The detailed Josephson–Anderson relation equates the instantaneous work by pressure drop over any streamwise segment of a general channel and the wall-normal flux of spanwise vorticity spatially integrated over that section. This relation was first derived by Huggins for quantum superfluids, but it holds also for internal flows of classical fluids and for external flows around solid bodies, corresponding there to relations of Burgers, Lighthill, Kambe, Howe, and others. All of these prior results employ a background potential Euler flow with the same inflow/outflow as the physical flow, just as in Kelvin's minimum energy theorem, so that the reference potential incorporates information about flow geometry. We here generalize the detailed Josephson–Anderson relation to streamwise periodic channels appropriate for numerical simulation of classical fluid turbulence. We show that the original Neumann b.c. used by Huggins for the background potential creates an unphysical vortex sheet in a periodic channel, so that we substitute instead Dirichlet b.c. We show that the minimum energy theorem still holds and our new Josephson–Anderson relation again equates work by pressure drop instantaneously to integrated flux of spanwise vorticity. The result holds for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids and for general curvilinear walls. We illustrate our new formula with numerical results in a periodic channel flow with a single smooth bump, which reveals how vortex separation from the roughness element creates drag at each time instant. Drag and dissipation are thus related to vorticity structure and dynamics locally in space and time, with important applications to drag-reduction and to explanation of anomalous dissipation at high Reynolds numbers.
The modern paradigm1,2 for drag and dissipation in the theory of quantum superfluids arose from the work of Josephson3 for superconductors and of Anderson4 for neutral superfluids, who both noted a time-average relation between drops of voltage/pressure in flow through wires/channels and the cross-stream flux of quantized magnetic-flux/vortex lines. It was subsequently shown by Huggins5 that a “detailed Josephson–Anderson (JA) relation” holds between instantaneous work by pressure drop and integrated flux of vorticity across the mass flux of the background potential associated with the ground-state quantum superflow. These results are the basis of contemporary solutions to the “drag reduction” problem in high-temperature superconductors, where, above some critical current, nucleation and motion of magnetic vortices create an effective voltage drop and loss of superconductivity. The remedy is to introduce impurities and disorder to pin the vortices and prevent their cross-stream motion, thus restoring dissipationless flow of electric current.6,7
It was noted by Anderson4 and by Huggins5 that corresponding results hold for classical fluids described by the viscous Navier–Stokes equations. Eyink8 pointed out that the time-average result had been invoked already by Taylor9 for classical turbulent pipe flow and that an instantaneous relation between pressure gradients and vorticity flux at solid surfaces was derived by Lighthill,10 both anticipating the results for quantum fluids. Subsequently, Eyink11 showed that Huggins's detailed Josephson–Anderson relation holds also for external flows around solid bodies, relating drag on the body instantaneously to the integrated flux of vorticity across the streamlines of the background potential flow. As reviewed by Biesheuvel and Hagmeijer,12 closely related instantaneous relations for drag in external flows of classical fluids had been previously derived by Burgers, Lighthill and others, especially Howe,13 and applied to both laminar and turbulent flow regimes. However, to our knowledge there has been no prior study applying the detailed relation of Huggins5 to classical channel flows, either laminar or turbulent. Previous work of Huggins,14 Eyink,8 and Kumar et al.15 has investigated classical turbulent channel flow using only the time-averaged relation of Taylor9 and Anderson,4 rather than the detailed relation which reveals the instantaneous connection between drag and vorticity dynamics.
