One of the most fundamental properties of ideal magnetohydrodynamics is the condition that plasma motion cannot change magnetic topology. The conventional representation of ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes by perturbing a toroidal equilibrium field through ensures that at a resonance, with ψ labelling an equilibrium flux surface. Also useful for the analysis of guiding center orbits in a perturbed field is the representation . These two representations are equivalent, but the vanishing of at a resonance is necessary but not sufficient for the preservation of field line topology, and a indiscriminate use of either perturbation in fact destroys the original equilibrium flux topology. It is necessary to find the perturbed field to all orders in to conserve the original topology. The effect of using linearized perturbations on stability and growth rate calculations is discussed.
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February 2013
Research Article|
February 08 2013
Representation of ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes
R. B. White
R. B. White
Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University
, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA
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Phys. Plasmas 20, 022105 (2013)
Article history
December 12 2012
January 23 2013
R. B. White; Representation of ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes. Phys. Plasmas 1 February 2013; 20 (2): 022105.
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