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The perspective of fluid flow behavior of respiratory droplets and aerosols through the facemasks in context of SARS-CoV-2
Cold atmospheric plasma for SARS-CoV-2 inactivation
Correction and improvement of a widely used droplet–droplet collision outcome model
How coronavirus survives for days on surfaces
Specialization of tuna: A numerical study on the function of caudal keels
An experimental study of respiratory aerosol transport in phantom lung bronchioles
A study of fluid dynamics and human physiology factors driving droplet dispersion from a human sneeze
A note on a swirling squirmer in a shear-thinning fluid
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study on energy accommodation coefficient on condensing liquid surface—Molecular boundary conditions for heat and mass transfer
Effect of charge convection on gravitational settling of drop in uniform electric field
Inertial migration of oblate spheroids in a plane channel
A combined numerical and experimental study to elucidate primary breakup dynamics in liquid metal droplet-on-demand printing
Theoretical analysis for dynamic contact angle hysteresis on chemically patterned surfaces
Experimental investigation of a nonspherical water droplet falling in air
Fingering instability in Marangoni spreading on a deep layer of polymer solution
Leidenfrost drop impact on inclined superheated substrates
Coronavirus rotational diffusivity
Shear-induced dispersion in peristaltic flow
Effect of porosity on separated vortex rings of dandelion seeds
Dynamics of spheroids in an unbound quadratic flow of a general second-order fluid
Dispersion of evaporating cough droplets in tropical outdoor environment
Predicting the near-wall velocity of wall turbulence using a neural network for particle image velocimetry
On the three-dimensional flow development around circular finned cylinders
The role of the “monopole” instability in the evolution of two-dimensional turbulent free shear layers
Effect of the conditional scalar dissipation rate in the conditional moment closure
Rough-wall turbulence in minimal flow units with rod-roughened walls
COVID-19 transmission in the first presidential debate in 2020
Experimental visualization of sneezing and efficacy of face masks and shields
Two-stage growth mode for lift-off mechanism in oblique shock-wave/jet interaction
The perspective of fluid flow behavior of respiratory droplets and aerosols through the facemasks in context of SARS-CoV-2
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 111301 (2020)
Machine learning open-loop control of a mixing layer
Physics of Fluids 32, 111701 (2020)
Cold atmospheric plasma for SARS-CoV-2 inactivation
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 111702 (2020)
Flow visualization of an N95 respirator with and without an exhalation valve using schlieren imaging and light scattering
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 111703 (2020)
Correction and improvement of a widely used droplet–droplet collision outcome model
Physics of Fluids 32, 111705 (2020)
How coronavirus survives for days on surfaces
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 111706 (2020)
Liquid-curtain-based strategy to restrain plume during flushing
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Su-Chen Wu (吴苏晨); Meng-Yue Guo (郭孟月); Ji-Xiang Wang (王霁翔); Shuhuai Yao (姚舒懷); Jun Chen (陈俊); Yun-yun Li (李云云)
Physics of Fluids 32, 111707 (2020)
Biofluid Mechanics
Pulsed-jet propulsion of a squid-inspired swimmer at high Reynolds number
Physics of Fluids 32, 111901 (2020)
Specialization of tuna: A numerical study on the function of caudal keels
Physics of Fluids 32, 111902 (2020)
An experimental study of respiratory aerosol transport in phantom lung bronchioles
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 111903 (2020)
A study of fluid dynamics and human physiology factors driving droplet dispersion from a human sneeze
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 111904 (2020)
Optimal chordwise stiffness distribution for self-propelled heaving flexible plates