We shall show in this paper that the detailed Josephson–Anderson relation in the original form of Huggins5 has, in fact, a significant flaw when applied to classical fluid turbulence. The origin of the problem is Huggins's assumption that the channel inflow and outflow are pure potential, which is realistic for many superfluid applications where the quantum vortex tangle is strictly confined to some interior section of the channel. However, in applications to classical fluid turbulence this assumption is quite unrealistic as the outflow and very commonly the inflow as well consist of highly rotational flow. Furthermore, we shall see that Huggins's original derivation, when carried out with the streamwise periodic boundary conditions that are most common in numerical simulations, introduces a spurious vortex sheet into the reference “potential” flow. To avoid these serious difficulties, we show here that it suffices to use instead a reference potential, which matches only the mean mass flux of the physical flow and not the instantaneous inflow and outflow fields. We show, nevertheless, that the original derivation of Huggins5 goes through with only minor modifications for this new choice of potential and yields again an instantaneous relation between work by pressure drop and spatially integrated vorticity flux. We then present a sample numerical application for periodic channel flow with a single smooth bump at modest Reynolds number, but sufficiently high that flow separation is observed with shedding of a rotational wake. In this flow, we relate the instantaneous drag arising from both skin friction and pressure forces (form drag) to the vorticity flux from the boundary arising from separation. Our results thus reveal a deep unity to the origin of drag in both classical and quantum fluids.
The results presented here build upon the pioneering work of K. R. Sreenivasan, who has made seminal contributions to turbulence in both quantum and classical fluids. In particular, Bewley et al.16 and Fonda, Sreenivasan, and Lathrop17,18 developed the first experimental methods to visualize quantized vortices in a superfluid flow and to verify the reconnection dynamics, which has been widely theorized to account for superfluid turbulent dissipation, going back to Feynman.19 We shall discuss below the relation of our results with such reconnection processes. In addition, Sreenivasan20 and Sreenivasan and Sahay21 have made fundamental contributions to the Reynolds-number scaling of turbulent wall-bounded flows, continuing in more recent works.22,23 The persistent viscous effects identified by Sreenivasan and Sahay21 make a very important contribution, in particular, to vorticity flux8,15 in wall-bounded flows, which is very relevant to our subject. Finally, the detailed Josephson–Anderson relation has direct applications to problems of polymer drag reduction studied by Sreenivasan and White24 and turbulent energy dissipation rate studied in classic works of Sreenivasan,25,26 and Meneveau and Sreenivasan27 which we discuss briefly below. A great legacy of Sreeni's research career is a strong interdisciplinary point of view and a search for general unifying principles, an example which we strive to emulate in this contribution to the Special Issue in honor of his 75th birthday.
The previous developments reviewed above suggest that vorticity flux accounts for wall drag with great generality, in many incompressible fluid flows of practical and theoretical interest, and that the JA relation can provide a novel vorticity-based perspective on drag reduction. Unfortunately, a difficulty occurs in the straightforward application of the original relation of Huggins5 to classical turbulent flows through pipes and channels. In that case, the fields and that appear in the boundary conditions (7) for the reference potential flow are both x-slices of a very complex and rough turbulent velocity field. This means that is generally also spatially complex and rough, inheriting those properties from its boundary conditions. This poses a serious problem for mathematical analysis of the infinite-Reynolds limit,38 since the arguments involved depend crucially on the smoothness of the potential flow. Furthermore, this non-smoothness of and makes more demanding the numerical computation of . The corresponding problem does not appear in typical superfluid applications, since the vortex tangles in that case are generally confined well within the channel interior.
Another important issue is that numerical simulations of turbulent pipe and channel flows in classical fluids very frequently employ periodic boundary conditions in the streamwise direction as a computational convenience. The flow may be driven either with a fixed bulk velocity or as Poiseuille flow with a fixed pressure gradient. In the latter case, a standard choice is to use a non-periodic linear potential where x is taken as the streamwise direction and is the resultant streamwise gradient in the total pressure h, but with velocity u and static pressure p both periodic. This situation is of the type considered by Huggins5 but with the ends of the channel periodically joined so that . In this setting, the naive approach would be to mimic exactly the original derivation and take as reference field the Euler flow with potential solving Laplace's equation with Neumann boundary conditions (7), without regard for the fact that . All of the analysis and results of Huggins5 then carry over in this setting. However, there is a serious difficulty. The potential is uniquely specified (up to a spatial constant) by the Laplace problem with Neumann boundary conditions (7), and these conditions guarantee that so that is x-periodic. However, in general, the components of perpendicular to n need not be periodic. In fact, any such discontinuity corresponds to a vortex sheet in at Sin = Sout with strength . Since the surface Sin = Sout was arbitrary chosen and any x-cross section could be equally selected for the construction, this means that there is a vortex sheet in the interior of the periodic domain and is not truly potential.
