Ions accelerated by electric fields (so-called runaway ions) in plasmas may explain observations in solar flares and fusion experiments; however, limitations of previous analytic work have prevented definite conclusions. In this work, we describe a numerical solver of the 2D non-relativistic linearized Fokker-Planck equation for ions. It solves the initial value problem in velocity space with a spectral-Eulerian discretization scheme, allowing arbitrary plasma composition and time-varying electric fields and background plasma parameters. The numerical ion distribution function is then used to consider the conditions for runaway ion acceleration in solar flares and tokamak plasmas. Typical time scales and electric fields required for ion acceleration are determined for various plasma compositions, ion species, and temperatures, and the potential for excitation of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes during tokamak disruptions is considered.
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May 2015
Research Article|
May 26 2015
Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions
O. Embréus
O. Embréus
1Department of Applied Physics,
Chalmers University of Technology
, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
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S. Newton;
S. Newton
Culham Science Centre
, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB, United Kingdom
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A. Stahl;
A. Stahl
1Department of Applied Physics,
Chalmers University of Technology
, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
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E. Hirvijoki;
E. Hirvijoki
1Department of Applied Physics,
Chalmers University of Technology
, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
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T. Fülöp
T. Fülöp
1Department of Applied Physics,
Chalmers University of Technology
, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
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Phys. Plasmas 22, 052122 (2015)
Article history
February 24 2015
May 11 2015
O. Embréus, S. Newton, A. Stahl, E. Hirvijoki, T. Fülöp; Numerical calculation of ion runaway distributions. Phys. Plasmas 1 May 2015; 22 (5): 052122.
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