546 81  43 12.0 6.6 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.28# 1.8 × 1019 7.9 × 1020 
JT-60U Tokamak 1996 E26939 82  45.0 10.6 4.35 × 1019 6 × 1019 0.26# 1.1 × 1019 5.1 × 1020 
JT-60U Tokamak 1996 E26949 82  35.5 11.0 4.3 × 1019 5.85 × 1019 0.28# 1.2 × 1019 4.3 × 1020 
JET Tokamak 1997 42976 30  28 14 3.3 × 1019 4.1 × 1019 0.51# 1.7 × 1019 4.7 × 1020 
DIII-D Tokamak 1997 87977 83  18.1 7.5 8.5 × 1019 1 × 1020 0.24# 2.0 × 1019 3.7 × 1020 
START Spherical Tokamak 1998 35533 84  0.2 0.2 1.02 × 1020* ⋯ 0.003 3.1 × 1017 6.1 × 1016 
JT-60U Tokamak 1998 E31872 85  16.8 7.2 4.8 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.69# 3.3 × 1019 5.6 × 1020 
W7-AS Stellarator 2002 H-NBI mode 86  2.28* ⋯ 1.10 × 1020* ⋯ 0.06 6.6 × 1018 1.5 × 1019 
HSX Stellarator 2005 QHS configuration 87  0.45 0.45 2.5 × 1018 2.5 × 1018 0.0006 1.5 × 1015 6.8 × 1014 
MAST Spherical Tokamak 2006 14626 88  3 × 1019 3 × 1019 0.05 1.5 × 1018 4.5 × 1018 
LHD Stellarator 2008 High triple product 89  0.47 0.47 5 × 1020 5 × 1020 0.22 1.1 × 1020 5.2 × 1019 
NSTX Spherical Tokamak 2009 129041 90  1.2 1.2 5 × 1019 5 × 1019 0.08 4.0 × 1018 4.8 × 1018 
EAST Tokamak 2012 41079 91  1.2 1.2 2 × 1019 2 × 1019 0.04 8.0 × 1017 9.6 × 1017 
EAST Tokamak 2012 41195 92  0.9 ⋯ 3 × 1019 3 × 1019 0.04 1.2 × 1018 1.1 × 1018 
EAST Tokamak 2014 48068 92  1.2 ⋯ 6.1 × 1019 6.1 × 1019 0.037 2.3 × 1018 2.7 × 1018 
KSTAR Tokamak 2014 7081 93  ⋯ 4.80 × 1019* ⋯ 0.1 4.8 × 1018 9.6 × 1018 
EAST Tokamak 2015 56933 92 and 94  2.1 1.8 8.5 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.054 4.6 × 1018 9.6 × 1018 
C-Mod Tokamak 2016 1160930033 95  2.5 2.5 5.5 × 1020 5.5 × 1020 0.054 3.0 × 1019 7.4 × 1019 
C-Mod Tokamak 2016 1160930042 95  6 2 × 1020 2 × 1020 0.054 1.1 × 1019 6.5 × 1019 
ASDEX-U Tokamak 2016 32305 96  5 × 1019 5 × 1019 0.056 2.8 × 1018 2.2 × 1019 
EAST Tokamak 2016 71320 92 and 97  1.8 2.0 5.5 × 1019 5.5 × 1019 0.036 2.0 × 1018 3.6 × 1018 
W7-X Stellarator 2017 W7X 20171207.006 98–100  3.5 3.5 8 × 1019 8 × 1019 0.22 1.8 × 1019 6.2 × 1019 
EAST Tokamak 2018 78723 92  1.94 ⋯ 5.58 × 1019 5.58 × 1019 0.045 2.5 × 1018 4.9 × 1018 
Globus-M2 Spherical Tokamak 2019 37873 101  1.2 ⋯ 1.19 × 1020* ⋯ 0.01 1.2 × 1018 1.4 × 1018 
SPARC Tokamak 2025 Projected 45 and102  20 22 4 × 1020 4 × 1020 0.77 3.1 × 1020 6.2 × 1021 
ITER Tokamak 2035 Projected 32, 46, 103–105  20 ⋯ 1 × 1020 1 × 1020 3.7 3.7 × 1020 7.4 × 1021 
ProjectConceptYearShot identifierReferencesTi0 (keV)Te0 (keV)ni0 (m−3)ne0 (m−3)τE* (s)ni0τE* (m−3 s)ni0Ti0τE* (keV m−3 s)
T-3 Tokamak 1969 Hz = 25 kOe, Iz = 85 kA discharges 67–69  0.3 1.05 2.25 × 1019 2.25 × 1019 0.003 6.8 × 1016 2.0 × 1016 
Model C Stellarator 1969 ICRH heated 70  0.2 0.2 5 × 1018 5 × 1018 0.0001 5.0 × 1014 1.0 × 1014 
ST Tokamak 1971 10 cm limiter, 42 kA 71  0.5 1.45 4 × 1019 4 × 1019 0.0034 1.4 × 1017 6.8 × 1016 
ST Tokamak 1972 12 cm limiter 72  0.4 0.8 6 × 1019 6 × 1019 0.01 6.0 × 1017 2.4 × 1017 
TFR Tokamak 1974 Molybdenum limiter 73  0.95 1.8 7.1 × 1019 7.1 × 1019 0.019 1.3 × 1018 1.3 × 1018 
PLT Tokamak 1976 22149-231 74  1.54 1.86 5.2 × 1019 5.2 × 1019 0.04 2.1 × 1018 3.2 × 1018 
Alcator A Tokamak 1978 8.7 T discharge 75  0.8 0.9 1.5 × 1021 1.5 × 1021 0.02 3.0 × 1019 2.4 × 1019 
W7-A Stellarator 1980 Zero current 76  0.545 0.316 9.6 × 1019 9.6 × 1019 0.0165 1.6 × 1018 8.6 × 1017 
TFR Tokamak 1981 Iconel limiter 73  0.95 1.2 1.61 × 1020 1.61 × 1020 0.034 5.5 × 1018 5.2 × 1018 
TFR Tokamak 1982 Carbon limiter 73  0.95 1.5 9 × 1019 9 × 1019 0.025 2.2 × 1018 2.1 × 1018 
Alcator C Tokamak 1984 Multiple pellet injection 77  1.5 1.5 1.5 × 1021 1.5 × 1021 0.052 7.8 × 1019 1.2 × 1020 
ASDEX Tokamak 1988 23349-57 78  0.8 7.50 × 1019* ⋯ 0.12 9.0 × 1018 7.2 × 1018 
JET Tokamak 1991 26087 79  18.6 10.5 4.1 × 1019 5.1 × 1019 0.8# 3.3 × 1019 6.1 × 1020 
JET Tokamak 1991 26095 79  22.0 11.9 3.4 × 1019 4.5 × 1019 0.8# 2.7 × 1019 6.0 × 1020 
JET Tokamak 1991 26148 79  18.8 9.9 2.4 × 1019 3.6 × 1019 0.6# 1.4 × 1019 2.7 × 1020 
JT-60U Tokamak 1994 17110 80  37 12 4.2 × 1019 5.5 × 1019 0.3# 1.3 × 1019 4.7 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1994 68522 81  29.0 11.7 6.8 × 1019 9.6 × 1019 0.18# 1.2 × 1019 3.5 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1994 76778 81  44 11.5 6.3 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.19# 1.2 × 1019 5.3 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1994 80539 81  36 13 6.7 × 1019 1.02 × 1020 0.17# 1.1 × 1019 4.1 × 1020 
TFTR Tokamak 1995 83546 81  43 12.0 6.6 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.28# 1.8 × 1019 7.9 × 1020 
JT-60U Tokamak 1996 E26939 82  45.0 10.6 4.35 × 1019 6 × 1019 0.26# 1.1 × 1019 5.1 × 1020 
JT-60U Tokamak 1996 E26949 82  35.5 11.0 4.3 × 1019 5.85 × 1019 0.28# 1.2 × 1019 4.3 × 1020 
JET Tokamak 1997 42976 30  28 14 3.3 × 1019 4.1 × 1019 0.51# 1.7 × 1019 4.7 × 1020 
DIII-D Tokamak 1997 87977 83  18.1 7.5 8.5 × 1019 1 × 1020 0.24# 2.0 × 1019 3.7 × 1020 
START Spherical Tokamak 1998 35533 84  0.2 0.2 1.02 × 1020* ⋯ 0.003 3.1 × 1017 6.1 × 1016 
JT-60U Tokamak 1998 E31872 85  16.8 7.2 4.8 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.69# 3.3 × 1019 5.6 × 1020 
W7-AS Stellarator 2002 H-NBI mode 86  2.28* ⋯ 1.10 × 1020* ⋯ 0.06 6.6 × 1018 1.5 × 1019 
HSX Stellarator 2005 QHS configuration 87  0.45 0.45 2.5 × 1018 2.5 × 1018 0.0006 1.5 × 1015 6.8 × 1014 
MAST Spherical Tokamak 2006 14626 88  3 × 1019 3 × 1019 0.05 1.5 × 1018 4.5 × 1018 
LHD Stellarator 2008 High triple product 89  0.47 0.47 5 × 1020 5 × 1020 0.22 1.1 × 1020 5.2 × 1019 
NSTX Spherical Tokamak 2009 129041 90  1.2 1.2 5 × 1019 5 × 1019 0.08 4.0 × 1018 4.8 × 1018 
EAST Tokamak 2012 41079 91  1.2 1.2 2 × 1019 2 × 1019 0.04 8.0 × 1017 9.6 × 1017 
EAST Tokamak 2012 41195 92  0.9 ⋯ 3 × 1019 3 × 1019 0.04 1.2 × 1018 1.1 × 1018 
EAST Tokamak 2014 48068 92  1.2 ⋯ 6.1 × 1019 6.1 × 1019 0.037 2.3 × 1018 2.7 × 1018 
KSTAR Tokamak 2014 7081 93  ⋯ 4.80 × 1019* ⋯ 0.1 4.8 × 1018 9.6 × 1018 
EAST Tokamak 2015 56933 92 and 94  2.1 1.8 8.5 × 1019 8.5 × 1019 0.054 4.6 × 1018 9.6 × 1018 
C-Mod Tokamak 2016 1160930033 95  2.5 2.5 5.5 × 1020 5.5 × 1020 0.054 3.0 × 1019 7.4 × 1019 
C-Mod Tokamak 2016 1160930042 95  6 2 × 1020 2 × 1020 0.054 1.1 × 1019 6.5 × 1019 
ASDEX-U Tokamak 2016 32305 96  5 × 1019 5 × 1019 0.056 2.8 × 1018 2.2 × 1019 
EAST Tokamak 2016 71320 92 and 97  1.8 2.0 5.5 × 1019 5.5 × 1019 0.036 2.0 × 1018 3.6 × 1018 
W7-X Stellarator 2017 W7X 20171207.006 98–100  3.5 3.5 8 × 1019 8 × 1019 0.22 1.8 × 1019 6.2 × 1019 
EAST Tokamak 2018 78723 92  1.94 ⋯ 5.58 × 1019 5.58 × 1019 0.045 2.5 × 1018 4.9 × 1018 
Globus-M2 Spherical Tokamak 2019 37873 101  1.2 ⋯ 1.19 × 1020* ⋯ 0.01 1.2 × 1018 1.4 × 1018 
SPARC Tokamak 2025 Projected 45 and102  20 22 4 × 1020 4 × 1020 0.77 3.1 × 1020 6.2 × 1021 
ITER Tokamak 2035 Projected 32, 46, 103–105  20 ⋯ 1 × 1020 1 × 1020 3.7 3.7 × 1020 7.4 × 1021 