Both of these problems can be illustrated in the case of turbulent Poiseuille flow through a smooth plane-parallel channel, using data from the Johns Hopkins turbulence database (JHTDB)42,43 which hosts data from a numerical simulation at on a space domain with periodic b.c. in the streamwise x-direction and spanwise z-direction, but stick b.c. in the wall-normal y-direction. We have obtained Huggins's reference potential by solving numerically Laplace's equation with boundary conditions (7), using a second-order central-difference scheme. The streamlines of this potential for one time snapshot from the database are plotted in panel (a) of Fig. 2 and show spatially irregular behavior near in-flow at x = 0 and out-flow at . The same irregularity is observed in the results for the wall-normal velocity component plotted in Fig. 3 at in-flow and out-flow. Even more seriously, this velocity component can be seen to be streamwise anti-periodic as is also the spanwise component (see supplementary materials, §I), both corresponding to a vortex sheet in . Interestingly, however, after inertial adjustment over a length of order the channel half-width, the potential flow field closely resembles a plug flow with spatially constant velocity for U the bulk flow velocity. The latter observation suggests that it might be possible in this case to use as reference flow the simple Euler solution with non-periodic potential , which has constant values at x = 0 and at . This idea is readily verified.
Case . | Nx . | Ny . | Nz . | . |
1 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 11.7 |
2 | 80 | 80 | 40 | 7.88 |
3 | 160 | 160 | 81 | 4.38 |
4 | 216 | 216 | 108 | 3.56 |
Case . | Nx . | Ny . | Nz . | . |
1 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 11.7 |
2 | 80 | 80 | 40 | 7.88 |
3 | 160 | 160 | 81 | 4.38 |
4 | 216 | 216 | 108 | 3.56 |
More detailed information about accuracy is afforded by the plots in Fig. 6 of the time series of the driving pressure-gradient and of the transfer term in the detailed JA-relation, suitably non-dimensionalized, which agree quite well over the entire recorded time period. However, in addition to numerical validation, further information about the physics is provided by the plots in Fig. 6 of the separate contributions to arising from viscous and nonlinear vorticity transport. At the moderate Reynolds number of the simulation, the viscous contribution is largest and the nonlinear contribution only about half as large. On the other hand, the instantaneous drag as measured by exhibits distinctive oscillations, which are contributed entirely by the nonlinear transport term in whereas the viscous term decays monotonically in time. We argue that the local maxima in drag are due to periodic episodes of strong vortex shedding from the smooth bump, whereas the local minima are due to episodes of weaker shedding. We present several pieces of evidence to support this interpretation.
We cannot find any such direct correspondence between the nonlinear term and the form drag , but it is well known that large form drag is associated with earlier or stronger shedding of vorticity by flow separation. Thus, the similar oscillations observed in both the form drag and the nonlinear transfer term are likely both due to oscillations in separation. Boundary-layer separation can, in fact, be verified in this flow by visualization of spatial fields in Fig. 8. For simplicity we have chosen to visualize a late time when the flow has become nearly steady and we plot fields in the vertical xy-plane at the spanwise midsection z = 0.25. The plot of the streamwise velocity u in Fig. 8(a) is relatively uninformative, showing just a slightly elevated region of reduced streamwise velocity downstream of the bump. However, the plot of the wall-normal velocity v in Fig. 8(b) shows a clear upward jet just upstream of the bump, while just downstream there is a bipolar pattern of downflow followed by upflow indicative of a recirculation bubble. Most compelling is the plot of the spanwise vorticity in Fig. 8(c), which shows a strong sheet of negative spanwise vorticity on the upstream face of the bump associated with a viscous boundary layer which is then shed into the flow downstream of the bump. On the downstream face of the bump, the vorticity is instead positive, indicating a recirculation bubble. In fact, we see such clear evidence of flow separation at all recorded times.
