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Dynamic slip of polydisperse linear polymers using partitioned plate
On the macroscopic modeling of dilute emulsions under flow in the presence of particle inertia
Internal flow inside droplets within a concentrated emulsion during droplet rearrangement
Non-parametric wall model and methods of identifying boundary conditions for moments in gas flow equations
Electrohydrodynamics of a concentric compound drop in an AC electric field
Orbitally shaken shallow fluid layers. I. Regime classification
Orbitally shaken shallow fluid layers. II. An improved wall shear stress model
Inline motion and hydrodynamic interaction of 2D particles in a viscoplastic fluid
On viscoelastic cavitating flows: A numerical study
Spatial averaging of a dissipative particle dynamics model for active suspensions
On the transport, segregation, and dispersion of heavy and light particles interacting with rising thermal plumes
Spinning and tumbling of micron-sized triangles in a micro-channel shear flow
Mode decomposition and Lagrangian structures of the flow dynamics in orbitally shaken bioreactors
An orbital instability of minimal plane Couette turbulence
Modeling of molecular diffusion and thermal conduction with multi-particle interaction in compressible turbulence
Influence of coherent structures on the evolution of an axisymmetric turbulent jet
Computation of the bluff-body sound generation by a self-consistent mean flow formulation
Preface to Special Issue: Papers from HSR 2017—8th International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology, Limassol, Cyprus, July 12–14, 2017
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030501 (2018)
Invited Letters
Dynamic slip of polydisperse linear polymers using partitioned plate
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030601 (2018)
Invited Articles
Pressure-driven flow of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid with pressure-dependent rheological parameters
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030701 (2018)
Numerical and experimental analysis of the sedimentation of spherical colloidal suspensions under centrifugal force
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Evangelia Antonopoulou; Connor F. Rohmann-Shaw; Thomas C. Sykes; Olivier J. Cayre; Timothy N. Hunter; Peter K. Jimack
Physics of Fluids 30, 030702 (2018)
Exact solutions for oscillatory shear sweep behaviors of complex fluids from the Oldroyd 8-constant framework
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030703 (2018)
On the macroscopic modeling of dilute emulsions under flow in the presence of particle inertia
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030704 (2018)
Rheological considerations for the modelling of submarine sliding at Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic Ocean
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030705 (2018)
Local viscosity distribution in bifurcating microfluidic blood flows
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030706 (2018)
Instability of two-layer film flows due to the interacting effects of surfactants, inertia, and gravity
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030707 (2018)
Theoretical study of the flow in a fluid damper containing high viscosity silicone oil: Effects of shear-thinning and viscoelasticity
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030708 (2018)
Squeeze flow of Bingham plastic with stick-slip at the wall
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030709 (2018)
A constitutive rheological model for agglomerating blood derived from nonequilibrium thermodynamics
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030710 (2018)
Static response of coated microbubbles compressed between rigid plates: Simulations and asymptotic analysis including elastic and adhesive forces
In Special Collection:
Papers from the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology
Physics of Fluids 30, 030711 (2018)
Complexity of viscous dissipation in turbulent thermal convection
Physics of Fluids 30, 031702 (2018)
Vorticity and helicity decompositions and dynamics with real Schur form of the velocity gradient
Physics of Fluids 30, 031703 (2018)
Micro- and Nanofluid Mechanics
Study of nanofluid forced convection heat transfer in a bent channel by means of lattice Boltzmann method
Physics of Fluids 30, 032001 (2018)
Internal flow inside droplets within a concentrated emulsion during droplet rearrangement
Physics of Fluids 30, 032002 (2018)