Data for magnetic alternate concepts. *Peak value of density or temperature has been inferred from volume-averaged value as described in Sec. IV A 4. Ion temperature has been inferred from electron temperature as described in Sec. IV A 5. Ion density has been inferred from electron density as described in Sec. IV A 5. #Energy confinement time τE* (TFTR/Lawson method) has been inferred from a measurement of the energy confinement time τE (JET/JT-60) method as described in Sec. IV A 6.

ProjectConceptYearShot identifierReferenceTi0 (keV)Te0 (keV)ni0 (m−3)ne0 (m−3)τE* (s)ni0τE* (m−3 s)ni0Ti0τE* (keV m−3 s)
ZETA Pinch 1957 140 kA–180 kA discharges 106  0.09 0.03 1 × 1020 1 × 1020 0.0001 1.0 × 1016 9.0 × 1014 
ETA-BETA I RFP 1977 Summary 107  0.01 ⋯ 1 × 1021 ⋯ 1 × 10–6 1.0 × 1015 1.0 × 1013 
TMX-U Mirror 1984 2/2/84 S21 108  0.15 0.045 2 × 1018 2 × 1018 0.001 2.0 × 1015 3.0 × 1014 
ETA-BETA II RFP 1984 59611 109  0.09 0.09 3.5 × 1020 3.5 × 1020 0.0001 3.5 × 1016 3.2 × 1015 
ZT-40M RFP 1987 330 kA discharge 110  0.33 0.33 9.60 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0007 6.7 × 1016 2.2 × 1016 
CTX Spheromak 1990 Solid flux conserver 111  0.18 0.18 4.50 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0002 9.0 × 1015 1.6 × 1015 
LSX FRC 1993 s 2 53  0.547 0.253 1.30 × 1021* ⋯ 0.0001 1.3 × 1017 7.1 × 1016 
MST RFP 2001 390 kA discharge 44  0.396 0.792 1.20 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0064# 7.7 × 1016 3.0 × 1016 
FRX-L FRC 2003 2027 112  0.09 0.09 4 × 1022 4 × 1022 3.3 × 10–6 1.3 × 1017 1.2 × 1016 
ZaP Z Pinch 2003 Unknown 113  0.1 ⋯ 9 × 1022 9 × 1022 3.7 × 10–7 3.3 × 1016 3.3 × 1015 
FRX-L FRC 2005 3684 114  0.18* ⋯ 4.81 × 1022* ⋯ 3.3 × 10–6 1.6 × 1017 2.9 × 1016 
TCS FRC 2005 9018 115  0.025 0.025 6.50 × 1018* ⋯ 4 × 10–5 2.6 × 1014 6.5 × 1012 
SSPX Spheromak 2007 17524 116  0.5 0.5 2.25 × 1020* ⋯ 0.001 2.2 × 1017 1.1 × 1017 
GOL-3 Mirror 2007 Unknown 117  7 × 1020 7 × 1020 0.0009 6.3 × 1017 1.3 × 1018 
TCSU FRC 2008 21214 115  0.1 0.1 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 7.5 × 10–5 9.7 × 1014 9.7 × 1013 
RFX-mod RFP 2008 24063 118  1 3 × 1019 3 × 1019 0.0025 7.5 × 1016 7.5 × 1016 
MST RFP 2009 pellets 119  0.6 0.7 4 × 1019 4 × 1019 0.007 2.8 × 1017 1.7 × 1017 
MST RFP 2009 w/o pellets 119  1.3 1.9 1.2 × 1019 1.2 × 1019 0.012 1.4 × 1017 1.9 × 1017 
IPA FRC 2010 Unknown 120  0.85* ⋯ 5.20 × 1021* ⋯ 1 × 10–5 5.2 × 1016 4.4 × 1016 
Yingguang-I FRC 2015 150910-01 121  0.2* ⋯ 4.81 × 1022* ⋯ 1 × 10–6 4.8 × 1016 9.6 × 1015 
C-2U FRC 2017 46366 122, 123  0.68* ⋯ 2.47 × 1019* ⋯ 0.00024 5.9 × 1015 4.0 × 1015 
FuZE Z Pinch 2018 Multiple identical shots 62  1.8 ⋯ 1.1 × 1023 1.1 × 1023 1.1 × 10–6 1.2 × 1017 2.2 × 1017 
GDT Mirror 2018 Multiple identical shots 124  0.45 0.45 1.1 × 1019 1.1 × 1019 0.0006 6.6 × 1015 3.0 × 1015 
C-2W FRC 2019 104989 125  1.0* ⋯ 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 0.003 3.9 × 1016 3.9 × 1016 
C-2W FRC 2019 107322 125  0.6* ⋯ 2.08 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0012 2.5 × 1016 1.5 × 1016 
C-2W FRC 2020 114534 126  1.8* ⋯ 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0015 2.0 × 1016 3.5 × 1016 
C-2W FRC 2021 118340 127  3.5* ⋯ 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 0.005 6.5 × 1016 2.3 × 1017 
ProjectConceptYearShot identifierReferenceTi0 (keV)Te0 (keV)ni0 (m−3)ne0 (m−3)τE* (s)ni0τE* (m−3 s)ni0Ti0τE* (keV m−3 s)
ZETA Pinch 1957 140 kA–180 kA discharges 106  0.09 0.03 1 × 1020 1 × 1020 0.0001 1.0 × 1016 9.0 × 1014 
ETA-BETA I RFP 1977 Summary 107  0.01 ⋯ 1 × 1021 ⋯ 1 × 10–6 1.0 × 1015 1.0 × 1013 
TMX-U Mirror 1984 2/2/84 S21 108  0.15 0.045 2 × 1018 2 × 1018 0.001 2.0 × 1015 3.0 × 1014 
ETA-BETA II RFP 1984 59611 109  0.09 0.09 3.5 × 1020 3.5 × 1020 0.0001 3.5 × 1016 3.2 × 1015 
ZT-40M RFP 1987 330 kA discharge 110  0.33 0.33 9.60 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0007 6.7 × 1016 2.2 × 1016 
CTX Spheromak 1990 Solid flux conserver 111  0.18 0.18 4.50 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0002 9.0 × 1015 1.6 × 1015 
LSX FRC 1993 s 2 53  0.547 0.253 1.30 × 1021* ⋯ 0.0001 1.3 × 1017 7.1 × 1016 
MST RFP 2001 390 kA discharge 44  0.396 0.792 1.20 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0064# 7.7 × 1016 3.0 × 1016 
FRX-L FRC 2003 2027 112  0.09 0.09 4 × 1022 4 × 1022 3.3 × 10–6 1.3 × 1017 1.2 × 1016 
