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The groove at blade tip designed for suppression of tip-leakage vortex may bring the risk of inducing new cavitation
Cavitation nuclei and surface nanobubbles: The model of non-adsorbed interfacial liquid zones
Numerical study on the hydrodynamic performance of an unconstrained carangiform swimmer
Toward unraveling the mechanisms of aerosol generation during phonation
Cerebral hemodynamics during atrial fibrillation: Computational fluid dynamics analysis of lenticulostriate arteries using 7 T high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging
Electrically modulated cross-stream migration of a compound drop in micro-confined oscillatory flow
The effect of ribs on the sound radiation directivity of rectangular plates
Coalescence-induced droplet spreading: Experiments aboard the International Space Station
Mesoscopic simulation of liquid bridge spreading under squeezing of parallel plates
Molecular-kinetic study of multilayers gas-adsorption in a rarefied gas environment
Rheology, crystallization, and process conditions: The effect on interlayer properties in three-dimensional printing
English translation of Giesekus's famous article on the elasticity of liquids
Time-dependent two-dimensional translation of a freely rotating sphere in a viscoelastic fluid
Collaborative behavior of intruders moving amid grains
Grain-scale computations of barchan dunes
Influence of wetting behavior on the morphology of droplet impacts onto dry-patterned micro-structured surfaces
Pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow in porous media using a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN)
Assessment of the mixing-limited hypothesis with first-principles simulation results
Dynamics of condensate film in the vicinity of a pulling vapor stream
Numerical simulation of electrokinetic control of miscible viscous fingering
Field inversion for transitional flows using continuous adjoint methods
Experimental investigation on cavitation and induced noise of two-dimensional hydrofoils with leading-edge protuberances
Development and validation of models for turbulent reacting flows
In Special Collection:
Development and Validation of Models for Turbulent Reacting Flows
Physics of Fluids 34, 120401 (2022)
The groove at blade tip designed for suppression of tip-leakage vortex may bring the risk of inducing new cavitation
In Special Collection:
Physics of Fluids 34, 121701 (2022)
Frequency-dependent contact angle hysteresis in electrowetting
Physics of Fluids 34, 121702 (2022)
Numerical investigation on unsteady interaction of oblique/bow shock during rotation based on non-inertial coordinate system
In Special Collection:
Hypersonic Flow
Physics of Fluids 34, 121703 (2022)
Mesoscopic perspectives on dynamic van der Waals theory for liquid–vapor phase transition
Physics of Fluids 34, 121704 (2022)
Three stages of Marangoni-driven film spreading for miscible fluids
Physics of Fluids 34, 121705 (2022)
Stabilization effect of acoustic metasurfaces on broadband disturbances in a Mach 6 boundary-layer flow
In Special Collection:
Hypersonic Flow
Physics of Fluids 34, 121706 (2022)
Cavitation nuclei and surface nanobubbles: The model of non-adsorbed interfacial liquid zones
In Special Collection:
Physics of Fluids 34, 121707 (2022)
Multiscale multiphase flow simulations using interface capturing and Lagrangian particle tracking
In Special Collection:
Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022
Physics of Fluids 34, 121801 (2022)
Biofluid Mechanics
Numerical study on the hydrodynamic performance of an unconstrained carangiform swimmer
Physics of Fluids 34, 121902 (2022)
Toward unraveling the mechanisms of aerosol generation during phonation
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 34, 121904 (2022)
Flow patterns of blood post-application of cross-clamp during cardiopulmonary bypass
Physics of Fluids 34, 121906 (2022)
