Wire meshes are used across many disciplines to accelerate and focus charged particles, however, analytical solutions are non-exact and few codes exist which simulate the exact fields around a mesh with physical sizes. A tracking code based in Matlab-Simulink using field maps generated using finite element software has been developed which tracks electrons or ions through electrostatic wire meshes. The fields around such a geometry are presented as an analytical expression using several basic assumptions, however, it is apparent that computational calculations are required to obtain realistic values of electric potential and fields, particularly when multiple wire meshes are deployed. The tracking code is flexible in that any quantitatively describable particle distribution can be used for both electrons and ions as well as other benefits such as ease of export to other programs for analysis. The code is made freely available and physical examples are highlighted where this code could be beneficial for different applications.
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June 2016
Research Article|
June 15 2016
Charged particle tracking through electrostatic wire meshes using the finite element method
L. J. Devlin;
L. J. Devlin
The Cockcroft Institute
, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, United Kingdom
2Department of Physics,
University of Liverpool
, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Search for other works by this author on:
O. Karamyshev;
O. Karamyshev
The Cockcroft Institute
, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, United Kingdom
2Department of Physics,
University of Liverpool
, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Search for other works by this author on:
C. P. Welsch
C. P. Welsch
The Cockcroft Institute
, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, United Kingdom
2Department of Physics,
University of Liverpool
, Liverpool, United Kingdom
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
Phys. Plasmas 23, 063110 (2016)
Article history
March 21 2016
May 26 2016
L. J. Devlin, O. Karamyshev, C. P. Welsch; Charged particle tracking through electrostatic wire meshes using the finite element method. Phys. Plasmas 1 June 2016; 23 (6): 063110. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4953801
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