To get a physical understanding of the relation of drag to such vorticity dynamics, we can visualize the integrand appearing in the spatial integral which defines the transfer term in the detailed JA-relation of Eq. (46). We plot this integrand in Fig. 9 at the same time and in the xy-plane at the same spanwise position z = 0.25 as the flow fields plotted in Fig. 8, so that the two may be compared directly. We note, however, that while our flow varies substantially in time, it is rather spanwise homogeneous, so that the plots in xy-planes at other spanwise positions are very similar. We plot in Fig. 9(a) the viscous contribution to the integrand, in Fig. 9(b) the nonlinear contribution, and in Fig. 9(c) the combined integrand, representing local total flux of vorticity across flowlines of the Euler potential. We discuss each of the plots in turn.
The nonlinear contribution to the JA-transfer term plotted in Fig. 9(b) is the dominant one through the bulk of the flow, but consists of two large lobes of opposite sign upstream and downstream of the bump, which substantially cancel. Thus, at the moderate Reynolds number of this simulation, nonlinear transfer provides only 21.4% to the instantaneous drag at and viscous transfer the remaining 78.6%. The dominant contribution to the nonlinear vorticity flux in the region above the bump is the streamwise advection of spanwise vorticity, as may be seen from the plots in Fig. 8. The streamwise velocity plotted in Fig. 8(a) is more than an order of magnitude larger than the wall-normal component in Fig. 8(b), while the spanwise velocity (not shown) is even smaller. The largest component of vorticity is by far the spanwise one ωz and, in the region just above the bump, its sign is negative. This is the dominant sign of vorticity shed from the bump which then, given the periodic boundary conditions, recirculates through the domain in the streamwise direction. Note, incidentally, that the dominant shedding of negative spanwise vorticity is directly related to form drag on the bump by the Lighthill–Morton relation (51), since the smaller flux of positive vorticity after separation implies that the pressure never fully recovers its upstream value. The flux Σxz contributes to transfer across the potential streamlines because the latter bend vertically upward just upstream of the bump and vertically downward just downstream; see Fig. 5. These considerations easily account for the observed signs of the two lobes in Fig. 9(b).51 The reason that the positive/drag-producing lobe downstream dominates over the negative/drag-reducing lobe upstream is that the streamwise vorticity is strongest immediately after it is shed, whereas the vorticity periodically reentering the flow domain upstream is diffused and weaker.
Combining the viscous and nonlinear contributions yields the total transfer integrand plotted in Fig. 9(c). A very simple and intuitive picture thereby emerges for the origin of drag via vorticity dynamics. Negative spanwise vorticity is generated by the favorable pressure gradient on the upstream side of the bump, while a smaller amount of positive vorticity is generated by the adverse pressure gradient downstream. This vorticity viscously diffuses into the flow interior where nonlinear advection then takes over, convecting the excess negative spanwise vorticity downstream. Drag is produced as the negative spanwise vorticity crosses the streamlines of the background Euler potential. This picture directly relates the nonlinear flux contribution in the JA-relation to form drag, since the latter results from the shedding of excess negative spanwise vorticity, and we can therefore understand the high correlation between the two terms observed in Figs. 6 and 7. Note that the results that we have observed here for are quite general and hold at all recorded times. Only the strength of vortex shedding varies with time, with strong shedding at times of local maximum drag in Figs. 6 and 7 and weak shedding at times of local minimum drag. See Supplemental Material, Secs. II and III, in particular, for a comparison of the two times and corresponding to a local maximum and minimum, respectively.