ZaP Z Pinch 2003 Unknown 113  0.1 ⋯ 9 × 1022 9 × 1022 3.7 × 10–7 3.3 × 1016 3.3 × 1015 
FRX-L FRC 2005 3684 114  0.18* ⋯ 4.81 × 1022* ⋯ 3.3 × 10–6 1.6 × 1017 2.9 × 1016 
TCS FRC 2005 9018 115  0.025 0.025 6.50 × 1018* ⋯ 4 × 10–5 2.6 × 1014 6.5 × 1012 
SSPX Spheromak 2007 17524 116  0.5 0.5 2.25 × 1020* ⋯ 0.001 2.2 × 1017 1.1 × 1017 
GOL-3 Mirror 2007 Unknown 117  7 × 1020 7 × 1020 0.0009 6.3 × 1017 1.3 × 1018 
TCSU FRC 2008 21214 115  0.1 0.1 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 7.5 × 10–5 9.7 × 1014 9.7 × 1013 
RFX-mod RFP 2008 24063 118  1 3 × 1019 3 × 1019 0.0025 7.5 × 1016 7.5 × 1016 
MST RFP 2009 pellets 119  0.6 0.7 4 × 1019 4 × 1019 0.007 2.8 × 1017 1.7 × 1017 
MST RFP 2009 w/o pellets 119  1.3 1.9 1.2 × 1019 1.2 × 1019 0.012 1.4 × 1017 1.9 × 1017 
IPA FRC 2010 Unknown 120  0.85* ⋯ 5.20 × 1021* ⋯ 1 × 10–5 5.2 × 1016 4.4 × 1016 
Yingguang-I FRC 2015 150910-01 121  0.2* ⋯ 4.81 × 1022* ⋯ 1 × 10–6 4.8 × 1016 9.6 × 1015 
C-2U FRC 2017 46366 122, 123  0.68* ⋯ 2.47 × 1019* ⋯ 0.00024 5.9 × 1015 4.0 × 1015 
FuZE Z Pinch 2018 Multiple identical shots 62  1.8 ⋯ 1.1 × 1023 1.1 × 1023 1.1 × 10–6 1.2 × 1017 2.2 × 1017 
GDT Mirror 2018 Multiple identical shots 124  0.45 0.45 1.1 × 1019 1.1 × 1019 0.0006 6.6 × 1015 3.0 × 1015 
C-2W FRC 2019 104989 125  1.0* ⋯ 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 0.003 3.9 × 1016 3.9 × 1016 
C-2W FRC 2019 107322 125  0.6* ⋯ 2.08 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0012 2.5 × 1016 1.5 × 1016 
C-2W FRC 2020 114534 126  1.8* ⋯ 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 0.0015 2.0 × 1016 3.5 × 1016 
C-2W FRC 2021 118340 127  3.5* ⋯ 1.30 × 1019* ⋯ 0.005 6.5 × 1016 2.3 × 1017 

5. Inferring ion quantities from electron quantities

When only Te and not Ti is reported, we cannot assume Ti = Te in calculating the triple product without further consideration. If the thermal-equilibration time is much shorter than the plasma duration, and assuming that there are no other effects that would give rise to TiTe, then we can assume Ti = Te. In these cases, we append a superscript dagger () to the inferred value of Ti in Tables V and VI. In cases where both Ti and Te are reported in MCF experiments, we use the reported Ti.

When only ne but not ni is reported, we assume ni = ne for D-T and D-D plasmas. In such cases, we append a superscript double dagger () to the inferred value of ni in Tables V and VI.

6. Accounting for transient heating

All experiments experience a transient startup phase during which a portion of the heating power goes into raising the plasma thermal energy Wp=3nTV (assuming T=Ti=Te and n=ni=ne). There are two self-consistent approaches for deriving an expression for Qfuel that accounts for the effect of transient heating dWp/dt, where


In the remainder of this subsection, we closely follow Ref. 56.

The first approach is to group the transient term with Pabs in the instantaneous power balance which effectively treats the transient term as a reduction in the externally applied and absorbed heating power,


In this approach, the definition of Qfuel is modified, i.e.,


where Qfuel* is the ratio of fusion power to absorbed heating power minus the portion that is being used to increase the plasma temperature. From here, we derive an expression for the Lawson parameter following the same steps as Sec. III E, which results in an analogous expression to Eq. (17) but with Qfuel replaced by Qfuel*,


From Eq. (48),




This approach, defined by Eqs. (49)–(52), is the one used by JET and JT-60.

The second approach is to treat the transient heating term as a “loss” term alongside thermal conduction, i.e.,


We then define a modified energy confinement time τE* which characterizes thermal conduction and transient heating power,


Combining the latter with Eqs. (52) and (53),


From this point, we derive an expression for the Lawson parameter following the same steps as Sec. III E, which results in an analogous expression to Eq. (17) but with τE replaced by τE*,


In this formulation, the definition of instantaneous Qfuel is unchanged from the steady-state value of Eq. (15), and fuel breakeven occurs at Qfuel=1, regardless of the value of dWp/dt. This approach, defined by Eqs. (55), (56), and (16), is the one used by TFTR and consistent with Lawson's original formulation.