Stability and spatial autocorrelations of suspensions of microswimmers with heterogeneous spin
Physics of Fluids 34, 121908 (2022)
Cerebral hemodynamics during atrial fibrillation: Computational fluid dynamics analysis of lenticulostriate arteries using 7 T high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging

S. Scarsoglio; A. Saglietto; F. Tripoli; J. J. M. Zwanenburg; G. J. Biessels; G. M. De Ferrari; M. Anselmino; L. Ridolfi
Physics of Fluids 34, 121909 (2022)
Micro- and Nanofluid Mechanics
Experimental exploration on stable expansion phenomenon of sheath flow in viscous microfluidics
Wenhan Zhao (赵文翰); Wenshuai Wu (吴文帅); Dan Yuan (袁丹); Siyuan Zou (邹思源); Fan Yang (杨帆); Qianbin Zhao (赵乾斌); Kashif Mehmood; Boran Zhang (张博然)
Physics of Fluids 34, 122002 (2022)
Effects of diffusive Reynolds number on electro-osmotic pulsating nanofluid flow
Physics of Fluids 34, 122004 (2022)
An analysis of bi-directional Stokes micropump comprising a periodic array of moving belts
Physics of Fluids 34, 122005 (2022)
Boost ionic selectivity by coating bullet-shaped nanochannels with dense polyelectrolyte brushes
Physics of Fluids 34, 122008 (2022)
Stabilization formation characterization of metal single droplet by pneumatic drop-on-demand
Shanshan Gao (高山山); Zhaomiao Liu (刘赵淼); Xiang Wang (王翔); Yan Pang (逄燕); Yanlin Ren (任彦霖); Siyu Zhao (赵思宇); Nan Zheng (郑楠); Fanming Cai (蔡凡茗)
Physics of Fluids 34, 122010 (2022)
Analytic theory of nonlinearly coupled electrokinetics in nanochannels
Physics of Fluids 34, 122012 (2022)
Electrically modulated cross-stream migration of a compound drop in micro-confined oscillatory flow
Physics of Fluids 34, 122015 (2022)
Comparative heat transfer analysis of electroconductive water and kerosene hybrid nanofluids in a square porous cavity using the non-Fourier heat flux model
K. Thirumalaisamy; Sivaraj Ramachandran; V. Ramachandra Prasad; O. Anwar Bég; Ho-Hon Leung; Firuz Kamalov; R. Panneer Selvam
Physics of Fluids 34, 122016 (2022)
Interfacial Flows
Data-driven global stability of vertical planar liquid jets by dynamic mode decomposition on random perturbations
Physics of Fluids 34, 122101 (2022)
Experimental and numerical study of Taylor flow in a square minichannel
Physics of Fluids 34, 122103 (2022)
Enhanced horizontal mobility of a coalesced jumping droplet on superhydrophobic surfaces with an asymmetric ridge
In Special Collection:
Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022
Physics of Fluids 34, 122104 (2022)
Improved micro-continuum approach for capillary-dominated multiphase flow with reduced spurious velocity
Physics of Fluids 34, 122108 (2022)
The effect of ribs on the sound radiation directivity of rectangular plates
Physics of Fluids 34, 122109 (2022)
Coalescence-induced droplet spreading: Experiments aboard the International Space Station
Physics of Fluids 34, 122110 (2022)
Experimental analysis of direct contact condensation during vertical injection of steam onto a subcooled water pool
Physics of Fluids 34, 122111 (2022)
Paint drop spreading on wood and its enhancement by an in-plane electric field
In Special Collection:
Paint and Coating Physics
Physics of Fluids 34, 122112 (2022)
Controlling post-impact dynamics of ferrofluid droplets with magnetic field
Jin-Xiang Zhou (周锦翔); Hong-Wei Xiao (肖鸿威); Ya-Ping Wang (王娅萍); Adnan Khan; Xiao-Dong Niu (牛小东); Ming-Fu Wen (温明富); Mu-Feng Chen (陈木凤); De-Cai Li (李德才); Hiroshi Yamaguchi (山口博司)
Physics of Fluids 34, 122117 (2022)
Fluctuations spectra of specific kinetic energy, density, and mass flux in Rayleigh–Taylor mixing
Physics of Fluids 34, 122118 (2022)
Viscous and Non-Newtonian Flows
Mesoscopic simulation of liquid bridge spreading under squeezing of parallel plates
Physics of Fluids 34, 123101 (2022)
A gas kinetic Lax–Wendroff scheme for low-speed isothermal rarefied gas flows
Physics of Fluids 34, 123102 (2022)
The new effect of oscillations of the total kinematic momentum vector of viscous fluid
Physics of Fluids 34, 123104 (2022)
