We apply an adiabatic evolution model to predict the behavior of a field reversed configuration (FRC) during decompression and translation, as well as during boundary compression. Semi-empirical scaling laws, which were developed and benchmarked primarily for collisionless FRCs, are expected to remain valid even for the collisional regime of FRX-L experiment. We use this approach to outline the design implications for FRX-L, the high density translated FRC experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory. A conical theta coil is used to accelerate the FRC to the largest practical velocity so it can enter a mirror bounded compression region, where it must be a suitable target for a magnetized target fusion (MTF) implosion. FRX-L provides the physics basis for the integrated MTF plasma compression experiment at the Shiva-Star pulsed power facility at Kirtland Air Force Research Laboratory, where the FRC will be compressed inside a flux conserving cylindrical shell.
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April 2008
Research Article|
April 24 2008
Adiabatic model and design of a translating field reversed configuration
T. P. Intrator;
T. P. Intrator
Los Alamos National Laboratory
, M.S. E526, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Search for other works by this author on:
R. E. Siemon;
R. E. Siemon
2Department of Physics,
University of Nevada, Reno
, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA
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P. E. Sieck
P. E. Sieck
Los Alamos National Laboratory
, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
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Electronic mail: [email protected].
Phys. Plasmas 15, 042505 (2008)
Article history
November 19 2007
March 18 2008
T. P. Intrator, R. E. Siemon, P. E. Sieck; Adiabatic model and design of a translating field reversed configuration. Phys. Plasmas 1 April 2008; 15 (4): 042505. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2907165
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