A system of two coupled integro-differential equations is derived and solved for the non-linear evolution of two waves excited by the resonant interaction with fast ions just above the linear instability threshold. The effects of a resonant particle source and classical relaxation processes represented by the Krook, diffusion, and dynamical friction collision operators are included in the model, which exhibits different nonlinear evolution regimes, mainly depending on the type of relaxation process that restores the unstable distribution function of fast ions. When the Krook collisions or diffusion dominate, the wave amplitude evolution is characterized by modulation and saturation. However, when the dynamical friction dominates, the wave amplitude is in the explosive regime. In addition, it is found that the finite separation in the phase velocities of the two modes weakens the interaction strength between the modes.
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June 2011
Research Article|
June 28 2011
Nonlinear evolution of two fast-particle-driven modes near the linear stability threshold
Jarosław Zaleśny;
Jarosław Zaleśny
West Pomeranian University of Technology
, Szczecin, Poland
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Grzegorz Galant;
Grzegorz Galant
West Pomeranian University of Technology
, Szczecin, Poland
Chalmers University of Technology
, Göteborg, Sweden
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Mietek Lisak;
Mietek Lisak
Chalmers University of Technology
, Göteborg, Sweden
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Sławomir Marczyński;
Sławomir Marczyński
West Pomeranian University of Technology
, Szczecin, Poland
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Paweł Berczyński;
Paweł Berczyński
West Pomeranian University of Technology
, Szczecin, Poland
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Andrzej Gałkowski;
Andrzej Gałkowski
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion
, Warsaw, Poland
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Stefan Berczyński
Stefan Berczyński
West Pomeranian University of Technology
, Szczecin, Poland
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Phys. Plasmas 18, 062109 (2011)
Article history
February 14 2011
May 26 2011
Jarosław Zaleśny, Grzegorz Galant, Mietek Lisak, Sławomir Marczyński, Paweł Berczyński, Andrzej Gałkowski, Stefan Berczyński; Nonlinear evolution of two fast-particle-driven modes near the linear stability threshold. Phys. Plasmas 1 June 2011; 18 (6): 062109. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3601136
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