The effect of magnetic filtering on the electron energy distribution function is studied in an inductive discharge with internal coil coupling. The coil is placed inside the plasma and driven by a low-frequency power supply (5.8 MHz) which leads to a very high power transfer efficiency. A permanent dipole magnet may be placed inside the internal coil to produce a static magnetic field around 100 Gauss. The coil and the matching system are designed to minimize the capacitive coupling to the plasma. Capacitive coupling is quantified by measuring the radiofrequency (rf) plasma potential with a capacitive probe. Without the permanent magnet, the rf plasma potential is significantly smaller than the electron temperature. When the magnet is present, the rf plasma potential increases. The electron energy distribution function is measured as a function of space with and without the permanent magnet. When the magnet is present, electrons are cooled down to low temperature in the downstream region. This region of low electron temperature may be useful for plasma processing applications, as well as for efficient negative ion production.
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October 2013
Research Article|
October 16 2013
Reduced electron temperature in a magnetized inductively-coupled plasma with internal coil
J. Arancibia Monreal;
J. Arancibia Monreal
LPP, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique
, UPMC, Paris XI, 91128 Palaiseau, France
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P. Chabert;
P. Chabert
LPP, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique
, UPMC, Paris XI, 91128 Palaiseau, France
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V. Godyak
V. Godyak
2RF Plasma Consulting, Brookline, Massachusetts 02446,
3Michigan Institute for Plasma Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109,
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Phys. Plasmas 20, 103504 (2013)
Article history
July 08 2013
September 27 2013
J. Arancibia Monreal, P. Chabert, V. Godyak; Reduced electron temperature in a magnetized inductively-coupled plasma with internal coil. Phys. Plasmas 1 October 2013; 20 (10): 103504.
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