Triple decomposition is a powerful analytical method for a deep understanding of the flow structure by extracting the mean value, organized coherent motion, and stochastic part from a fluctuating quantity. Here, we perform the triple decomposition of the spatial two-dimensional data, especially pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) data, since the PSP method is widely used to measure the pressure distribution on a surface in wind tunnel testing. However, the PSP data measuring near atmospheric pressure contain significant noise, and this makes it difficult to conduct the decomposition. To construct phase-averaged data representing an organized coherent motion, we propose a relatively simple method based on a multi-dimensional scaling plot of the cosine similarity between each PSP datum. Then, the stochastic part is extracted by selecting phase-averaged data with an appropriate phase angle based on the similarity between the measurement and phase-averaged data, and the PSP data are successfully decomposed. Moreover, we consider sparse optimal sensor positions, in which the data are effectively represented, based on the stochastic part as a data-driven approach. The optimal sensor positions are determined as a combinatorial optimization problem and estimated using Fujitsu computing as a service digital annealer. We reconstruct the pressure distribution from the pressure data at the optimal sensor positions using the mean value, organized coherent motion, and stochastic part obtained from the triple decomposition. The root mean square error between the pressure measured by a pressure transducer and the reconstructed pressure obtained by the proposed method is small, even when the number of modes and sensor points is small. The application of PSP measurement is expected to expand further, and the framework for calculating triple decomposition and sparse representation based on the decomposition will be useful for detailed flow analysis.
In this study, we conduct the triple decomposition for noisy PSP data. We estimate using a simple phase-average method based on our previously proposed method.39 Then, the stochastic part is extracted, and the noise is removed using the POD analysis and sparse modeling. After conducting the triple decomposition, we estimate optimal sensor positions to effectively represent the distribution using Fujitsu computing as a service digital annealer.40,41 Sparse sensing is realized at optimal sensor positions, which are determined to be the solution to the optimal sensor placement problem.27,42–45 As a demonstration, we apply the proposed method to the PSP data measuring the pressure distribution of the Kármán vortex in our previous studies.46,47 The time-series pressure data are triple-decomposed and reconstructed as noise-suppressed data. The reconstructed pressure data are compared with those measured by a pressure transducer. This triple decomposition without using a reference signal is useful for analyzing flow field data with significant noise, such as the PSP data.
The pressure distribution measured by the PSP method can be decomposed into Eq. (3). First, the mean distribution for time is calculated. Second, the phase-averaged distribution is extracted as the coherent motion. Third, the stochastic part is obtained by calculating . Finally, the noise of the stochastic part data is reduced. The details of the proposed method are provided in this section.
A. Calculation of mean distribution for time
B. Estimation of coherent motion
C. Estimation of the stochastic part
A. Triple mode decomposition for PSP data
We applied the proposed method to the PSP data obtained in our previous study.46,47 The data were the pressure distribution induced by the Kármán vortex behind a square cylinder. The Reynolds number was . The time interval of was . Before applying the proposed method, the PSP distributions were processed by a smoothing spatial filter. A typical example of the processed data are shown in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, the noise was still large for further analysis.
Next, we calculated the cosine similarity for the 21 800 data points by Eq. (6). Since the data contained large amounts of noise, a truncated-SVD of rank five was used to reduce the noise. It is noted that these truncated-SVD data were only used for the calculation of the cosine similarity not for the following phase-averaging calculation. The MDS plot is shown in Fig. 2. The data on the circle with a radius of shown in the red dashed line represents a periodic phenomenon; thus, we obtained the phase-averaged data by dividing the data on the circle in 12 subsets ( ) and averaging each subset. Here, the number of the divisions per period was determined because the amount of data were not enough to reduce the noise by averaging for some phase range for larger . The phase-averaged data are shown in Fig. 3, where the phase angle ( ) is defined in Eq. (7). In this figure, the phase-averaged distributions of are presented for ease of visibility. The noise was significantly reduced by averaging.
