The plasma-wall transition is studied by using 1d3V particle-in-cell simulations in the case of a one dimensional plasma bounded by two absorbing walls separated by 200 Debye lengths (λd). A constant and oblique magnetic field is applied to the system, with an amplitude such that r < λd < R, where r and R are the electron and ion Larmor radii, respectively. Collisions with neutrals are taken into account and modelled by an energy conservative operator, which randomly reorients ion and electron velocities. The plasma-wall transition (PWT) is shown to depend on both the angle of incidence of the magnetic field with respect to the wall, θ, and on the ion mean-free-path to Larmor radius ratio, λci/R. In the very low collisionality regime () and for a large angle of incidence, the PWT consists of the classical tri-layer structure (Debye sheath/Chodura sheath/pre-sheath) from the wall towards the center of the plasma. The drops of potential within different regions are well consistent with already published models. However, when or with the ordering , collisions cannot be neglected, leading to the disappearance of the Chodura sheath. In this case, a collisional model yields analytic expressions for the potential drop in the quasi-neutral region and explains, in qualitative and quantitative agreement with the simulation results, its reversal below a critical angle derived in this paper, a regime possibly met in the scrape-off layers of tokamaks. It is further shown that the potential drop in the Debye sheath slightly varies with the collisionality for . However, it tends to decrease with λci in the high collisionality regime, until the Debye sheath finally vanishes.
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January 2019
Research Article|
January 09 2019
The plasma-wall transition with collisions and an oblique magnetic field: Reversal of potential drops at grazing incidences
J. Moritz
J. Moritz
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS—Université de Lorraine, Campus Artem
, 2 allée André Guinier, 54011 Nancy, France
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M. Lesur
M. Lesur
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS—Université de Lorraine, Campus Artem
, 2 allée André Guinier, 54011 Nancy, France
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E. Faudot;
E. Faudot
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS—Université de Lorraine, Campus Artem
, 2 allée André Guinier, 54011 Nancy, France
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S. Devaux
S. Devaux
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS—Université de Lorraine, Campus Artem
, 2 allée André Guinier, 54011 Nancy, France
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S. Heuraux
S. Heuraux
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS—Université de Lorraine, Campus Artem
, 2 allée André Guinier, 54011 Nancy, France
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J. Ledig
J. Ledig
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 CNRS—Université de Lorraine, Campus Artem
, 2 allée André Guinier, 54011 Nancy, France
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Phys. Plasmas 26, 013507 (2019)
Article history
September 24 2018
December 14 2018
J. Moritz, M. Lesur, E. Faudot, S. Devaux, S. Heuraux, J. Ledig; The plasma-wall transition with collisions and an oblique magnetic field: Reversal of potential drops at grazing incidences. Phys. Plasmas 1 January 2019; 26 (1): 013507.
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