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Beyond the Langevin horn: Transducer arrays for the acoustic levitation of liquid drops
Influence of flowing fluid property through an elastic tube on various deformations along the tube length
Probing vortex-shedding at high frequencies in flows past confined microfluidic cylinders using high-speed microscale particle image velocimetry
Hydrodynamics of a rigid stationary flat plate in cross-flow near the free surface
Transition of flow field of acoustically levitated droplets with evaporation
Inertial effects in triple-layer core-annular pipeline flow
Shear thickening of dense suspensions: The role of friction
Effect of electrostatic forces on the distribution of drops in turbulent channel flows
Bi-global stability analysis in curvilinear coordinates
Mechanisms of broadband noise generation on metal foam edges
Optimization under turbulence model uncertainty for aerospace design
Statistical analysis of temperature distribution on vortex surfaces in hypersonic turbulent boundary layer
Computational fluid radiative dynamics of the Galileo Jupiter entry
Relations between skin friction and other surface quantities in viscous flows
Experimental study of drop impact on a thin fiber
Modeling the interplay between the shear layer and leading edge suction during dynamic stall
The jet characteristics of bubbles near mixed boundaries
Deformation of a vortex ring caused by its impingement on a sphere
Beyond the Langevin horn: Transducer arrays for the acoustic levitation of liquid drops
In Special Collection:
Drops and Flows in Acoustic Levitation
Physics of Fluids 31, 101301 (2019)
On the peripheral intensification of two-dimensional vortices in smaller-scale randomly forcing flow
Physics of Fluids 31, 101701 (2019)
Dynamic Leidenfrost behaviors of different fluid drops on superheated surface: Scaling for vapor film thickness
Physics of Fluids 31, 101702 (2019)
Biofluid Mechanics
Finite obstacle effect on the aerodynamic performance of a hovering wing
Physics of Fluids 31, 101902 (2019)
Passive separation control of a NACA0012 airfoil via a flexible flap
Physics of Fluids 31, 101904 (2019)
Influence of flowing fluid property through an elastic tube on various deformations along the tube length

In Special Collection:
Food and Fluids
Physics of Fluids 31, 101905 (2019)
Micro- and Nanofluid Mechanics
Probing vortex-shedding at high frequencies in flows past confined microfluidic cylinders using high-speed microscale particle image velocimetry
In Special Collection:
Selected Articles from the 2018 Micro and Nano Flows Conference
Physics of Fluids 31, 102001 (2019)
Flow boiling heat transfer in silicon microgaps with multiple hotspots and variable pin fin clustering
In Special Collection:
Selected Articles from the 2018 Micro and Nano Flows Conference
Physics of Fluids 31, 102002 (2019)
Application of two-branch deep neural network to predict bubble migration near elastic boundaries
Physics of Fluids 31, 102003 (2019)
Inertial focusing of a neutrally buoyant particle in stratified flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 102006 (2019)
Interfacial Flows
Translational and rotational motion of disk-shaped Marangoni surfers
Physics of Fluids 31, 102101 (2019)
Asymmetric vortexes induced traveling drop on an oscillatory liquid bath
Physics of Fluids 31, 102102 (2019)
Experimental study of elevation- and depression-type internal solitary waves generated by gravity collapse
Physics of Fluids 31, 102104 (2019)
Impact of emulsion drops on a solid surface: The effect of viscosity
Physics of Fluids 31, 102106 (2019)
Hydrodynamics of a rigid stationary flat plate in cross-flow near the free surface
Physics of Fluids 31, 102108 (2019)
Transition of flow field of acoustically levitated droplets with evaporation

In Special Collection:
Drops and Flows in Acoustic Levitation
Physics of Fluids 31, 102109 (2019)
Viscous and Non-Newtonian Flows
Inertial effects in triple-layer core-annular pipeline flow
In Special Collection:
Papers from the Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Lake Vyrnwy, 2019
Physics of Fluids 31, 103102 (2019)
Shear thickening of dense suspensions: The role of friction
Physics of Fluids 31, 103103 (2019)
Characterization of peristaltic flow during the mixing process in a model human stomach
In Special Collection:
Food and Fluids
Physics of Fluids 31, 103105 (2019)
Particulate Multiphase and Granular Flows
X-ray radiography of viscous resuspension
In Special Collection:
Invited Contributions from Outstanding Early Career Researchers
Physics of Fluids 31, 103301 (2019)
Laser induced cavitation: Plasma generation and breakdown shockwave
Physics of Fluids 31, 103302 (2019)
Particles in turbulent separated flow over a bump: Effect of the Stokes number and lift force
Physics of Fluids 31, 103305 (2019)
Laminar Flows
Effect of dimensionless frequency on steady flows excited by fluid oscillation in wavy channel
Physics of Fluids 31, 103604 (2019)
High dynamic range particle image velocimetry analysis of viscous inhalant flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 103605 (2019)
Implementation of three-dimensional physical reflective boundary conditions in mesh-free particle methods for continuum fluid dynamics: Validation tests and case studies
Carlos Alberto Dutra Fraga Filho; Chong Peng; Md Rushdie Ibne Islam; Christopher McCabe; Samiullah Baig; Gonella Venkata Durga Prasad
Physics of Fluids 31, 103606 (2019)
Instability and Transition
On the selection of perturbations for thermal boundary layer control
Physics of Fluids 31, 104102 (2019)
Influence of distributed heavy-gas injection on stability and transition of supersonic boundary-layer flow
Physics of Fluids 31, 104103 (2019)
Separated boundary layer transition under pressure gradient in the presence of free-stream turbulence
Physics of Fluids 31, 104106 (2019)
Large eddy simulations and global stability analyses of an annular and cylindrical rotor/stator cavity limit cycles
Physics of Fluids 31, 104109 (2019)
Vibration-induced instability of a fluid film flowing down a vertical plane: Experimental and numerical comparison
Physics of Fluids 31, 104111 (2019)
Turbulent Flows
Unsteady behavior of wall-detached flow inside a steam turbine control valve
Physics of Fluids 31, 105101 (2019)
Extension of the subgrid-scale gradient model for compressible magnetohydrodynamics turbulent instabilities
Physics of Fluids 31, 105102 (2019)
Effect of electrostatic forces on the distribution of drops in turbulent channel flows

