The classical positive Corona Discharge theory in a cylindrical axisymmetric configuration is revisited in order to find analytically the influence of gas properties and thermodynamic conditions on the corona current. The matched asymptotic expansion of Durbin and Turyn [J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 20, 1490–1495 (1987)] of a simplified but self-consistent problem is performed and explicit analytical solutions are derived. The mathematical derivation enables us to express a new positive DC corona current-voltage characteristic, choosing either a dimensionless or dimensional formulation. In dimensional variables, the current voltage law and the corona inception voltage explicitly depend on the electrode size and physical gas properties such as ionization and photoionization parameters. The analytical predictions are successfully confronted with experiments and Peek's and Townsend's laws. An analytical expression of the corona inception voltage is proposed, which depends on the known values of physical parameters without adjustable parameters. As a proof of consistency, the classical Townsend current-voltage law is retrieved by linearizing the non-dimensional analytical solution. A brief parametric study showcases the interest in this analytical current model, especially for exploring small corona wires or considering various thermodynamic conditions.
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