For the JET/JT-60 approach, fuel breakeven does not necessarily occur at Qfuel*=1 but rather occurs at a value of Qfuel* that depends on the value of dWp/dt. The TFTR/Lawson approach keeps the definition of instantaneous Qfuel the same as the steady-state Qfuel, and fuel breakeven always occurs at Qfuel=1 regardless of the transient-heating value. Because a key objective of this paper is to chart the progress of many different experiments toward and beyond Qfuel=1, we use the TFTR/Lawson definition for which Qfuel=1 means the same thing across different MCF experiments. In practice, this means we use τE* and Eq. (56) for all MCF experiments. When τE and dWp/dt are reported and dWp/dt is nonzero (e.g., JET and JT-60), we calculate and use τE*, indicating such cases with a superscript hash (#) in Tables V and VI. Some TFTR publications report τE, requiring the conversion step, and thus, we append a superscript hash for those cases as well. In evaluating τE* from published data, the bremsstrahlung losses are often not reported and are considered to be small compared to Pabs and may be neglected.

Direct measurements of plasma parameters are more challenging for ICF. Commonly measured parameters in ICF are fuel areal density ρR (via neutron downscattering), Ti and “burn duration” (via neutron time-of-flight), and neutron yield (via various types of neutron detectors). Some experiments report an inferred stagnation pressure pstag based on a statistical analysis of other measured quantities and simulation databases.

Identifying the requirements for the ignition of an ICF capsule is difficult. The analysis presented in Sec. III F assumes an idealized ICF scenario. Real ICF experiments must contend with instabilities, impurities, non-zero bremsstrahlung and thermal-conduction losses, and other factors that make it more difficult to achieve ignition. For the highest-performing ICF experiments considered here (NIF, OMEGA), a two-stage approach to ignition is pursued, i.e., ignition of a central lower-density “hot spot” followed by propagating burn into the surrounding colder, denser fuel, as depicted in Fig. 23. Because of the low value of ηabs inherent in these experiments, this two-stage process is required to achieve Qsci>1. Therefore, we consider both ignition of the hot spot and the onset of propagating burn in the dense fuel when we refer to “ignition” in this section.

FIG. 23.

Representation of an ICF capsule implosion and hot-spot creation with instability growth: (a) dense fuel shell, with radius R and thickness Δ, at maximum shell velocity Vi during the implosion and (b) fuel assembly at stagnation with the “hot spot” (blue) with effective radius Rs, surrounded by the cold, dense fuel (grey). Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities are shown. If the hot spot reaches high-enough niτ and Ti, then it can potentially generate enough fusion energy to initiate a propagating burn into the surrounding cold shell.

FIG. 23.

Representation of an ICF capsule implosion and hot-spot creation with instability growth: (a) dense fuel shell, with radius R and thickness Δ, at maximum shell velocity Vi during the implosion and (b) fuel assembly at stagnation with the “hot spot” (blue) with effective radius Rs, surrounded by the cold, dense fuel (grey). Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities are shown. If the hot spot reaches high-enough niτ and Ti, then it can potentially generate enough fusion energy to initiate a propagating burn into the surrounding cold shell.

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Below we describe two methodologies used in this paper for inferring the Lawson parameter nτ and triple product nTτ for cases in which pressure is or is not experimentally inferred, respectively.

1. Inferring Lawson parameter and triple product without reported inferred pressure

For ICF experiments that do not report experimentally inferred values of fuel pressure (i.e., rows with “⋯” in the pstag column of Table VII), we employ the methodology of Ref. 34 to infer niτ from other measured ICF experimental quantities. Here, we state the key logic and equation of this methodology for the convenience of the reader, but we refer the reader to Ref. 34 for further details, equation derivations, and justifications. It is important to note that Ref. 34 makes a simplifying assumption that thermal-conduction and radiation losses are negligible (on the timescale of the fusion burn) because of the insulating effects of the dense shell of an ICF target capsule, meaning that Lawson parameters and triple products inferred via this method should be considered as upper bounds.


Data for ICF and MIF concepts.

ProjectConceptYearShot identifierReferencesTin (keV)Te (keV)ρRtot(n)no(α) (g/cm−2)YOCpstag (Gbar)τstag (s)Pτ (atm s)nτ (m−3 s)nTnτ (keV m−3 s)
NOVA Laser ICF 1994 100 atm. fill 128  0.9 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 16 5 × 10–11 0.26 9.2 × 1019 8.3 × 1019 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2007 47206 129 and 130  2.0 ⋯ 0.202 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.23 1.9 × 1020 3.9 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2007 47210 129 and 130  2.0 ⋯ 0.182 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.13 1.8 × 1020 3.6 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2009 55468 130  1.8 ⋯ 0.300 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.55 2.7 × 1020 4.9 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2009 Unknown 130  1.8 ⋯ 0.240 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.29 2.3 × 1020 4.1 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2013 69236 131  2.8 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 18 1.15 × 10–10 0.68 7.7 × 1019 2.1 × 1020 
NIF Laser ICF 2014 N140304 132  5.5 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 222 1.63 × 10–10 11.86 6.8 × 1020 3.8 × 1021 
MagLIF MagLIF 2014 z2613 133  2.0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0.56 1.38 × 10–9 0.76 1.2 × 1020 2.4 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2015 77068 134  3.6 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 56 6.6 × 10–11 1.21 1.1 × 1020 3.8 × 1020 
MagLIF MagLIF 2015 z2850 133  2.8 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0.6 1.62 × 10–9 0.96 1.1 × 1020 3.0 × 1020 
NIF Laser ICF 2017 N170601 132  4.5 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 320 1.6 × 10–10 16.78 1.2 × 1021 5.3 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2017 N170827 132  4.5 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 360 1.54 × 10–10 18.17 1.3 × 1021 5.7 × 1021 
FIREX Laser ICF 2019 40558 135  ⋯ 2.1 ⋯ ⋯ 4 × 10–10 0.79 1.2 × 1020 2.5 × 1020 
NIF Laser ICF 2019 N191007 35  4.52 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 206 1.51 × 10–10 10.20 7.1 × 1020 3.2 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2020 N201101 136  4.61 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 319 1.18 × 10–10 12.34 8.5 × 1020 3.9 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2020 N201122 136  4.65 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 297 1.37 × 10–10 13.34 9.1 × 1020 4.2 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2021 N210207 136  5.23 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 339 1.07 × 10–10 11.89 7.2 × 1020 3.8 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2021 N210220 136  5.13 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 371 1.35 × 10–10 16.42 1.0 × 1021 5.2 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2021 N210808 24  10.9 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 569 8.9 × 10–11 16.60 4.8 × 1020 5.2 × 1021 
ProjectConceptYearShot identifierReferencesTin (keV)Te (keV)ρRtot(n)no(α) (g/cm−2)YOCpstag (Gbar)τstag (s)Pτ (atm s)nτ (m−3 s)nTnτ (keV m−3 s)
NOVA Laser ICF 1994 100 atm. fill 128  0.9 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 16 5 × 10–11 0.26 9.2 × 1019 8.3 × 1019 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2007 47206 129 and 130  2.0 ⋯ 0.202 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.23 1.9 × 1020 3.9 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2007 47210 129 and 130  2.0 ⋯ 0.182 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.13 1.8 × 1020 3.6 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2009 55468 130  1.8 ⋯ 0.300 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.55 2.7 × 1020 4.9 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2009 Unknown 130  1.8 ⋯ 0.240 0.1 ⋯ ⋯ 1.29 2.3 × 1020 4.1 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2013 69236 131  2.8 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 18 1.15 × 10–10 0.68 7.7 × 1019 2.1 × 1020 
NIF Laser ICF 2014 N140304 132  5.5 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 222 1.63 × 10–10 11.86 6.8 × 1020 3.8 × 1021 
MagLIF MagLIF 2014 z2613 133  2.0 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0.56 1.38 × 10–9 0.76 1.2 × 1020 2.4 × 1020 
OMEGA Laser ICF 2015 77068 134  3.6 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 56 6.6 × 10–11 1.21 1.1 × 1020 3.8 × 1020 
MagLIF MagLIF 2015 z2850 133  2.8 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 0.6 1.62 × 10–9 0.96 1.1 × 1020 3.0 × 1020 
NIF Laser ICF 2017 N170601 132  4.5 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 320 1.6 × 10–10 16.78 1.2 × 1021 5.3 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2017 N170827 132  4.5 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 360 1.54 × 10–10 18.17 1.3 × 1021 5.7 × 1021 
FIREX Laser ICF 2019 40558 135  ⋯ 2.1 ⋯ ⋯ 4 × 10–10 0.79 1.2 × 1020 2.5 × 1020 
NIF Laser ICF 2019 N191007 35  4.52 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 206 1.51 × 10–10 10.20 7.1 × 1020 3.2 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2020 N201101 136  4.61 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 319 1.18 × 10–10 12.34 8.5 × 1020 3.9 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2020 N201122 136  4.65 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 297 1.37 × 10–10 13.34 9.1 × 1020 4.2 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2021 N210207 136  5.23 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 339 1.07 × 10–10 11.89 7.2 × 1020 3.8 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2021 N210220 136  5.13 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 371 1.35 × 10–10 16.42 1.0 × 1021 5.2 × 1021 
NIF Laser ICF 2021 N210808 24  10.9 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ 569 8.9 × 10–11 16.60 4.8 × 1020 5.2 × 1021 

