We use a newly developed simulation tool to numerically study fast-ion loading on plasma-facing components (PFCs) at the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research facility in the high-poloidal-β plasma operation regime. The new code can calculate neutral beam ionization and follow the guiding center orbit of ionized particles. The results of the simulation indicate that fast ions ionized in the high-field side drift out and strike the PFCs as they rotate poloidally. Momentum projection onto a phase space defined by canonical toroidal angular momentum and magnetic moment leads to a simple criterion to avoid fast-ion loading on poloidal limiters (PLs), which are PFCs that are toroidally localized on the low-field side. Control of fast-ion loss is examined by varying the plasma current and plasma boundary. A larger plasma current and inner shifting of the outer plasma boundary is predicted to substantially reduce fast-ion loading on the PLs. The proposed phase-space criterion is qualitatively consistent with the results of the simulation of fast-ion control.
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November 2019
Research Article|
November 12 2019
Numerical study of neutral beam injection prompt loss at KSTAR poloidal limiters
Tongnyeol Rhee
Tongnyeol Rhee
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Kouji Shinohara;
Kouji Shinohara
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
, Naka, Ibaraki, Japan
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Hyun-Seok Kim;
Hyun-Seok Kim
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Jae Min Kwon;
Jae Min Kwon
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Young Mu Jeon
Young Mu Jeon
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Junghee Kim
Junghee Kim
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Sang-Hee Hahn;
Sang-Hee Hahn
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Jong Gu Kwak;
Jong Gu Kwak
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Son Jong Wang;
Son Jong Wang
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Byoung Ho Park;
Byoung Ho Park
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Byungkeun Na
Byungkeun Na
National Fusion Research Institute
, Daejeon, South Korea
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Phys. Plasmas 26, 112504 (2019)
Article history
July 03 2019
October 21 2019
Tongnyeol Rhee, Kouji Shinohara, Hyun-Seok Kim, Jae Min Kwon, Young Mu Jeon, Junghee Kim, Sang-Hee Hahn, Jong Gu Kwak, Son Jong Wang, Byoung Ho Park, Byungkeun Na; Numerical study of neutral beam injection prompt loss at KSTAR poloidal limiters. Phys. Plasmas 1 November 2019; 26 (11): 112504. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5117330
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