Physics of Fluids 32, 111905 (2020)
A note on a swirling squirmer in a shear-thinning fluid
In Special Collection:
Invited Contributions from Early Career Researchers 2020
Physics of Fluids 32, 111906 (2020)
Micro- and Nanofluid Mechanics
Poiseuille number behavior in an adiabatically choked microchannel in the slip regime
Physics of Fluids 32, 112002 (2020)
Dynamics of viscoelastic fluid in a rotating soft microchannel
Physics of Fluids 32, 112003 (2020)
Effect of gradient wettability on capillary imbibition in open semicircular copper channel
Physics of Fluids 32, 112004 (2020)
On different kinetic approaches for computing planar gas expansion under pulsed evaporation into vacuum
In Special Collection:
Advances in Micro/Nano Fluid Flows: In Memory of Prof. Jason Reese
Physics of Fluids 32, 112005 (2020)
Experimental investigation of the separation of binary gaseous mixtures flowing through a capillary tube
In Special Collection:
Advances in Micro/Nano Fluid Flows: In Memory of Prof. Jason Reese
Physics of Fluids 32, 112008 (2020)
A particle-based ellipsoidal statistical Bhatnagar–Gross–Krook solver with variable weights for the simulation of large density gradients in micro- and nano-nozzles
In Special Collection:
Advances in Micro/Nano Fluid Flows: In Memory of Prof. Jason Reese
Physics of Fluids 32, 112009 (2020)
Surface declination governed asymmetric sessile droplet evaporation
Physics of Fluids 32, 112010 (2020)
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics study on energy accommodation coefficient on condensing liquid surface—Molecular boundary conditions for heat and mass transfer
In Special Collection:
Advances in Micro/Nano Fluid Flows: In Memory of Prof. Jason Reese
Physics of Fluids 32, 112011 (2020)
Effect of charge convection on gravitational settling of drop in uniform electric field
Physics of Fluids 32, 112013 (2020)
Efficient modeling of three-dimensional convection–diffusion problems in stationary flows
Physics of Fluids 32, 112015 (2020)
Natural circulation pump with asymmetrical heat transfer wall as the element of Büttiker–Landauer thermal ratchet
Physics of Fluids 32, 112016 (2020)
Inertial migration of oblate spheroids in a plane channel
Physics of Fluids 32, 112017 (2020)
A computational study on osmotic chemotaxis of a reactive Janusbot
Physics of Fluids 32, 112018 (2020)
A study on bubble nuclei population dynamics under reduced pressure
Physics of Fluids 32, 112019 (2020)
A combined numerical and experimental study to elucidate primary breakup dynamics in liquid metal droplet-on-demand printing
Victor A. Beck; Nicholas N. Watkins; Ava S. Ashby; Aiden A. Martin; Phillip H. Paul; Jason R. Jeffries; Andrew J. Pascall
Physics of Fluids 32, 112020 (2020)
Nonlinear transport of rarefied Couette flows from low speed to high speed
In Special Collection:
Advances in Micro/Nano Fluid Flows: In Memory of Prof. Jason Reese
Physics of Fluids 32, 112021 (2020)
Interfacial Flows
Theoretical analysis for dynamic contact angle hysteresis on chemically patterned surfaces
Physics of Fluids 32, 112102 (2020)
Symmetry breaking of Worthington jets by gradients in liquid pool depth
Physics of Fluids 32, 112104 (2020)
Experimental investigation of a nonspherical water droplet falling in air
Physics of Fluids 32, 112105 (2020)
Modeling interaction between a Taylor bubble and small bubble in a rectangular column
Physics of Fluids 32, 112106 (2020)
Energetics of a bouncing drop: Coefficient of restitution, bubble entrapment, and escape
Physics of Fluids 32, 112107 (2020)
Magnetic field based actuation and amalgamation of ferrofluid droplets on hydrophobic surface: An experimental and numerical study
Adnan Khan; Qian-Ping Li (黎倩萍); Xiao-Dong Niu (牛小东); Yu-Qiao Wang (王誉乔); Ming-Fu Wen (温明富); De-Cai Li (李德才); Hiroshi Yamaguchi (山口博司); Juan Li (李隽)
Physics of Fluids 32, 112108 (2020)
A vapor–liquid equilibrium induced Lewis number effect in real-gas shear layers: A theoretical study
Physics of Fluids 32, 112111 (2020)
Fingering instability in Marangoni spreading on a deep layer of polymer solution
Physics of Fluids 32, 112112 (2020)