The ICF-capsule shell is modeled as a thin shell with thickness ΔR, where R is the shell radius, as illustrated in Fig. 23. A fraction of the peak kinetic energy of the shell is assumed to be converted to thermal pressure in the hot spot at stagnation. An upper bound on τ is obtained based on the time it takes for the stagnated shell (at peak compression) to expand a distance of order its inner radius Rs. Significant 3D effects arising from Rayleigh–Taylor-instability spikes and bubbles at the interface of the shell and hot spot reduce the effective hot-spot volume by a “yield-over-clean” factor YOCμ, where μ=0.5 is inferred from two simulation databases.57 With these and other simplifying assumptions, Betti et al.34 obtain


with measured total areal density (ρR)tot(n)noα in g cm−2 and measured “burn-averaged” ion temperature Tnnoα in keV. The superscript “noα” refers to experimental measurements made when α heating is not an appreciable effect (and α heating is turned off in simulations). For ICF experiments without reported values of hot-spot pressure, Eq. (57) is used to plot achieved ICF values of Lawson parameters and triple products, where the unit [atm s] is multiplied by 6.333×1020 keV m−3 atm−1 to convert to [m−3 keV s]. Dividing the triple product by T gives the Lawson parameter nτ.

2. Inferring Lawson parameter from inferred pressure and confinement dynamics

When the inferred stagnation pressure pstag and the duration of fuel stagnation τstag are reported, the pressure times the confinement time τ can be calculated directly. However, following Christopherson et al.,58 three adjustments are made to τstag, which is defined as the full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the neutron-emission history (i.e., “burn duration”), to obtain an approximation for τ. The first adjustment is that, for marginal ICF ignition, only alphas produced before bang time (time of maximum neutron production) are useful to ignite the hot spot because, afterward, the shell is expanding and the hot spot is cooling, reducing the reaction rate; this introduces a factor of 1/2. The second adjustment is that only a fraction of fusion alphas are absorbed by the hot spot; this factor is estimated to be 0.93. The third adjustment is that, to initiate a propagating burn of the surrounding fuel, an additional factor of 0.71 is applied to account for the dynamics of alpha heating of the cold shell. Applying these three corrections results in ττstag/3 and


The only exception to this approach is the FIREX experiment, for which we estimate the value of pstagτ directly from the reported values.

3. Adjustments to the required values of Lawson parameter and temperature required for ignition

The ignition requirement derived in Sec. III F ignores several factors that increase the requirements for the ignition of an ICF capsule. We consider these effects to be incorporated in reductions to τ in Sec. IV B 2. Thus, no further adjustments are made to (nτ)ig,hsICF as defined in Eq. (22).

4. Differences between ICF and MCF

It is not straightforward to compare the achieved Lawson parameters and triple-product values between ICF and MCF. While a quantitative approach can be taken via the ignition parameter χ described in Ref. 34, the approach taken here is qualitative and is reflected in different QsciMCF and (nτ)ig,hsICF or (nTτ)ig,hsICF contours in Figs. 2, 3, and 16.

First, the achieved triple product for ICF is higher than for MCF in part because of two assumptions made in its inference. Following Ref. 34, we assume in ICF that there are no bremsstrahlung radiation losses due to trapping by the pusher (with a high-enough areal density to be opaque to x rays) and that the fuel hot-spot pressure is spatially uniform. These assumptions lead to higher values for the inferred Lawson parameter and triple product.

Second, whereas Pext and Pabs differ by only a factor of order unity in MCF,39 they differ by a factor of 50 in ICF (see Table III). This is due to the low conversion efficiency from applied laser energy to absorbed fuel energy. Thus, while both MCF30 and ICF have achieved Qsci0.7, ICF has necessarily achieved a higher value of Qfuel compared to MCF.

Note further that the horizontal line representing (nTτ)ig,hsICF in Fig. 3 (corresponding to the nTτ value of the contour at 4 keV) is at a higher value than the minimum nTτ value of the corresponding contour in Fig. 16. This is due to the fact that Ti in laser ICF experiments (prior to the onset of significant fusion) is limited by the maximum implosion velocity at which the shell becomes unstable, corresponding to a maximum Ti of about 4 keV. Thus, the marginal onset of ignition corresponds to the required nTτ value at approximately 4 keV. In the case of NIF N210808, which exceeded the threshold for the onset of ignition,24Ti increased due to self-heating and τ decreased because of the increased pressure. These effects resulted in a triple product equal to the previous record non-ignition result, yet clearly in the ignition regime, which is visible in Fig. 16. For this reason, NIF N210808 does not appear in Fig. 3, illustrating an additional limitation of the triple-product metric in the context of ICF.

1. MagLIF

The Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiment59 compresses a cylindrical liner surrounding a pre-heated and axially pre-magnetized plasma. The Z-machine at Sandia National Laboratory supplies a large current pulse to the liner along its long axis, compressing it in the radial direction.

While the solid liner makes diagnosing MagLIF plasmas more difficult, it is still possible to extract the parameters needed to estimate the Lawson parameter and triple product. The burn-averaged Ti at stagnation is measured by neutron time-of-flight diagnostics. The spatial configuration of the plasma column at stagnation is imaged from emitted x-rays. From this spatial configuration and a model of x-ray emission, the effective fuel radius is inferred. The stagnation pressure is inferred from a combination of diagnostic signatures. Given the plasma volume, burn duration, and temperature, the pressure was inferred by setting the pressure and mix levels to simultaneously match the x-ray yield and neutron yield. In the emission model used to determine the spatial extent of the stagnated plasma, the pressure in the stagnated fuel is assumed to be spatially constant and the temperature and density profiles are assumed to be inverse to each other.60 For our purposes, we infer an average ni from the stagnation pressure and the measured burn-averaged Ti.