PIV study of non-Marangoni surface flows in thin liquid films induced by single- and multi-point thermodes
Physics of Fluids 30, 032003 (2018)
Non-parametric wall model and methods of identifying boundary conditions for moments in gas flow equations
Physics of Fluids 30, 032008 (2018)
Interfacial Flows
Slippage on a particle-laden liquid-gas interface in textured microchannels
Physics of Fluids 30, 032101 (2018)
Electrohydrodynamics of a concentric compound drop in an AC electric field
Physics of Fluids 30, 032102 (2018)
Entropic multiple-relaxation-time multirange pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann model for two-phase flow
Physics of Fluids 30, 032104 (2018)
Dynamic control of droplets and pockets formation in homogeneous porous media immiscible displacements
Physics of Fluids 30, 032105 (2018)
Orbitally shaken shallow fluid layers. I. Regime classification
Physics of Fluids 30, 032107 (2018)
Orbitally shaken shallow fluid layers. II. An improved wall shear stress model
Physics of Fluids 30, 032108 (2018)
Viscous and Non-Newtonian Flows
Inline motion and hydrodynamic interaction of 2D particles in a viscoplastic fluid
Physics of Fluids 30, 033101 (2018)
On viscoelastic cavitating flows: A numerical study
Physics of Fluids 30, 033102 (2018)
Particulate, Multiphase, and Granular Flows
Spatial averaging of a dissipative particle dynamics model for active suspensions
Physics of Fluids 30, 033301 (2018)
On the transport, segregation, and dispersion of heavy and light particles interacting with rising thermal plumes
Physics of Fluids 30, 033302 (2018)
Spinning and tumbling of micron-sized triangles in a micro-channel shear flow
Physics of Fluids 30, 033304 (2018)
Laminar Flows
Mode decomposition and Lagrangian structures of the flow dynamics in orbitally shaken bioreactors
Physics of Fluids 30, 033603 (2018)
Multicanonical Monte Carlo evaluation of drag probability distribution functions
Physics of Fluids 30, 033605 (2018)
Proximity-interference wake-induced vibration at subcritical Re: Mechanism analysis using a linear dynamic model
Physics of Fluids 30, 033606 (2018)
Instability and Transition
Experimental and numerical investigations of temporally and spatially periodic modulated wave trains
Physics of Fluids 30, 034101 (2018)
Effect of settling particles on the stability of a particle-laden flow in a vertical plane channel
Physics of Fluids 30, 034102 (2018)
Effects of planar shear on the three-dimensional instability in flow past a circular cylinder
Physics of Fluids 30, 034103 (2018)
Flutter instability of freely hanging articulated pipes conveying fluid
Physics of Fluids 30, 034105 (2018)
An orbital instability of minimal plane Couette turbulence
Physics of Fluids 30, 034107 (2018)
Turbulent Flows
Turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces detected in DNS of incompressible turbulent boundary layers
Physics of Fluids 30, 035102 (2018)
Rortex—A new vortex vector definition and vorticity tensor and vector decompositions
Physics of Fluids 30, 035103 (2018)
Amplification and attenuation of shock wave strength caused by homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Physics of Fluids 30, 035105 (2018)
Effects of polymer stresses on analogy between momentum and heat transfer in drag-reduced turbulent channel flow
Physics of Fluids 30, 035106 (2018)
Effect of vortical structures on velocity and turbulent fields in the near region of an impinging turbulent jet
Physics of Fluids 30, 035107 (2018)
Modeling of molecular diffusion and thermal conduction with multi-particle interaction in compressible turbulence

Physics of Fluids 30, 035108 (2018)
Influence of coherent structures on the evolution of an axisymmetric turbulent jet
Physics of Fluids 30, 035109 (2018)
Compressible Flows
Computation of the bluff-body sound generation by a self-consistent mean flow formulation
Physics of Fluids 30, 036102 (2018)
Linear stability analysis of detonations via numerical computation and dynamic mode decomposition
Physics of Fluids 30, 036103 (2018)
An analysis of dynamic stability for a flexible rotor filled with liquid
Physics of Fluids 30, 037101 (2018)
Numerical and experimental investigation on static electric charge model at stable cone-jet region
Physics of Fluids 30, 037102 (2018)
On Oreology, the fracture and flow of “milk's favorite cookie®”
Crystal E. Owens, Max R. Fan (范瑞), et al.
Physics-informed neural networks for solving Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations
Hamidreza Eivazi, Mojtaba Tahani, et al.
Chinese Academy of Science Journal Ranking System (2015–2023)
Cruz Y. Li (李雨桐), 李雨桐, et al.