Although we have considered only a single flow geometry at a single Reynolds number, many of our conclusions are much more general. In fact, the JA-relation has recently been evaluated by Du and Zaki52 for external flow past spherical and spheroidal bodies and their results are very similar to ours. Spanwise (azimuthal) vorticity is generated in that flow principally by favorable pressure gradients on the body surface. This azimuthal vorticity diffuses outward from the sphere by viscosity but is shed rapidly into the flow by boundary-layer separation. Nonlinear advection takes over, with convection, stretching, and twisting of vorticity, and resultant drag is produced by the integrated flux of the azimuthal vorticity across the streamlines of the background Euler potential. One difference is that Du and Zaki52 do not see an “anti-drag” lobe upstream of the body similar to ours in Fig. 9(c), because they do not use periodic boundary conditions and their inflow has negligible vorticity. In addition, their simulations are at higher Reynolds numbers than ours and the wake behind their body is fully turbulent. The vorticity dynamics in wall-bounded turbulent flows is more complex than what we observe in our laminar flow. As just one example, we observe nonlinear vorticity transfer in our flow to be dominated by streamwise advection of spanwise vorticity across potential streamlines, but the spanwise transport of wall-normal vorticity is found to play an essential role in turbulent channel-flow in the buffer layer and throughout the log-layer, related to velocity-correlated vortex-stretching.15 Nevertheless, the drag in turbulent wall-bounded flows is due also to the cross-stream flux of spanwise vorticity.8,14,15 Thus, the Josephson–Anderson relation reveals a deep underlying unity in the origin of drag via vorticity dynamics, encompassing flows both internal and external, both laminar and turbulent, and both classical and quantum.
We have reviewed in this paper the detailed Josephson–Anderson relation for instantaneous drag first derived by Huggins5 for internal flows through general channels and we have explained how this result provides the exact analogue of the drag formulas for external flow past bodies derived by Wu,36 Lighthill,35,37 Howe,13 Eyink,11 and others.12 In all of these works, instantaneous drag is divided into a potential part and an “effective” rotational part that arises from vorticity flux across streamlines of the background potential Euler flow. However, we showed that the original relation of Huggins5 suffers from significant problems when applied to classical turbulence and, in particular, his prescription for the background potential introduces a spurious vortex sheet for the streamwise periodic flows that are widely employed in numerical simulations. We proposed instead a reference potential Euler flow whose mass flux matches that of the total velocity field, while also ensuring that the vortical and potential velocity fields are orthogonal. The main theoretical result of our paper is the new detailed Josephson–Anderson relation (42) for streamwise periodic flows, which equates the instantaneous rate of work due to rotational pressure, given by (14), and the integrated flux of vorticity across potential streamlines, given by (15). We finally illustrated the utility of this relation by the example of Poiseuille flow in a flat-wall channel with a single smooth bump at the wall. The main physical conclusion of our work is contained in the numerical results plotted in Fig. 9 and the resulting explanation of the origin of drag in terms of vorticity shed due to flow separation from the bump.
It is interesting to ask how our results are related to the views of Feynman on the role of vortex reconnections in superfluid turbulence. Posing the question “What can eventually become of the kinetic energy of the vortex lines?,” Feynman19 argued that “the lines (which are under tension) may snap together and join connections a new way” and he proposed a picture of a sequence of reconnections as a path to dissipation of vortex energy into elementary excitations. A modern version of this picture is the Kelvin wave cascade generated by vortex reconnections.53,54 In fact, the experiments of Bewley et al.16 and Fonda, Sreenivasan, and Lathrop17,18 have visualized the quantized vortex lines in superfluid turbulence and observed their reconnection dynamics. We agree with the view that vortex reconnection is an intrinsic part of turbulence, not only in quantum fluids but also in classical fluids. A major difference is that classical vorticity distributions are continuous and Newtonian viscosity allows vorticity to diffuse like smoke through the fluid. However, the stochastic Lagrangian description of classical vortex motion via a Feynman–Kac representation shows that line-reconnection occurs everywhere in classical turbulent flows, continuously in time.55–57 On the other hand, focusing on the small-scale dissipation of fluid-mechanical vortex motions into heat, in our opinion, misses another essential element of turbulent dissipation. Referring to classical fluid turbulence driven by a pressure gradient, Feynman19 argued that “The vortex lines twist about in an ever more complex fashion, increasing their length at the expense of the kinetic energy of the main stream.” In fact, complex, irregular motion is not sufficient to explain turbulent dissipation in such flows. The essential new idea supplied by Josephson3 and Anderson,4 which was missed by Feynman, is that organized cross-stream vortex motion and not just random stretching and reconnection is required to explain the enhanced energy dissipation in wall-bounded turbulence of both quantum and classical fluids.
