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Red blood cell and platelet diffusivity and margination in the presence of cross-stream gradients in blood flows
A non-dimensional parameter for classification of the flow in intracranial aneurysms. I. Simplified geometries
Dynamic behavior of water drops impacting on cylindrical superhydrophobic surfaces
Contraction flow of ionomers and their corresponding copolymers: Ionic and hydrogen bonding effects
Order in polymeric liquids under oscillatory shear flow
Viscoelastic planar elongational flow past an infinitely long cylinder
Dynamic mode tracking and control with a relaxation method
Stability analysis of a thin film on a rotating cylinder with low airflow
Linear analysis of non-local physics in homogeneous turbulent flows
Unlikely existence of spectral law in wall turbulence: An observation of the atmospheric surface layer
On the inherent bias of swirling strength in defining vortical structure
Mechanism study of coupled aerodynamic and thermal effects using plasma actuation for anti-icing
Formation of water in oil in water particles by drop impact on an oil layer
Numerical simulation of two coalescing turbulent forced plumes in linearly stratified fluids
Is Tollmien-Schlichting wave necessary for transition of zero pressure gradient boundary layer flow?
Physics of Fluids 31, 031701 (2019)
Biofluid Mechanics
Reduced-order modeling of left ventricular flow subject to aortic valve regurgitation
Physics of Fluids 31, 031901 (2019)
Red blood cell and platelet diffusivity and margination in the presence of cross-stream gradients in blood flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 031903 (2019)
A non-dimensional parameter for classification of the flow in intracranial aneurysms. I. Simplified geometries
Physics of Fluids 31, 031904 (2019)
Micro- and Nanofluid Mechanics
Effects of magnetic nanoparticles on mixing in droplet-based microfluidics
Physics of Fluids 31, 032001 (2019)
Experimental study of the parameters for stable drop-on-demand inkjet performance
Physics of Fluids 31, 032004 (2019)
Electrohydrodynamic interaction between droplet pairs in a confined shear flow
Physics of Fluids 31, 032005 (2019)
Interfacial Flows
Numerical modeling of the acoustically driven growth and collapse of a cavitation bubble near a wall
Physics of Fluids 31, 032102 (2019)
Dynamic behavior of water drops impacting on cylindrical superhydrophobic surfaces
In Special Collection:
Selected Papers from the 10th National Congress on Fluid Mechanics of China
Physics of Fluids 31, 032104 (2019)
Effect of soluble surfactants on vertical liquid film drainage
Physics of Fluids 31, 032105 (2019)
Thermal effects on the instability of coaxial liquid jets in the core of a gas stream
In Special Collection:
Selected Papers from the 10th National Congress on Fluid Mechanics of China
Physics of Fluids 31, 032106 (2019)
Enhanced imbibition from the cooperation between wetting and inertia via pulsatile forcing
Physics of Fluids 31, 032107 (2019)
Viscous and Non-Newtonian Flows
Power series for normal stress differences of polymeric liquids in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow
In Special Collection:
Selected Papers from the 10th National Congress on Fluid Mechanics of China
Physics of Fluids 31, 033101 (2019)
Contraction flow of ionomers and their corresponding copolymers: Ionic and hydrogen bonding effects
Physics of Fluids 31, 033102 (2019)
Order in polymeric liquids under oscillatory shear flow
In Special Collection:
Papers from the Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Lake Vyrnwy, 2019
Physics of Fluids 31, 033103 (2019)
Viscoelastic planar elongational flow past an infinitely long cylinder
Physics of Fluids 31, 033104 (2019)
Particulate, Multiphase, and Granular Flows
Why do wet-particles adhere to a high-speed roll in a three-roll mill?
Physics of Fluids 31, 033302 (2019)
Laminar Flows
Fluid dynamics of the slip boundary condition for isothermal rimming flow with moderate inertial effects
Physics of Fluids 31, 033602 (2019)
Instability and Transition
Dynamic mode tracking and control with a relaxation method
Physics of Fluids 31, 034101 (2019)
Numerical study on the flow over two circular disks in tandem arrangement
Physics of Fluids 31, 034102 (2019)
Effect of the Prandtl number on the instabilities of the thermocapillary flow in an annular pool
Physics of Fluids 31, 034103 (2019)
Controlled symmetry breaking and vortex dynamics in intersecting flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 034104 (2019)
Experimental investigation of three-dimensional flow regimes in a cross-shaped reactor
Physics of Fluids 31, 034105 (2019)
Stability analysis of a thin film on a rotating cylinder with low airflow
Physics of Fluids 31, 034106 (2019)
Effects of inner bubble on liquid jet breakup
Physics of Fluids 31, 034107 (2019)
Turbulent Flows
Linear analysis of non-local physics in homogeneous turbulent flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 035102 (2019)
Unlikely existence of spectral law in wall turbulence: An observation of the atmospheric surface layer
Physics of Fluids 31, 035103 (2019)
Vorticity dynamics of the three-dimensional Taylor-Green vortex problem
Physics of Fluids 31, 035106 (2019)
On the inherent bias of swirling strength in defining vortical structure
Physics of Fluids 31, 035107 (2019)
Compressible Flows
Analytical calculation of the translational velocity of linked vortices
Physics of Fluids 31, 037101 (2019)
Numerical investigation of solitary wave slamming on an oscillating wave surge converter
Physics of Fluids 31, 037102 (2019)
Mechanism study of coupled aerodynamic and thermal effects using plasma actuation for anti-icing
Physics of Fluids 31, 037103 (2019)
Transport dynamics of an ellipsoidal particle in free molecular gas flow regime
Physics of Fluids 31, 037104 (2019)
Morphing wing with compliant aileron and slat for unmanned aerial vehicles
Physics of Fluids 31, 037105 (2019)
Non-acoustical parameters and sound absorption characteristics of porous polyurethane foams
Physics of Fluids 31, 037106 (2019)
Formation of water in oil in water particles by drop impact on an oil layer
Physics of Fluids 31, 037107 (2019)
Temperature dependence of shock wave structure in helium and neon
In Special Collection:
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo — The Legacy of Graeme A. Bird
Physics of Fluids 31, 037109 (2019)
Numerical simulation of two coalescing turbulent forced plumes in linearly stratified fluids
Physics of Fluids 31, 037111 (2019)
Publisher’s Note: “Advection of droplet collision in centrifugal microfluidics” [Phys. Fluids 31, 032003 (2019)]
Physics of Fluids 31, 039902 (2019)
Referee acknowledgment for 2024
Alan Jeffrey Giacomin
On Oreology, the fracture and flow of “milk's favorite cookie®”
Crystal E. Owens, Max R. Fan (范瑞), et al.
Chinese Academy of Science Journal Ranking System (2015–2023)
Cruz Y. Li (李雨桐), 李雨桐, et al.