Finally, the burn time, the duration during which the fuel assembly is inertially confined and hard x rays (surrogates for fusion neutrons) are emitted, is measured. This duration is an upper bound on τ, and in practice, τ is estimated to be equal to it. Data for MagLIF are shown in Table VII and plotted in Figs. 2, 3, and 16.

2. Z pinch

Z-pinch experiments were one of the earliest approaches to fusion because no external magnetic field is required for confinement. This simplifies the experimental setup and reduces costs. Figure 24 shows a representative diagram of a Z-pinch plasma. While fusion neutrons were detected in some of the earliest Z-pinch experiments, those fusion reactions were found to be the result of plasma instabilities generating non-thermal beam-target fusion events (see pp. 91–93 of Ref. 61), which would not scale up to energy breakeven. More recently, however, stabilized Z-pinch experiments have provided evidence of sustained thermonuclear neutron production.62,63

FIG. 24.

A representation of a Z-pinch plasma of length L, effective radius r0, and electrical current I. Vp is the voltage difference between the left and right sides of the plasma.

FIG. 24.

A representation of a Z-pinch plasma of length L, effective radius r0, and electrical current I. Vp is the voltage difference between the left and right sides of the plasma.

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Z-pinch plasmas exhibit profile effects perpendicular to the direction of current flow so the profile considerations discussed in Sec. IV A apply to Z pinches as well. The radial density profile of Z pinches is typically described by a Bennett-type profile64 of the form n(r)=n0/[1+(r/r0)2]2 and illustrated in Fig. 25.

FIG. 25.

Bennett-type density profile. In contrast to the parabolic profiles, the plasma extends beyond the effective radius r0.

FIG. 25.

Bennett-type density profile. In contrast to the parabolic profiles, the plasma extends beyond the effective radius r0.

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Assuming T=Ti=Te,n=ni=ne, and a uniform profile for the plasma temperature, the thermal energy of a Z-pinch plasma can be estimated as


The power applied is


where I is the Z-pinch current and Vp is the voltage across the plasma driving the current along the long axis. Assuming no self-heating and that thermal conduction is the primary source of energy loss, τE* for the stabilized Z-pinch is


and the Lawson parameter for a stabilized Z-pinch is


However, in practice, Vp may not be measured directly, and the voltage across the power supply driving the Z-pinch may overestimate Vp. Therefore, evaluations of τE* that substitute the power supply voltage for Vp (as done for FuZE62,63) provide only a lower bound on τE*. An upper bound on τE* is the flow-through time of the Z-pinch. Our reported value is the lower of the two.

In other Z-pinch approaches such as the dense plasma focus (DPF), fusion yields occur from a combination of non-Maxwellian ion energy distributions and thermal ion populations.65 Because thermal temperatures and τE* are typically not well characterized in such approaches, it is not feasible to report a reliable, achieved Lawson parameter or triple product. Furthermore, fusion concepts with strong beam-target components may not be scalable to Qfuel>1.28 

3. Other MIF approaches

For other MIF approaches,66 e.g., liner or flux compression of FRCs or spheromaks, it is difficult to rigorously measure τE* due to limited access. A few attempts to quantify τE* based on measurable or calculable parameters, such as particle confinement time τN, have been proposed.54 In particular, we estimate τE* of FRCs to be τN/3 (for both MIF and MCF).

The combination of achieved Lawson parameter nτ or nτE and fuel temperature T of a thermonuclear-fusion concept is a rigorous scientific indicator of how close it is to energy breakeven and gain. In this work, we have compiled the achieved Lawson parameters and T of a large number of fusion experiments (past, present, and projected) from around the world. The data are provided in multiple tables and figures. Following Lawson's original work, we provided a detailed review, re-derivation, and extension of the mathematical expressions underlying the Lawson parameter (and the related triple product) and four ways of measuring energy gain (Qfuel,Qsci,Qwp, and Qeng) and explained the physical principles upon which these quantities are based. Because different fusion experiments report different observables, we explained precisely how we infer both electron and ion densities and temperatures and the various definitions of confinement time that are used in the Lawson-parameter and triple-product values that we report, including accounting for the effects of spatial profile shapes (through a peaking factor) and a range in the level of impurities in the plasma fuel. All data reported in this paper are based on the published literature or are expected to be published shortly.

The key results of this paper are encapsulated in Figs. 2, 3, and 16, which show that (1) tokamaks and laser-driven ICF have achieved the highest Lawson parameters, triple products, and Qsci0.7; (2) fusion concepts have demonstrated rapid advances in Lawson parameters and triple products early in their development but slow down as values approach what is needed for Qsci=1; (3) private fusion companies pursuing alternate concepts are now exceeding the breakout performance of early tokamaks; and (4) at least three experiments may achieve Qsci>1 within the foreseeable future, i.e., NIF and SPARC in the 2020s and ITER by 2040.

The reason for item (2) in the preceding paragraph is commonly attributed to the fact that experimental facilities became extremely expensive (e.g., US$3.5B for NIF according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and exceeding US$25B for ITER) for making continued and required advances toward energy gain. However, there are two reasons that other approaches or experiments might potentially achieve commercially relevant energy breakeven and gain on a faster timescale. First, most of the other paths being pursued (i.e., privately funded development paths for tokamaks, stellarators, alternate concepts, and laser-driven ICF) have lower costs as a key objective, where experiments along the development path are envisioned to have much lower costs than NIF and ITER. Second, the mature fusion and plasma scientific understanding and computational tools, as well as many fusion-engineering technologies, developed over 65+ years of controlled-fusion research do not need to be reinvented and need only be leveraged in the development of the alternate and privately funded approaches.

High values of Lawson parameter and triple product, which are required for energy gain, are a necessary but not sufficient condition for commercial fusion energy. Additional necessary conditions include attractive economics and social acceptance, including but not limited to considerations of RAMI (reliability, accessibility, maintainability, and inspectability) and the ability to be licensed under an appropriate regulatory framework. These necessary conditions require additional technological attributes beyond high energy gain, e.g., (1) a fusion plasma core that is compatible with both surrounding materials and subsystems that survive the extreme fusion particle, heat, and radiation flux, and (2) a sustainable fuel cycle (e.g., tritium breeding, separation, and processing technologies for D-T fusion). Therefore, while this paper's primary objective is to explain and highlight the achieved Lawson parameters (and triple products) of many fusion concepts and experiments as a measure of fusion's progress toward energy breakeven and gain, these are not the only criteria for justifying the continued pursuit of and investment into a given fusion concept, including concepts using advanced fusion fuels.

Most of the contributions of S.E.W. were performed while affiliated with Fusion Energy Base prior to joining ARPA-E. This work was funded by Fusion Energy Base and ARPA-E. We are grateful for feedback on drafts of this paper provided by Riccardo Betti, Rob Goldston, Rich Hawryluk, Omar Hurricane, Harry McLean, Dale Meade, Bob Mumgaard, Brian Nelson, Kyle Peterson, Uri Shumlak, and Glen Wurden. Responsibility for all content in the paper lies with the authors. Reference herein to any specific non-federal person or commercial entity, product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors.

The authors have no conflicts to disclose.

