The resonance regions for resonant interactions of radiation belt electrons with obliquely propagating whistler-mode chorus waves are investigated in detail in the Dungey magnetic fields that are parameterized by the intensity of uniform southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz or, equivalently, by the values of (where is the magnetic moment of the dipole and is the uniform southward IMF normal to the dipole’s equatorial plane). Adoption of background magnetic field model can considerably modify the determination of resonance regions. Compared to the results for the case of D = 50 (very close to the dipole field), the latitudinal coverage of resonance regions for 200 keV electrons interacting with chorus waves tends to become narrower for smaller D-values, regardless of equatorial pitch angle, resonance harmonics, and wave normal angle. In contrast, resonance regions for 1 MeV electrons tend to have very similar spatial lengths along the field line for various Dungey magnetic field models but cover different magnetic field intervals, indicative of a strong dependence on electron energy. For any given magnetic field line, the resonance regions where chorus-electron resonant interactions can take place rely closely on equatorial pitch angle, resonance harmonics, and kinetic energy. The resonance regions tend to cover broader latitudinal ranges for smaller equatorial pitch angles, higher resonance harmonics, and lower electron energies, consistent with the results in Ni and Summers [Phys. Plasmas 17, 042902, 042903 (2010)]. Calculations of quasi-linear bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients for radiation belt electrons due to nightside chorus waves indicate that the resultant scattering rates differ from using different Dungey magnetic field models, demonstrating a strong dependence of wave-induced electron scattering effect on the adoption of magnetic field model. Our results suggest that resonant wave-particle interaction processes should be implemented into a sophisticated, accurate global magnetic field model to pursue comprehensive and complete models of radiation belt electron dynamics.
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July 2012
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July 16 2012
Resonance zones and quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for radiation belt energetic electron interaction with oblique chorus waves in the Dungey magnetosphere
Run Shi;
Run Shi
Polar Research Institute of China
, Shanghai, China
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Binbin Ni;
Binbin Ni
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA
, Los Angeles, California 90095-1565, USA
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Xudong Gu;
Xudong Gu
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA
, Los Angeles, California 90095-1567, USA
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Zhengyu Zhao;
Zhengyu Zhao
4Department of Space Physics,
Wuhan University
, Wuhan, Hubei, China
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Chen Zhou
Chen Zhou
4Department of Space Physics,
Wuhan University
, Wuhan, Hubei, China
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Phys. Plasmas 19, 072904 (2012)
Article history
December 04 2011
June 13 2012
Run Shi, Binbin Ni, Xudong Gu, Zhengyu Zhao, Chen Zhou; Resonance zones and quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for radiation belt energetic electron interaction with oblique chorus waves in the Dungey magnetosphere. Phys. Plasmas 1 July 2012; 19 (7): 072904.
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