Physics of Fluids 31, 105104 (2019)
Bi-global stability analysis in curvilinear coordinates

In Special Collection:
Special Topic on Passive and Active Control of Turbulent Flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 105105 (2019)
Edge flame propagation statistics in igniting monodisperse droplet-laden mixtures
Physics of Fluids 31, 105108 (2019)
Mechanisms of broadband noise generation on metal foam edges

In Special Collection:
Special Topic on Passive and Active Control of Turbulent Flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 105110 (2019)
Optimization under turbulence model uncertainty for aerospace design

Physics of Fluids 31, 105111 (2019)
On the interaction between turbulent vortex rings of a synthetic jet and porous walls
Physics of Fluids 31, 105112 (2019)
Three-dimensional visualization of destruction events of turbulent momentum transfer in a plane jet
Physics of Fluids 31, 105114 (2019)
Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics in an exactly solvable turbulent shear model with a random background mean
Physics of Fluids 31, 105115 (2019)
Compressible Flows
Statistical analysis of temperature distribution on vortex surfaces in hypersonic turbulent boundary layer
Physics of Fluids 31, 106101 (2019)
Quasi-classical trajectory-based non-equilibrium chemical reaction models for hypersonic air flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 106102 (2019)
Computational fluid radiative dynamics of the Galileo Jupiter entry
Physics of Fluids 31, 106104 (2019)
Experimental study of forward-facing cavity with energy deposition in hypersonic flow conditions
Physics of Fluids 31, 106105 (2019)
Acoustothermal heating in surface acoustic wave driven microchannel flow
Physics of Fluids 31, 106106 (2019)
Aeroacoustic characteristics of subsonic flow from axisymmetric pipe-cavities
Physics of Fluids 31, 106107 (2019)
Geophysical Flows
Separation of particle-laden gravity currents down a slope in linearly stratified environments
Physics of Fluids 31, 106602 (2019)
Relations between skin friction and other surface quantities in viscous flows
Physics of Fluids 31, 107101 (2019)
Experimental study of drop impact on a thin fiber

Pingan Zhu (朱平安); Wei Wang (王位); Xiang Chen (陈翔); Fangye Lin (林方烨); Xiaofeng Wei (魏啸峰); Chen Ji (吉晨); Jun Zou (邹俊)
Physics of Fluids 31, 107102 (2019)
Modeling the interplay between the shear layer and leading edge suction during dynamic stall
Physics of Fluids 31, 107104 (2019)
The jet characteristics of bubbles near mixed boundaries
Physics of Fluids 31, 107105 (2019)
Numerical investigation of toroidal bubble dynamics in a compressible fluid based on boundary integral method
Physics of Fluids 31, 107106 (2019)
Deformation of a vortex ring caused by its impingement on a sphere
Physics of Fluids 31, 107108 (2019)
Impact of airflow on the heat transfer conditions inside an oven cavity, characterized using particle imaging velocimetry
In Special Collection:
Food and Fluids
Physics of Fluids 31, 107109 (2019)
Comment on “A periodic grain consolidation model of porous media” [Phys. Fluids A 1, 38 (1989)]
Physics of Fluids 31, 109101 (2019)
Response to “Comment on ‘A periodic grain consolidation model of porous media’” [Phys. Fluids 31, 109101 (2019)]
Physics of Fluids 31, 109102 (2019)
On Oreology, the fracture and flow of “milk's favorite cookie®”
Crystal E. Owens, Max R. Fan (范瑞), et al.
Chinese Academy of Science Journal Ranking System (2015–2023)
Cruz Y. Li (李雨桐), 李雨桐, et al.
Physics-informed neural networks for solving Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations
Hamidreza Eivazi, Mojtaba Tahani, et al.