Leidenfrost drop impact on inclined superheated substrates
Yujie Wang (王俞杰); Ayoub El Bouhali; Sijia Lyu (吕思佳); Lu Yu (余璐); Yue Hao (郝岳); Zhigang Zuo (左志钢); Shuhong Liu (刘树红); Chao Sun (孙超)
Physics of Fluids 32, 112113 (2020)
The role of inertia in the rupture of ultrathin liquid films
Physics of Fluids 32, 112114 (2020)
Viscous and Non-Newtonian Flows
Coronavirus rotational diffusivity
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 113101 (2020)
Shear-induced dispersion in peristaltic flow
In Special Collection:
Invited Contributions from Early Career Researchers 2020
Physics of Fluids 32, 113102 (2020)
Effective Navier-slip in non-Newtonian fluid flows over corrugated surfaces
Physics of Fluids 32, 113103 (2020)
Effect of porosity on separated vortex rings of dandelion seeds
Physics of Fluids 32, 113104 (2020)
Dynamics of spheroids in an unbound quadratic flow of a general second-order fluid
In Special Collection:
Invited Contributions from Early Career Researchers 2020
Physics of Fluids 32, 113106 (2020)
Particulate, Multiphase, and Granular Flows
Dispersion of evaporating cough droplets in tropical outdoor environment
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Hongying Li (李红英); Fong Yew Leong (梁芳耀); George Xu (徐祥国); Zhengwei Ge (葛正威); Chang Wei Kang (江功伟); Keng Hui Lim (林金辉)
Physics of Fluids 32, 113301 (2020)
Motion of a neutrally buoyant circular particle in a clockwise double-lid-driven square cavity
Physics of Fluids 32, 113304 (2020)
Numerical investigation of two hollow cylindrical droplets vertically impacting on dry flat surface simultaneously
Physics of Fluids 32, 113305 (2020)
Shear-induced lift force on spheres in a viscous linear shear flow at finite volume fractions
Physics of Fluids 32, 113306 (2020)
An adaptive and energy-maximizing control optimization of wave energy converters using an extremum-seeking approach
Luca Parrinello; Panagiotis Dafnakis; Edoardo Pasta; Giovanni Bracco; Peiman Naseradinmousavi; Giuliana Mattiazzo; Amneet Pal Singh Bhalla
Physics of Fluids 32, 113307 (2020)
On the connection between Lagrangian and Eulerian metrics for recurrent particulate flows
Physics of Fluids 32, 113308 (2020)
Self-similar velocity profiles and mass transport of grains carried by fluid through a confined channel
Physics of Fluids 32, 113309 (2020)
Fluid–particle drag and particle–particle drag in low-Reynolds-number bidisperse gas–solid suspensions
Physics of Fluids 32, 113311 (2020)
Generalized friction and dilatancy laws for immersed granular flows consisting of large and small particles
Physics of Fluids 32, 113312 (2020)
Effect of density of a sphere launched vertically in water on the water-surface behavior and sphere motion in air
Physics of Fluids 32, 113313 (2020)
Laminar Flows
Bistable states and separation hysteresis in curved compression ramp flows
Physics of Fluids 32, 113601 (2020)
Instability and Transition
Influence of Prandtl number on bifurcation and pattern variation of non-isothermal annular Poiseuille flow
Physics of Fluids 32, 114101 (2020)
Turbulent Flows
Artificial neural network-based nonlinear algebraic models for large eddy simulation of turbulence
Physics of Fluids 32, 115101 (2020)
Predicting the near-wall velocity of wall turbulence using a neural network for particle image velocimetry
Physics of Fluids 32, 115105 (2020)
Deconvolutional artificial neural network models for large eddy simulation of turbulence
Physics of Fluids 32, 115106 (2020)
Persistence behavior of heat and momentum fluxes in convective surface layer turbulence
Physics of Fluids 32, 115107 (2020)
Instability of the realizable k–ε turbulence model beneath surface waves
Physics of Fluids 32, 115108 (2020)
Flow dynamics and azimuthal behavior of the self-excited acoustic modes in axisymmetric shallow cavities
Physics of Fluids 32, 115109 (2020)
Numerical investigation of the Lorentz force effect on two-point statistics in a turbulent channel flow
Physics of Fluids 32, 115112 (2020)
On the three-dimensional flow development around circular finned cylinders
Physics of Fluids 32, 115116 (2020)
The role of the “monopole” instability in the evolution of two-dimensional turbulent free shear layers