Molecular-kinetic study of multilayers gas-adsorption in a rarefied gas environment
Physics of Fluids 34, 123106 (2022)
Rheology, crystallization, and process conditions: The effect on interlayer properties in three-dimensional printing
In Special Collection:
Advanced Rheology of Complex Fluids for Next-Generation Technologies
Physics of Fluids 34, 123108 (2022)
English translation of Giesekus's famous article on the elasticity of liquids
In Special Collection:
One Hundred Years of Giesekus
Physics of Fluids 34, 123109 (2022)
Time-dependent two-dimensional translation of a freely rotating sphere in a viscoelastic fluid
In Special Collection:
One Hundred Years of Giesekus
Physics of Fluids 34, 123110 (2022)
Quasi-steady imbibition of physiological liquids in paper-based microfluidic kits: Effect of shear-thinning
Physics of Fluids 34, 123111 (2022)
Analytical solution and flow topology in a lid-driven S-shaped cavity
Physics of Fluids 34, 123113 (2022)
Treelike thermal structures on the water surface: Surface film modeling
Physics of Fluids 34, 123114 (2022)
Vibration method for the characterization of bubble behavior in sodium flows
In Special Collection:
Min Qin (秦敏); Dong Su (苏东); Lei Huang (黄磊); Shiqi Peng (彭诗琪); Yongjun Deng (邓勇军); Yao Wang (汪尧); Zhiguo Liu (刘志国); Peng Tian
Physics of Fluids 34, 123115 (2022)
Particulate, Multiphase, and Granular Flows
Electrohydrodynamic instability and disintegration of low viscous liquid jet
In Special Collection:
Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022
Zhentao Wang (王贞涛); Qian Kong (孔茜); Bin Li (李彬); Jiameng Tian (田加猛); Kai Yu (于凯); Junfeng Wang (王军锋)
Physics of Fluids 34, 123301 (2022)
Void fraction thermo-kinematics for subcooled flow boiling
In Special Collection:
Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022
Physics of Fluids 34, 123302 (2022)
Prediction of submicron particle dynamics in fibrous filter using deep convolutional neural networks
Physics of Fluids 34, 123303 (2022)
Bulge formation of liquid film at the trailing edge: Scaling laws and particle removal assessment
Physics of Fluids 34, 123304 (2022)
Collaborative behavior of intruders moving amid grains

Physics of Fluids 34, 123306 (2022)
High-speed imaging of degassing kinetics of CO2–water mixtures
Physics of Fluids 34, 123307 (2022)
Numerical study on the pulsating energy evolution in the cavitating flow around a mini Cascade
In Special Collection:
Physics of Fluids 34, 123308 (2022)
Experimental study of the spray characteristics of twin-fluid atomization: Focusing on the annular flow regime
Physics of Fluids 34, 123309 (2022)
Eliminating flooding by phase separation in condenser tube
In Special Collection:
Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022
Physics of Fluids 34, 123310 (2022)
Turbulence structure under the free-surface wave around an advancing surface-piercing cylindrical body
Physics of Fluids 34, 123311 (2022)
Two-layer two-phase material point method simulation of granular landslides and generated tsunami waves
In Special Collection:
Physics and Modelling of Tsunamis
Physics of Fluids 34, 123312 (2022)
LES investigation into the cavity shedding dynamics and cavitation–vortex interaction around a surface-piercing hydrofoil
In Special Collection:
Physics of Fluids 34, 123314 (2022)
Modulation of turbulence by dispersed charged particles in pipe flow
Physics of Fluids 34, 123315 (2022)
Shape-dependent regions for inertialess spheroids in turbulent channel flow
Physics of Fluids 34, 123316 (2022)
Effect of heterogeneity on interphase heat transfer for gas–solid flow: A particle-resolved direct numerical simulation
In Special Collection:
Multiphase flow in energy studies and applications: A special issue for MTCUE-2022
Physics of Fluids 34, 123317 (2022)
Pore-scale study of three-phase reactive transport processes in porous media
Physics of Fluids 34, 123318 (2022)
Effects of rotation on collection characteristics of fine particles by droplets
Physics of Fluids 34, 123319 (2022)
Grain-scale computations of barchan dunes