B. Sparse sensing at optimal sensor points
As a data-driven approach, the pressure distribution can be reconstructed from the pressure data at the optimal sensor points estimated by the POD modes of based on triple decomposition. The mean value , organized coherent motion , and optimal sensor positions were given/pre-calculated as a prior knowledge. The reconstruction of the pressure distribution was conducted by the following method. First, we calculated the cosine similarities between the pressure data at optimal sensor positions and ( ) and selected at the phase that gives the maximum similarity. Second, was calculated using and . Third, the SVD of was calculated and the amplitudes of the POD modes were determined following Eq. (22) to extract using Eq. (19) from the noisy data of . Finally, the pressure distributions were obtained by .
The root mean square error (RMSE) between the pressure data measured by a pressure transducer through a pressure tap and the reconstructed data are shown in Fig. 13. The position of the pressure tap is shown in Fig. 13(a). For comparison, the RMSE results obtained by the method based on the previous study37,51 were also shown. The pressure distributions were reconstructed from the POD modes calculated from the observed data , and the amplitudes of these POD modes were determined by LASSO at the optimal sensor positions that were determined by these POD modes in the previous method. That is, the difference between these methods is whether the sensor position is determined based on the POD modes of . The horizontal axis in Fig. 13(b) represents the number of POD modes used to reconstruct the pressure distribution, and this was varied by varying in LASSO. The RMSE was calculated for time steps, and the standard deviation of the number of modes used for each time step is shown in the figure. The results for the optimal sensor points of 25 and 60 are shown. The RMSE values were small for a small number of optimal sensor points and POD modes in the proposed method. This result indicates that triple decomposition enables a sparser representation.
We conducted the triple decomposition of noisy pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) data that are decomposed to the mean value, organized coherent motion, and stochastic part. We proposed a relatively simple method based on the multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of the cosine similarity to construct phase-averaged data representing an organized coherent motion for periodic flows. Since the constructed phase-averaged data are typically discrete with respect to the phase angle direction, we produced the data with a sufficient phase angle step size by interpolating the data between the phase angles. Then, the stochastic part can be extracted by selecting phase-averaged data with an appropriate phase angle based on the similarity between the measurement data and phase-averaged data. The noise of the stochastic part was suppressed by superposing the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) modes, whose amplitudes were determined by the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) at optimal sensor positions. We used Fujitsu computing as a service digital annealer for the estimation of optimal sensor positions based on the POD modes of the stochastic part. In this manner, the triple decomposition of the noisy PSP data was performed. The application of PSP measurements is expected to expand further, and triple decomposition will be very useful.
The pressure distribution was successfully reconstructed from the pressures at the optimal sensor positions using the phase-averaged data and the POD modes of the stochastic part. The reconstructed pressures agreed well with those measured by a pressure transducer, even when the number of sensors was small compared with that in the previous study. As a result, a sparser representation was achieved using the triple decomposition.
A part of this work was supported by the Collaborative Research Project (J23I041 and J24I064) and the Low Turbulence Wind Tunnel Facility of the Advance Flow Experimental Research Center at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University. The authors express their gratitude to Dr. Yasuhumi Konishi, Mr. Hiroyuki Okuizumi, and Mr. Yuya Yamazaki for their assistance during the wind tunnel testing. We also gratefully appreciate Tayca Corporation for providing the titanium dioxide.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare the following competing interest: Takahiro Kashikawa and Koichi Kimura are employees of Fujitsu Ltd. All other authors declare no competing interest.
Author Contributions
Koyo Kubota: Conceptualization (supporting); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (lead); Methodology (supporting); Software (lead); Validation (equal); Visualization (equal). Makoto Takagi: Investigation (supporting); Methodology (supporting); Software (supporting). Tsubasa Ikami: Data curation (supporting); Investigation (supporting); Resources (equal); Validation (supporting); Writing – review & editing (supporting). Yasuhiro Egami: Data curation (supporting); Formal analysis (supporting); Investigation (supporting); Resources (equal); Writing – review & editing (supporting). Hiroki Nagai: Investigation (supporting); Resources (equal); Writing – review & editing (supporting). Takahiro Kashikawa: Methodology (supporting); Software (supporting); Validation (supporting). Koichi Kimura: Methodology (supporting); Software (supporting); Validation (supporting). Yu Matsuda: Conceptualization (lead); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (lead); Investigation (supporting); Methodology (lead); Project administration (lead); Resources (equal); Software (supporting); Supervision (lead); Validation (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (lead).
The part of the flow measurement dataset is available in Zenodo at (Ref. 47).