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study. The extracted data from other publications and codes used to make the plots in this paper are available for download.23 


Externally applied energy absorbed by the fuel


Energy fraction of fusion products in charged particles


The generic density used to refer to either ion or electron density when ni = ne


Electron density


Central electron density


Ion density


Central ion density


Temperature-dependent triple product required to achieve ICF hot-spot ignition


Temperature-dependent Lawson parameter required to achieve ICF hot-spot ignition


Plasma thermal pressure


Externally applied power absorbed by the fuel


Bremsstrahlung power


Fusion power emitted as charged particles


Externally applied heating power


Fusion power


Fusion power emitted as neutrons


Sum of all power exiting the plasma


Generic energy gain. For MCF, this can refer to Qfuel or Qsci. For ICF, this refers to Qsci


Engineering gain. The ratio of electrical power to the grid to recirculating power


Fuel gain. The ratio of fusion power to the power absorbed by the fuel


Volume-averaged fuel gain in the case of non-uniform profiles


Scientific gain. The ratio of fusion power to externally applied heating power


The volume-averaged scientific gain in the case of non-uniform profiles


Wall-plug gain. The ratio of fusion power to input electrical power from the grid


Bremsstrahlung power density


Fusion power density in charged particles


Fusion power density


Generic temperature, used to refer to either ion or electron temperature when Ti = Te


Electron temperature


Central electron temperature


Ion temperature


Central ion temperature


Neutron-averaged ion temperature


Plasma volume


Charge state of an ion


The effective value of the charge state. The factor by which bremsstrahlung is increased as compared to a hydrogenic plasma, see Eq. (42).


Mean charge state, i.e., the ratio of electron to ion density in a quasi-neutral plasma


Total energy released per fusion reaction


Energy released in α-particle per D-T fusion reaction


The efficiency of recapturing thermal energy after the confinement duration in Lawson's second scenario


The efficiency of coupling externally applied power to the fuel


The efficiency of converting electrical recirculating power to externally applied heating power


The efficiency of converting total output power to electricity


The efficiency of coupling shell kinetic energy to hotspot thermal energy in laser ICF implosions


Temperature-dependent fusion reactivity between species i and j (cross section σ times the relative velocity v of ions averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution)


Pulse duration


Energy confinement time


Modified energy confinement time, which accounts for transient heating, see Sec. IV A 6


Effective characteristic time combining pulse duration and energy confinement time, see Sec. III C

Table V provides numerical values of the data for tokamaks, spherical tokamaks, and stellarators. Table VI provides numerical values of the data for “alternate” MCF concepts, i.e., not tokamaks or stellarators. Table VII provides numerical values of the data for ICF and MIF experiments. We group lower-density and higher-density MIF approaches with MCF alternate concepts (Table VI) and ICF (Table VII), respectively.

If bremsstrahlung radiation losses are mitigated, e.g., in pulsed ICF20 or MIF66,137 approaches with an optically thick pusher,138,139 then the Qfuel and Qsci contours of Figs. 12 and 14 can be modified. Figure 26 illustrates the effect of arbitrarily reducing PB by a factor of 2, i.e., by replacing CB with CB/2 in Eqs. (17) and (23).

FIG. 26.

Contours of Qfuel plotted vs T and (a) nτE and (b) nTτE for D-T fusion (assuming T=Ti=Te). Dashed lines represent arbitrarily reducing bremsstrahlung losses by a factor of 2, i.e., replacing CB by CB/2 in Eqs. (17) and (23).

FIG. 26.

Contours of Qfuel plotted vs T and (a) nτE and (b) nTτE for D-T fusion (assuming T=Ti=Te). Dashed lines represent arbitrarily reducing bremsstrahlung losses by a factor of 2, i.e., replacing CB by CB/2 in Eqs. (17) and (23).

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The main body of this paper focuses on D-T fusion because it has the highest maximum reactivity occurring at the lowest temperature compared to all known fusion fuels. As a result, the required D-T Lawson parameters and triple products to reach high Qfuel are the lowest and most accessible. However, D-T fusion has two major drawbacks: (i) it produces 14-MeV neutrons that carry 80% of the fusion energy, and (ii) the tritium must be bred (because it does not occur abundantly in nature due to a 12.3-year half life) and be continuously processed and handled safely.

Advanced fuels, such as D-3He, D-D, and p-11B, mitigate these drawbacks to different extents.140 However, because their peak reactivities are all lower and occur at higher temperatures compared to D-T, the required Lawson parameters and triple products for these advanced fuels to achieve equivalent values of Qfuel are much higher.

Furthermore, at the high temperatures required for advanced fuels, relativistic bremsstrahlung effects become significant. We utilize the relativistic-correction approximation to Eq. (44) from Ref. 142,




and t=Te/mec2.

To quantify the Lawson-parameter and triple-product requirements for advanced fuels with non-identical reactants and reaction products that are immediately removed from the plasma (e.g., D-3He and p-11B without ash buildup or subsequent reactions), we first generalize the expression for nτE [Eq. (17)] to account for the effect of relativistic bremsstrahlung and the reaction of two ion species with charge per ion Z1 and Z2, ion number densities n1 and n2, and relative densities k1=n1/ne and k2=n2/ne, respectively.

A more detailed treatment of advanced fuels would need to consider scenarios in which Te < Ti and account for an additional term in the power-balance equation for ion energy transfer to electrons. Maintaining TeTi has the advantage of reduced bremsstrahlung (especially at high Ti) and lower plasma pressure for a given Ti. The challenge of such a scenario is maintaining Ti > Te for a sufficient duration of time and with acceptable additional input power. In this section, we only consider T=Ti=Te, except in the discussion of Fig. 28. Accounting for the above,


where Zeff=ΣjnjZj2/ne, and j is summed over the different reactant species.

The relative density for each ion species j that maximizes142 fusion power for a fixed value of ne2 is kj=1/(2Zj) and Zeff=(Z1+Z2)/2. Assuming this condition, Eq. (23) becomes


or equivalently,


where we have multiplied both sides of Eq. (C4) by (k1+k2)=(2Z1)1+(2Z2)1. This expression ignores synchrotron radiation losses, which may become important at the very high temperatures required to reach Lawson conditions for advanced fuels in magnetically confined systems.

1. D-3He

The D-3He fusion reaction has the advantage that its primary reaction,


is aneutronic, where the α is a 4He ion. However, 3He is not abundant on earth and must be bred via other reactions or mined from the moon, both of which involve additional complexity and cost. Also, D-3He will not be completely aneutronic because of D-D reactions. The requirement for ignition of D-3He ignoring side D-D reactions is niTτE*5.2×1022 m−3 keV s at 68 keV (see Fig. 27), 18 times higher than for D-T.

FIG. 27.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs Ti to achieve the indicated values of Qfuel for D-3He (assuming T=Te=Ti).

FIG. 27.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs Ti to achieve the indicated values of Qfuel for D-3He (assuming T=Te=Ti).

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2. p-11B

The p-11B fusion reaction has the advantage that its reactants are abundant on earth, and the reaction products are three electrically charged α particles, potentially allowing for direct energy conversion to electricity. However, this reaction requires temperatures around 100 keV at which bremsstrahlung radiation losses per unit volume exceed fusion power density, and ignition is not possible for a p-11B plasma where Te = Ti, as shown in Fig. 28, which uses the parametrized p-11B fusion reactivity from Ref. 26. The boron and proton concentrations are set to maximize fusion power for a fixed electron density as described earlier in this section. Also shown is the effect of reduced bremsstrahlung if Te is maintained at levels below Ti. We are neglecting the issue of the ion-electron thermal equilibration time here. Figure 29 shows that only modest values of Qfuel are physically possible for Te = Ti, at triple products three orders of magnitude higher than that of D-T.

FIG. 28.

Charged-particle fusion power density Pc (purple line) and bremsstrahlung power density PB for various ratios of Te/Ti vs Ti for p-11B, showing that PB always exceeds Pc when TeTi/3. This plot uses the parameterized p-11B reactivity in Ref. 26. Updated, higher p-11B fusion cross sections143 suggest that ignition may be possible for p-11B.141 

FIG. 28.

Charged-particle fusion power density Pc (purple line) and bremsstrahlung power density PB for various ratios of Te/Ti vs Ti for p-11B, showing that PB always exceeds Pc when TeTi/3. This plot uses the parameterized p-11B reactivity in Ref. 26. Updated, higher p-11B fusion cross sections143 suggest that ignition may be possible for p-11B.141 

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FIG. 29.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs Ti to achieve values of Qfuel assuming T=Ti=Te for p-11B based on the p-11B fusion reactivity from Ref. 26.