Physics of Fluids 34, 123320 (2022)
Dynamics of an inelastic tagged particle under strong confinement
Physics of Fluids 34, 123321 (2022)
Influence of wetting behavior on the morphology of droplet impacts onto dry-patterned micro-structured surfaces
Physics of Fluids 34, 123322 (2022)
Analysis of the cavitation instabilities with time-resolved stereo and multiplane particle image velocimetry
In Special Collection:
Physics of Fluids 34, 123323 (2022)
Pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow in porous media using a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN)
Physics of Fluids 34, 123325 (2022)
Experimental investigation of melt infiltration and solidification in a pre-heated particle bed
Physics of Fluids 34, 123326 (2022)
Assessment of the mixing-limited hypothesis with first-principles simulation results
Physics of Fluids 34, 123328 (2022)
Laminar Flows
Reacting and non-reacting, three-dimensional shear layers with spanwise stretching
Physics of Fluids 34, 123602 (2022)
Correct estimation of permeability using experiment and simulation
Physics of Fluids 34, 123603 (2022)
Simple in fabrication and high-performance electrohydrodynamic pump
Physics of Fluids 34, 123604 (2022)
Energy harnessing of multiple semi-active flapping ellipses in V-shape formation
Physics of Fluids 34, 123608 (2022)
The propulsion of tandem flapping foil following fishtailed flapping trajectory
Physics of Fluids 34, 123609 (2022)
Control of vortex-induced vibration of an elastically mounted cylinder with a pair of porous rods
Physics of Fluids 34, 123610 (2022)
Dynamics of condensate film in the vicinity of a pulling vapor stream
Physics of Fluids 34, 123611 (2022)
Analysis of wave propagation and pulsation in an elastic tube using a diaphragm pump
Physics of Fluids 34, 123612 (2022)
Flow induced by a pair of plasma actuators on a circular cylinder in still air under duty-cycle actuation
Physics of Fluids 34, 123613 (2022)
Instability and Transition
On convective instabilities in a rotating fluid with stably stratified layer and thermally heterogeneous boundary
Physics of Fluids 34, 124101 (2022)
Flow transitions in triple-helical microchannel involving novel parallel flow patterns
Physics of Fluids 34, 124102 (2022)
Multi-scale proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of instabilities in swirled and stratified flames
Physics of Fluids 34, 124103 (2022)
Numerical simulation of electrokinetic control of miscible viscous fingering
Physics of Fluids 34, 124104 (2022)
Unified inviscid dispersion relation and Ohnesorge number effect on the rivulet instability
Physics of Fluids 34, 124105 (2022)
The effect of one-sided confinement on nappe oscillations in free falling liquid sheet
Physics of Fluids 34, 124107 (2022)
A data-driven optimal disturbance procedure for free-stream turbulence induced transition
Physics of Fluids 34, 124108 (2022)
Effects of anisotropy on the stability of Giesekus fluid flow
In Special Collection:
One Hundred Years of Giesekus
Physics of Fluids 34, 124109 (2022)
Field inversion for transitional flows using continuous adjoint methods
Physics of Fluids 34, 124110 (2022)
Mitigation of swirling flow with a vortex rope by passive installations—Theory, simulations, and experiments
Physics of Fluids 34, 124111 (2022)
A novel optimization algorithm for the selective frequency damping parameters
Physics of Fluids 34, 124112 (2022)
Boundary layer transition induced by low-speed synthetic jets
Physics of Fluids 34, 124113 (2022)
Experimental investigation on cavitation and induced noise of two-dimensional hydrofoils with leading-edge protuberances

In Special Collection:
Physics of Fluids 34, 124115 (2022)
Effect of anisotropy and inhomogeneity on the stability of liquid film flowing down a porous inclined plane
Physics of Fluids 34, 124116 (2022)
Turbulent Flows
Hydraulic loss analysis in a pump-turbine with special emphasis on local rigid vortex and shear
Physics of Fluids 34, 125101 (2022)