Physics of Fluids 32, 115117 (2020)
Effect of the conditional scalar dissipation rate in the conditional moment closure
In Special Collection:
In Memory of Edward E. (Ted) O’Brien
Physics of Fluids 32, 115118 (2020)
Recirculation zone downstream lateral expansions of open channel flow
Physics of Fluids 32, 115119 (2020)
Rough-wall turbulence in minimal flow units with rod-roughened walls
Physics of Fluids 32, 115120 (2020)
On the near-wall structures and statistics of fluctuating pressure in compressible turbulent channel flows
Physics of Fluids 32, 115121 (2020)
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent periodic-hill flows with mass-conserving lattice Boltzmann method
Physics of Fluids 32, 115122 (2020)
Modeling of sub-grid conditional mixing statistics in turbulent sprays using machine learning methods
In Special Collection:
In Memory of Edward E. (Ted) O’Brien
Physics of Fluids 32, 115124 (2020)
COVID-19 transmission in the first presidential debate in 2020

In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 115125 (2020)
Asymptotic properties of mixing length closures for turbulent pipe flow
In Special Collection:
In Memory of Edward E. (Ted) O’Brien
Physics of Fluids 32, 115126 (2020)
Turbulence anisotropy and intermittency in open-channel flows on rough beds
Physics of Fluids 32, 115127 (2020)
Experimental visualization of sneezing and efficacy of face masks and shields
In Special Collection:
Flow and the Virus
Physics of Fluids 32, 115129 (2020)
On the modeling of scalar mixing timescale in filtered density function simulation of turbulent premixed flames
In Special Collection:
In Memory of Edward E. (Ted) O’Brien
Physics of Fluids 32, 115130 (2020)
Compressible Flows
Unsteady combustion mode with a super-high frequency induced by a curved shock
Physics of Fluids 32, 116101 (2020)
Compressible lattice Boltzmann methods with adaptive velocity stencils: An interpolation-free formulation
In Special Collection:
Special Issue on the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Physics of Fluids 32, 116102 (2020)
Shock-wave thickness influence to the light diffraction on a plane shock wave
Physics of Fluids 32, 116103 (2020)
Two-stage growth mode for lift-off mechanism in oblique shock-wave/jet interaction
Physics of Fluids 32, 116105 (2020)
Attenuation of pulsation and oscillation using a disk at mid-section of spiked blunt body
Physics of Fluids 32, 116106 (2020)
Microscopic fluid dynamics of a wire screen bound to a slit resonator excited by acoustic waves
Physics of Fluids 32, 116107 (2020)
Effects of fuel injection angle on mixing performance of scramjet pylon-cavity flameholder
Physics of Fluids 32, 116108 (2020)
Geophysical Flows
On the structure and patterns of von Kármán vortices in two-dimensional high Reynolds number flows
Physics of Fluids 32, 116601 (2020)
Surface wave characteristics of a volume source horizontally translating in a stratified fluid
Physics of Fluids 32, 116602 (2020)
Genesis, evolution, and apocalypse of Loop Current rings
Physics of Fluids 32, 116603 (2020)
Multiphysics flow simulations using D3Q19 lattice Boltzmann methods based on central moments
In Special Collection:
Special Issue on the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Physics of Fluids 32, 117101 (2020)
Effect of pulsating injection and mainstream attack angle on film cooling performance of a gas turbine blade
Physics of Fluids 32, 117102 (2020)
Far-field particle manipulation scheme based on X wave
Physics of Fluids 32, 117104 (2020)
Effect of gusty inflow on the jet-switching characteristics of a plunging foil
Physics of Fluids 32, 117105 (2020)
Vortex formation in starting buoyant jets at moderate Richardson numbers
Physics of Fluids 32, 117107 (2020)
On Oreology, the fracture and flow of “milk's favorite cookie®”
Crystal E. Owens, Max R. Fan (范瑞), et al.
Chinese Academy of Science Journal Ranking System (2015–2023)
Cruz Y. Li (李雨桐), 李雨桐, et al.
Physics-informed neural networks for solving Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations
Hamidreza Eivazi, Mojtaba Tahani, et al.