The temperature effects on the nonstationary Karpman–Washimi ponderomotive magnetization are investigated in quantum Fermi plasmas. The cyclotron frequency due to the ponderomotive force of the electromagnetic wave has been obtained as a function of the Fermi Debye length and quantum wavelength. It is found that the Karpman–Washimi ponderomotive magnetization decreases with increasing Fermi temperature. The maximum position of the Fermi Debye length is found to be increased with an increase in the frequency in the small Fermi Debye length domain. It is also shown that the Fermi ponderomotive magnetization decreases with increasing frequency in the large Fermi Debye length domain. In addition, it is shown that the frequency dependence on the ponderomotive magnetization diminishes with increasing Fermi temperature.
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July 2009
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July 09 2009
Temperature effects on the nonstationary Karpman–Washimi ponderomotive magnetization in quantum plasmas
Sang-Chul Na;
Sang-Chul Na
Department of Applied Physics,
Hanyang University
, Ansan, Kyunggi-Do 426-791, South Korea
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Young-Dae Jung
Young-Dae Jung
Department of Applied Physics,
Hanyang University
, Ansan, Kyunggi-Do 426-791, South Korea
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Phys. Plasmas 16, 074504 (2009)
Article history
May 05 2009
June 22 2009
Sang-Chul Na, Young-Dae Jung; Temperature effects on the nonstationary Karpman–Washimi ponderomotive magnetization in quantum plasmas. Phys. Plasmas 1 July 2009; 16 (7): 074504.
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