In our opinion, this point is likely of key importance in the explanation of the anomalous energy dissipation for incompressible fluid turbulence, which was proposed by Onsager39–41 and which was the subject of pioneering empirical investigations by Sreenivasan25,26 and Meneveau and Sreenivasan.27 Various experiments58,59 have shown that the presence of wall-roughness is crucial for the existence of a dissipative anomaly and some phenomenological scaling theories60,61 lead to the same conclusion. Experimental visualizations of flow around individual cubic roughness elements in a turbulent duct flow62 exhibit similar features as our smooth bump, with form drag, flow separation and vortex shedding into the interior. It thus seems likely that such phenomena must persist in order to produce a dissipative anomaly in the infinite Reynolds number limit. It is known from experimental studies of Sreenivasan20 and Sreenivasan and Sahay21 that viscous effects persist in the log-layer of smooth-wall turbulent flows up to the location of peak Reynolds stress and mean vorticity flux, in particular, is dominated by viscous transport over this range.8,15 Mathematical analysis38,41,63 shows that anomalous viscous transport of vorticity outward from the wall may, in fact, persist in the infinite-Reynolds limit, and persistent shedding of vorticity and resultant form drag seem the most plausible mechanism for anomalous energy dissipation in rough-walled turbulent flows.
In future work, we hope to apply our new detailed Josephson–Anderson relation to several problems of current interest. Our work gives a new perspective on the problem of turbulent drag reduction which we plan to pursue, in particular, for polymer additives.64 Note that the polymer stress contributes simply a body force in the Navier–Stokes equation (1) and the detailed JA-relation hence applies directly to viscoelastic fluids. Another problem of practical importance is the parameterization of surface drag in rough-walled turbulent flows, which has already been investigated65 by the Force Partition Method (FPM)66,67 which is closely related to the Josephson–Anderson relation. The relationship of these two approaches deserves to be discussed at length, but we just note here that FPM derives an exact expression for form drag as a spatial integral of the second-order invariant and the viscous acceleration weighted by a scalar potential and its gradient respectively. While such an integral relation is similar in form to the JA relation, FPM uses a different potential, yields results for the pressure contribution to drag only, and has the aim to relate form drag to Q-structures rather than to vorticity dynamics. Another approach to derive exact formulas for skin friction is that of Fukagata, Iwamoto, and Kasagi,68 yielding the so-called FIK identity, and a vorticity-based version, in particular, relates the skin friction to velocity–vorticity correlations,69 similar to the JA-relation. However, FIK-type identities apply only to flat-walled flows without form drag and yield a result only for homogeneous averages. The detailed Josephson–Anderson relation derived by Huggins5 and extended in this work, by contrast, describes the total drag from both skin friction and form drag and applies instantaneously in time.
See the supplementary material for the following additional data that are available: I. Huggins's potential flow: Spanwise and streamwise velocities, analogous to the wall-normal component in Fig. 3. II. Velocity and vorticity fields: Plots analogous to Fig. 8 at times of a local maximum and local minimum of drag. III. JA transfer integrands: Plots analogous to Fig. 9 at times of a local maximum and local minimum of drag. Pressure fields: Comparison of potential Euler pressure and pressure at an early time; pressure at a drag maximum, drag minimum, and at the instant in Figs. 8 and 9.
We thank Y. Du, N. Goldenfeld, J. Katz, C. Meneveau, R. Mittal, and T. Zaki for discussions of this problem and of their related results. We wish to express our gratitude to K. R. Sreenivasan for his friendship over many years and for his leadership in science, which we hope will continue well into the future. Finally, we thank the Simons Foundation for support of this work through the Targeted Grant No. MPS-663054, “Revisiting the Turbulence Problem Using Statistical Mechanics” and also the Collaboration Grant No. MPS-1151713, “Wave Turbulence.”
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Samvit Kumar: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (lead); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (lead); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administration (lead); Resources (equal); Supervision (lead); Validation (equal); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Gregory L. Eyink: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (supporting); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (lead); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administration (lead); Resources (equal); Supervision (lead); Validation (equal); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.