FIG. 29.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs Ti to achieve values of Qfuel assuming T=Ti=Te for p-11B based on the p-11B fusion reactivity from Ref. 26.

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However, recent work143 points to a higher reactivity, and given certain assumptions, high-Qfuel operation up to and including ignition may be theoretically possible.

3. Fully catalyzed D-D

The D-D fusion reaction has the advantage that its sole reactant is abundant on earth. In the fully catalyzed D-D reaction,144,145 the T and 3He produced as reaction products undergo subsequent reactions with D, releasing more energy. The reaction paths are


with 62% of the 43.2 MeV released in charged particles (compared with only 20% for D-T).

Note that there are other forms of “catalyzed D-D” which go by different names in different contexts. For example, extraction of tritium before the subsequent D-T reaction occurs is sometimes called “3He double-catalyzed D-D.”145 Here, we only consider the steady-state reaction path where 3He and T react with D at the same rate as they are created in each branch of the D-D reaction. Furthermore, we assume an idealized scenario without synchrotron radiation and that the “ash” α particles and protons immediately exit after depositing their energy and comprise a negligible fraction of ions in the plasma. Finally, we assume that D is added at the same rate as it is consumed and that T=Ti=Te.

The ion number density is the sum of the constituent ion number densities,


and the electron density is


Requiring that the rate of production of 3He and T are consumed at the same rate as they are produced,


Rearranging gives the T-dependent, steady-state number density of 3He and T ions, respectively,


The total fusion power density is the sum of the power released in its four constituent reactions,


The bremsstrahlung power density is


and from Eq. (42),


The power lost to thermal conduction per unit volume is


Defining χh and χt as the number density ratios of n3He to nD and nT to nD respectively,


From the steady-state power balance of Eq. (12) and the above, the Lawson parameter required to achieve fuel gain Qfuel at Ti is






The requirement for ignition of catalyzed D-D is niTτE*1.1×1023 m− 3 keV s at T =52 keV (see Fig. 30), 38 times higher than required for D-T.

FIG. 30.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs T to achieve the indicated values of Qfuel for catalyzed D-D (assuming T=Te=Ti).

FIG. 30.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs T to achieve the indicated values of Qfuel for catalyzed D-D (assuming T=Te=Ti).

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4. Advanced-fuels summary

The extreme requirements for advanced fuels compared to D-T are illustrated in Fig. 31, which shows the required Lawson parameters and triple products vs Ti required to achieve Qfuel= (solid lines), Qfuel=1 (dashed lines), and Qfuel=0.5 (dotted line, p-11B only) for the reactions discussed in this appendix. For all reactions, Ti = Te is assumed. For p-11B, neither fuel breakeven nor ignition appears possible when Ti = Te.

FIG. 31.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs T to achieve Qfuel= (solid lines), Qfuel=1 (dashed lines), and Qfuel=0.5 (dotted line, p-11B only) for the indicated fuels, assuming T=Te=Ti. Neither fuel breakeven (Qfuel=1) nor ignition (Q=) appears to be possible for p-11B if Te = Ti.

FIG. 31.

Required (a) Lawson parameters and (b) triple products vs T to achieve Qfuel= (solid lines), Qfuel=1 (dashed lines), and Qfuel=0.5 (dotted line, p-11B only) for the indicated fuels, assuming T=Te=Ti. Neither fuel breakeven (Qfuel=1) nor ignition (Q=) appears to be possible for p-11B if Te = Ti.

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Some fusion designs do not recirculate electrical power but rather capture a portion of the thermal Pout via mechanical means and use it with efficiency ηr as Pext. This is illustrated in Fig. 32. An example of this approach is the compression of plasma by an imploding liquid-metal vortex driven by compressed-gas pistons,146 which recapture a fraction of Pout to re-energize the pistons with efficiency ηr for the next pulse. If we define engineering gain in this system as the ratio of electrical power to the grid to recirculating mechanical power, then Qeng=PgridE/Pr, and it is straightforward to show that

FIG. 32.

Conceptual schematic of a fusion power plant that recirculates mechanical power with efficiency ηr. In this system, engineering gain is defined as Qeng=PgridE/Pr.

FIG. 32.

Conceptual schematic of a fusion power plant that recirculates mechanical power with efficiency ηr. In this system, engineering gain is defined as Qeng=PgridE/Pr.

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FIG. 33.

Required combinations of Qsci and ηr in the system shown in Fig. 32 to permit values of Qeng ranging from zero (i.e., PgridE=0) to ten (i.e., PgridE=10Pr), where ηelec=0.4 is assumed. Note that at high ηr, net electricity (Qeng>0) is possible with Qsci<1 even though ηelec is only 0.4, corresponding to D-T fuel and a standard steam cycle.

FIG. 33.

Required combinations of Qsci and ηr in the system shown in Fig. 32 to permit values of Qeng ranging from zero (i.e., PgridE=0) to ten (i.e., PgridE=10Pr), where ηelec=0.4 is assumed. Note that at high ηr, net electricity (Qeng>0) is possible with Qsci<1 even though ηelec is only 0.4, corresponding to D-T fuel and a standard steam cycle.

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This approach has the advantage that net electricity can be generated (Qeng>0) with Qsci<1 if the recirculating efficiency ηr is sufficiently high, without advanced fuels or direct conversion (i.e., assuming D-T fuel and a standard steam cycle ηelec=0.4). This is illustrated in Fig. 33 and is due to the fact that the recirculating power bypasses the conversion to electricity.

In this appendix, we describe the equations used for volume averaging of plasma parameters for MCF, to relate peak values (variables denoted with a subscript of ‘0’) to their volume-averaged quantities (denoted with ) to, ultimately, relating the peak n0T0τE to an overall Qfuel that accounts for profile effects in n and T. We denote this as Q, even though Qfuel is inherently a volume-averaged quantity.

For any quantity f(x, y), such as n or T, the volume average of f over the plasma cross-sectional surface S (in the x-y plane) is


where A=SdS is the area (inside the separatrix or last closed flux surface), and axisymmetry is assumed.

1. Cylinder or large-aspect-ratio torus

For a circular cylinder with radius a or a torus with an inverse aspect ratio ε=a/R1 (where a and R are the minor and major radii, respectively), and f(x,y)=f(r) (i.e., circular, concentric flux surfaces with no Shafranov shift), Eq. (E1) becomes


For the particular profile,


where r=(x2+y2)1/2, Eq. (E2) becomes


If n=n0[1(r/a)2]νn and T=T0[1(r/a)2]νT, then it follows that

2. Arbitrary aspect-ratio torus

For an up/down-symmetric torus with arbitrary ε and f(x, y), Eq. (E1) becomes


where h(x) is the half-height of the plasma cross section at horizontal position x as shown in Fig. 34. If h(x) and f(x,y)=f0f¯(x,y) are specified, where f0 is the peak value of f and max(f¯)=1, then Eq. (E6) can be numerically integrated to provide a quantitative relationship between f and f0. The function h(x) allows for any plasma cross-sectional shape, e.g., the highly elongated, D-shaped flux surfaces of high-performance tokamaks.

FIG. 34.

Cross section of an up-down symmetric torus with an upper boundary defined by h(x) (shown here as a semi-circle).

FIG. 34.

Cross section of an up-down symmetric torus with an upper boundary defined by h(x) (shown here as a semi-circle).

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For the particular case of an up/down-symmetric torus with circular cross section and f(x, y) as given in Eq. (E3), where r=[(xR)2+y2)1/2, Eq. (E6) becomes


where h(x)=[a2(xR)2]1/2. Again, this can be integrated numerically to provide a relationship between f and f0.

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